(2 分37 秒)

3. Higher temperatures and lack of snow is causing the _____ of the glaciers.
(A) formation
(B) retreat
(C) complexity
(D) splendor


4. That old man lives on the street and has no _____.
(A) insistence
(B) relation
(C) residence
(D) habitat


11. The man is _____ as he lives a very simple life and wouldn’t spend one penny on anything unnecessary.
(A) thrifty
(B) fragile
(C) lavish
(D) stinky


14. Some entertainers are facing _____ of sexual assault as controversies rock show business this month.
(A) allegations
(B) delegations
(C) testimonies
(D) demonstrations


15. The _____ reports published by large-scaled companies each year can serve as a good reference for their business performances.
(A) experimental
(B) fiscal
(C) dynamic
(D) historic


18. It _____ years for the newborns to master all the necessary skills for daily life.
(A) spends
(B) costs
(C) needs
(D) takes


22. The lid of the jar seemed stuck. Do you mind _____ it?
(A) open
(B) opened
(C) to open
(D) opening


23. _____ is my favorite pastime.
(A) Listen music
(B) Listening music
(C) To listen music
(D) Listening to music


29. Teenagers are often rebellious and can easily get fed up _____ doing house chores.
(A) by
(B) in
(C) for
(D) with


30. Tim and Jacob have been friends since they were in kindergarten, and the two _____ really well.
(A) run over
(B) get on
(C) turn up
(D) come up


        Have you got a great idea for a new business but arenʼt quite sure where to begin? It can __31__ be a complex process. Here at Creative Consultants, we can turn your idea for a pet store__32__an actual shop. If youʼre looking to__33__an online business, retail store, or something in the service sector, we can also assist you with that. Our team of experts is familiar with every step of the process, from drafting a business plan to applying for a__34__. We also have in-house designers__35__can create advertisements, logos, and even websites. Once youʼre ready to start making money, our marketing group will help you come up with a solid strategy for reaching customers.

(A) out
(B) from
(C) behind
(D) into


       If you have COVID-19, you could__36__ it to others, even if you do not have symptoms. When you have symptoms, get tested and stay home until you have your__37__. If you have tested__38__(even without symptoms), follow the __39__ recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You would need to stay home and away from others for at least 5 days (possibly more, depending on how the virus affects you) and wearing a highquality,__40__mask when indoors around others for a period of time.

(A) celebrate
(B) fix
(C) avoid
(D) spread


       When little children get hurt, the first thing they usually ask for is a Band-Aid to make their wounds feel better. However, have you ever wondered what people used to cover wounds before Band-Aids were invented? Band-Aids have only been around since the 1920s, but people have been getting hurt for much longer than that. How people treated their wounds in the past may come as a surprise. In addition to cloth bandages, people often covered and cured their wounds with cobwebs.
       Cobwebs are made by members of the spider family called Theridiidae. These spiders do not spin typical webs that look like concentric polygons. Instead, these spiders spin a random, sticky, crisscrossed net in which they trap their prey. Most people associate cobwebs with a messy house mainly because of the dust that gathers on the adhesive strands of cobwebs. Yet, although it might appear untidy, the presence of cobwebs does not suggest an unhealthy space. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Many types of cobwebs are laced with penicillin, fungi that contain antibiotic properties. Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, came across the fungi when working with a colleague’s cobweb collection.
      When the cobwebs containing penicillin came into contact with some bacteria samples, the growth of the bacteria was stopped, and the bacteria samples died. The discovery of penicillin for use as an antibiotic changed the face of modern medicine because it helped treat many serious diseases. That explains why cobweb bandages were known for generations as a medical cure. Not only did the webbing help to coagulate the liquid on the wound, but it also contained penicillin, a powerful antibiotic that aided in the healing process. By using cobwebs to cover wounds, people with injuries were using antibiotics without even realizing it.
       Cobwebs appear in the stories of many cultures. These days, cobwebs are used as spooky decorations in Halloween scenes or bring a sense of frustration during people’s spring-cleaning. Next time, when you reach up to clean a dusty crevice, try not to feel frustrated but remember such a medical treasure tangled in your broom.

【題組】42. According to the passage, which of the following statement is NOT true?
(A) The history of Band-Aids can be traced to 1920s.
(B) Theridiidae spin the cobwebs in the shapes that look like concentric polygons.
(C) Cobwebs are sticky and carry healing effects.
(D) Unknowingly, people used to take advantage of cobwebs for their antibiotic properties.


【題組】44. What is the main purpose of this passage?
(A) To inform readers about cobwebs and their medicinal use.
(B) To emphasize the history of cobwebs and its fascinating features.
(C) To persuade readers to use cobwebs instead of Band-Aids.
(D) To remind readers of the famous stories about cobwebs and their uses.


        “Green building” is a popular term these days. But what does that really mean, and who decides whether a building is green or not? In the United States, there is no governing body which says: “This building is green and that one isnʼt.” The Environmental Protection Agency does have a definition in place, though. According to the EPA, green buildings are structures that use natural resources efficiently and in a sustainable way.
       You might think that this is a new or very modern idea, but it actually dates back half a century. In the 1970s, buildings that used the modern “green” architecture concepts began to appear. For instance, the Willis Faber and Dumas Headquarters building in England had a grass roof. It also had a large center hall that was lit by natural light. In California, the Gregory Bateson Building was one of the first constructions to use solar cells to store energy from the sun.
       In the following decade, people were starting to realize that besides helping the environment, green buildings could also save them money on their heating, cooling, and electric bills. Solar panels became more widely used for a renewable source of electricity. Buildings also began to be equipped with rainwater collection systems. In another decade’s time, even the White House itself was undergoing the process of turning green. Experts believe that, since 1996, the White House has saved US$300,000 a year in energy and water costs.
       Today, green architecture is taking off all over the world. There is even a Global Award for Sustainable Architecture, which was founded in 2006. It is handed out each year to five architects who design the most revolutionary and innovative green buildings. One of the winners in 2023, Xu Tiantian of China, is known for her “Architectural Acupuncture,” a holistic approach to the social and economic revitalization of rural China. In the future, more architects are expected to join this green trend.

【題組】50. Which of the following is true about the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture?
(A) It has a history of over a decade and a half.
(B) It has a prize money of US$300,000 each year.
(C) It recognizes five archaeologists annually.
(D) It’s current president is Chinese artist Xu Tiantian.



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