(48 秒)

25. This college ________ in engineering courses.
(A) claims
(B) feeds
(C) excels
(D) values


26. The elevator ___, so we walked all the way up to the top floor.
(A) broke down
(B) break in
(C) broke out
(D) broke up


27. Paying close attention to your outline for basic organization, you should proceed without worrying about the __________ of writing. This is not the time to concern yourself with perfect spelling, grammar, or punctuation.
(A) referenda
(B) refinements
(C) regimentals
(D) rehabilitates


28. Because you cannot write about all causes or all effects, you should try to identify and develop the most important ones. Consider that some causes are immediate, others _______; some visible, others hidden.
(A) general
(B) trivial
(C) remote
(D) hideous


29. The richness and elegance of this grown-up scene filled my eleven-year-old mind with wonder. Just looking upwards made me dizzy, the ceiling was so high that I felt _____ and small.
(A) insolent
(B) insignificant
(C) intensify
(D) incomplete


33. Joe: I can't believe it. _____
Tom: Oh no, that's terrible! Did they lose anything valuable?
Joe: Yeah, their passports, credit cards, and all their cash were in there.
Tom: I hope they reported it to the authorities. Losing all that must be so stressful.
(A)They had their bags stolen.
(B) They stole their bags.
(C) They had stolen their bags.
(D) They were stealing their bags.


34. Jim: Hey, Tim, I was thinking about joining the hiking club next weekend. Want to come along?
Tim: Hmm, hiking sounds fun, but unfortunately, I have a wedding to attend.
Jim: Oh, that's too bad. Well, maybe next time?
Tim: Definitely! But hiking in the mountains is _____ for me this weekend.
(A) out of proportion
(B) out of sight
(C) out of touch
(D) out of the question


          An earthquake shook the coastal town, its tremors leaving behind a double-edged impact. At first, chaos ensued, buildings crumbled, and lives were disrupted—a catastrophe unfolding before their eyes. However, amidst the rubble, a blessing in disguise emerged. The quake served as a wake-up call, prompting residents to take precautionary measures they had long neglected. Communities rallied together, strengthening bonds forged by adversity. New, earthquake-resistant structures rose from the debris, a testament to resilience and foresight. What seemed like a tragedy transformed into an opportunity for growth and renewal, reminding all that hope prevails even in the darkest moments.
【題組】37. How did the earthquake initially impact the coastal town?
(A) It strengthened community bonds.
(B) It caused chaos and disruption.
(C) It led to the construction of new buildings.
(D) It had no significant effect.


【題組】39. According to the passage, what was the ultimate outcome of the earthquake?
(A) The complete destruction of the coastal town.
(B) The formation of new identities among residents.
(C) The construction of earthquake-proof structures.
(D) The construction of earthquake-vulnerable structures.


         The scene is familiar enough, but this painting goes too far. The girl is treating her bird as if it were an ancient hero laid out on a bier. She has concocted an animal version of classical soldier’s death, something out of Hommer or Racine. She has very poetically draped the bird’s cage with ivy, and artfully arranged its dead body so that the head droops pitifully over the edge. (It makes the bird look like an opera singer who has just been stabbed.) Even the girl’s gesture is theatrical, the kind of histrionic pose children tend to pick up from their parents. 
        She does seem to be suffering, but her sadness is modeled on melodrama. Perhaps she has been reading too many romantic poems. (If she were a contemporary girl, we would say she had been reading her older sister’s Mills and Boon paperbacks or Harlequin romances.) It’s easy to picture the solemn ceremony that will follow: she will dress in full morning, and take the dead bird out to some poetic solitary place under a weeping willow.

【題組】41. How would a reader know that the female character in the reading DOES NOT live in the 21st century?
(A) Any girl of Z generation does not read Homer’s works.
(B) Any young man in the 21st century does not keep a bird as a pet.
(C) The girl reads Harlequin’s poems.
(D) The girl is not a contemporary girl.


31. The goal of this campus tour will be to meet with _____ students, who are the ones that may attend the school in the future.
(A) favorable
(B) prospective
(C) scheduled
(D) intended 6B04 第6頁,共 9 頁


33. The reviewers are asked to _____ strengths and weaknesses of the assesses for complete and precise evaluation results.
(A) testify
(B) specify
(C) magnify
(D) personify 1B04


35. One important _____ that a new teacher is responsible for is to recognize school climate, students’ backgrounds and their learning objectives.
(A) initiator
(B) initiative
(C) initiation
(D) initiating 1A03


36. More recently, geophysicists have exploited new technologies to lessen earthquake damage by using “real-time” _____.
(A) waveform
(B) seismology
(C) severity
(D) blind zone 5A03


38. The decrease in insulin action — known as insulin _____ — is triggered by several factors, including direct deleterious effects of excess lipids and other metabolic fuels on organs and tissues, enhanced inflammatory signaling, and the activation of stress pathways within the cellular structure.
(A) revolution
(B) reunion
(C) resistance
(D) regression 3A03


40. The related courses are planned in a coherent and integrative manner to _____ the goals of inspiring students to unleash their full potential, developing students’ knowledge about life, promoting students’ career development, and inculcating students’ civic responsibility.
(A) comply with
(B) supplely
(C) scoff at
(D) defy against


