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試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 地方政府特種考試_三等_各類科:英文(重複)#96500
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第 31 題至第 35 題為題組:

      Life in a big city has some advantages. In a big city, there is every kind of facility for education. Any kind of education, liberal or vocational or technical is    31    the reach of the persons living in big cities. An ordinary man living in a big city can afford for his children that education which a rich man in a village cannot afford easily. Good and well equipped educational institutions are the permanent assets of big cities. A boy or girl living in a big city has a better general knowledge than a village boy or girl has and    32    well-informed about the affairs of the world. Thus a child born and bred in the city is more enlightened than a child born and brought up in rural atmosphere.

      Life in a big city is free from    33    and diseases because ample medical facilities are available there. Hospitals, well equipped with latest medical instruments, are the source of medical relief to every reason living in a big city.    34    the government hospitals, we find well qualified and highly competent private medical practitioners in big cities. Such facilities are not available in a village.

      Life in a big city is not dull and drab because there are    35    means of recreation there. The picture halls, theaters, the beautifully illuminated markets, the well-furnished and well-maintained hotels and restaurants, the charming parks and gardens and the good-looking and heart-captivating towns of new styled buildings give immense pleasure to everybody living in a big city.







(A)In case of
(B)Except for 
(C)In opposition to
(D)In addition to



6( ).

36 題至第 40 題為題組:
      The French president, Emmanuel Macron, is facing a people’s revolt against plans to give his wife
an official “first lady” role.
      More than 150,000 people have signed a    36    against the move that would give Brigitte
Macron an office, staff and an allowance from the    37    purse.
      The rebellion comes    38    Macron’s popularity continues to plummet. Polls last month showed
he had dropped seven percentage points with only 36% of French people    39    they were happy with
their new leader. At the same period in their mandate Macron’s predecessors François Hollande and
Nicolas Sarkozy were at 56% at 66%    40    .
      During his presidential campaign, Macron promised to “clarify” the role of the French president’s
wife by giving them an official status, describing the current situation as a “kind of French hypocrisy”.

(A) contract 
(B) document
(C) petition 
(D) treaty

7( ).

(B) foreign
(C) private
(D) public

8( ).

(A) as
(B) like
(C) to
(D) in

9( ).

(A) said
(B) say
(C) saying
(D) to say

10( ).

(A) totally
(B) personally
(C) individually
(D) respectively

11( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
      In a city where eating well is an obsession, a statement by a senior official published in a national
newspaper caused a public outcry. Vallop Suwandee, who chairs an advisory board to the governor of
Bangkok, was quoted as saying that street vendors would be removed from all 50 districts of the city. It
seemed that one of the most popular and distinctive aspects of Bangkok life was to be wiped out, days
after CNN had voted Bangkok the best place in the world for street food, and just two months before the
city government was planning to hold a street-food festival.
      Mr. Vallop now says he was misquoted: “Let me be clear, on behalf of the city of Bangkok. Street
food will continue to be part of Bangkok life, on the condition that there will not be obstructions for
pedestrians, and that the vendors observe sanitary rules in the interest of public health. We will allow
them to be in certain areas, under strict conditions.”
      This is not the first time the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority (BMA), which is responsible for
running the city, has tried to impose order and standards on the hundreds of thousands of food vendors
operating on the streets. Right after the BMA was first established in 1972, it launched a similar
campaign to force the vendors to operate in designated markets instead.
      Variations of that campaign were revived every few years but implementation has always been
weak because the BMA recognised the vital role street vending played in providing a source of income
in difficult economic times. Most of the time it has quietly chosen not to push too hard.
      This time may be different. The number of officially approved locations for street food vendors has
been cut dramatically, from a peak of 726 four years ago to 243 by the end of last year. Tens of
thousands of vendors have been forced to move already, leaving many downtown areas like Siam
Square, Asok and Silom with few or no street-food stalls now visible during the day and night.
      The most recent area to be cleared is the increasingly wealthy neighbourhood of Thonglor. A small
side street, or soi, which for many years had been famous for its street food, is no more, although city
officials say the vendors were offered alternative locations in smaller sois further away.

【題組】41 What is the main idea of the passage?
(A)To criticize BMA’s decision to remove street vendors.
(B)To support BMA’s efforts to remove street vendors.
(C)To inform the reader about the removal of street vendors.
(D)To support street vendors in their fight against removal.

