阿摩:簡單的事重覆做,就會是專家; 重覆的事用心做,就會是贏家。
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請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
        According to their research report by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the USA’s space agency NASA hasconfirmed that human activity is responsible for a massive redistribution of freshwater across Earth. It said theredistribution is continuing as populations shift and __31__ for food increases. In particular, equatorialregions were __32__ , while tropical areas and higher latitudes were gaining water supplies. NASA warnedthat if this trend continued, many highly populated urban areas would struggle to find __33__  water in thefuture. NASA’s claims are the result of a 14-year study into shifting locations and  __34__ resources offreshwater. It was part of a mission __35__ between 2002-2016 called GRACE, which is an acronym forGravity Recovery and Climate Experiment. Researchers say that the shifting freshwater patterns are the resultof human activity.

(A) evading
(B) converting
(C) reversing
(D) depleting


22 At least eight people died when small boats _____ off the coast, in what authorities said was a human- smuggling operation gone awry.
(A) capsized
(B) declined
(C) embarked
(D) peddled


21 Children have their different temperaments that can be observed _____ how they react to the surroundings by their emotions and behaviors.
(A) in spite of
(B) in light of
(C) in addition to
(D) on behalf of


19 The general manager resigned after he was accused of _____ the truth and misleading the public about his company’s policies.
(A) revealing
(B) distorting
(C) advocating
(D) exemplifying


13 In a meeting, team members discuss and argue over a controversial issue. After long discussions, they finally reach a _____.
(A) conflict
(B) consensus
(C) conservative
(D) consequence


11 The _____ between the two competing business organizations has escalated into a trade war.
(A) confrontation
(B) configuration
(C) consensus
(D) conjunction


10 He was a kid with decisive personality who never _____ things for hours on end.
(A) browsed at
(B) blew up at
(C) brooded over
(D) brimmed over


6 The football team had to _____ its dominance over the opposing team to win the game.
(A) appall
(B) exert
(C) reduce
(D) dispel


5 The rapid population growth has _____ on the surrounding natural forests in search of more vacant land.
(A) retrieved
(B) encroached
(C) fertilized
(D) contemplated


4 The warnings that an invasion of the country was _____ seemed unbelievable to many analysts.
(A) immortal
(B) imminent
(C) adaptive
(D) adhesive


2 Two thieves _____ this mansion and got away with some jewelry a week ago.
(A) deployed
(B) condescended
(C) confiscated
(D) ransacked


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