12( ).

【題組】42 How does the public react to the gradual removal of street food vendors?
(A)They are profoundly shocked.
(B)They are genuinely pleased.
(C)They utterly agreed.
(D)They strongly opposed.

13( ).

【題組】43 Why didn’t BMA carry out their plans to remove street vendors much earlier?
(A)Because they didn’t have enough governmental and public support.
(B)Because they didn’t have appropriate means of implementing.
(C)Because they acknowledged the vendors’ contributions to the country’s economy.
(D)Because they didn’t propose acceptable and effective strategies for implementation.

14( ).

【題組】44 According to Mr. Vallop Suwandee, which of the following is true?
(A)Street food will cease to be a part of Bangkok life.
(B)Street food will remain a part of Bangkok life, but with certain constraints.
(C)Street food will remain a part of Bangkok life without any alterations.
(D)Street food will never cease to be a part of Bangkok life unless the vendors themselves decide to do so.

15( ).

【題組】45 According to the passage, what is the profile of Bangkok?
(A)A city where eating is an inextricable part of everyday life.
(B)A city in which street food stalls keep thriving and flourishing.
(C)A city which is famous for its night life and small sois.
(D)A city where numbers of street vendors increase considerably.

16( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
      Music activates many regions of the brain, including auditory, motor and limbic (associated with
emotions). Such widespread activation of brain explains many beneficial emotional and cognitive music
effects. The idea that music makes you smarter received considerable attention from scientists and the
media. Listening to music or playing an instrument can actually make you learn better. And research
confirms this by showing that music has the power to enhance some kinds of higher brain function:
literacy skill, spatial-temporal reasoning, mathematical abilities (even children with attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder could benefit in mathematics tests from listening to music beforehand),
emotional intelligence, and recall of autobiographical and episodic information.
      The power of music to affect memory is quite intriguing. Earlier it has been thought that listening to
classical music, particularly Mozart, enhances performance on cognitive tests. However, there are
findings that show that listening to any personally enjoyable music has positive effects on cognition.
Listening to music also facilitates the recall of information. Researchers have shown that certain types of
music are great keys for recalling memories. Information learned while listening to a particular song can
often be recalled simply by “playing” the songs mentally. Musical training has even better effect than
just listening to classical music. Activities, such as playing an instrument or singing, involve both sides
of the brain at the same time. The information being studied activates the left brain while the music
activates the right brain. The simultaneous left and right brain action causes the brain to be more capable of processing information, hence maximizing learning and retention of information. There is clear evidence that children who take music lessons develop a better memory compared with children who have no musical training.
      Moreover, music that is easy to listen to or relaxing classics improves the duration and intensity of
concentration in all age groups and ability levels. It’s not clear what type of music is better, or what kind
of musical structure produces the best results, but many studies have shown significant effects.

【題組】46 What is this passage mainly about?
(A)Effects of music on our health.
(B)Effects of music on our brain.
(C)Effects of music on our emotion.
(D)Effects of music on our memory.

17( ).

【題組】47 According to the passage, which of the following statements about the benefits of music can NOT be inferred?
(A)Music can cure one’s attention deficit or the hyperactivity disorder.
(B)Music can enhance one’s awareness of his/her own and other’s emotions.
(C)Music can improve one’s ability to process and retain numerical information.
(D)Music can enhance one’s command of language use, like reading and writing.

18( ).

【題組】48 What can be inferred about the passage if one wants to maximize the cognitive benefits of music?
(A)Learning to play the piano may bring out larger benefits.
(B)Listening to Mozart’s music only may exert the greatest effects.
(C)Learning to process music with the left brain only may exert greater effects.
(D)Listening to background music of a movie may be the most effective method.

19( ).

【題組】49 According to the passage, why is it possible for children to develop a better memory after receiving musical training?
(A)Because musical training may make brain activities less intense.
(B)Because musical training may help to release more memory space.
(C)Because musical training makes certain brain areas more specialized in recall.
(D)Because musical training results in more concurrent activation of the left and right brain.

20( ).

【題組】50 Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “intriguing”?
(C) disturbing
(D) soothing


試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 地方政府特種考試_三等_各類科:英文(重複)#96500-阿摩線上測驗
