(34 秒)

43. The teacher couldn’t understand ________ the student wrote in the answer sheet.
(A) that
(B) what
(C) which
(D) about


45. I saw a lot of boys and girls ___________basketball in the rain this morning.
(A) played
(B) to play
(C)are playing
(D) playing


50. Clerk: How may I help you? Customer: I would like to cash this check. Clerk: _______________ Customer: Here you go.
(A) Please show me your identification.
(B) How much do you want to withdraw?
(C) Are you ready to make a wish?
(D) Please go ahead.


   Muhammd Yunus was an economics professor when Bangladesh was 51 a terrible famine in 1974. Millions of starving people flocked into the cities and needed food. He decided to do something to help these poor souls. Therefore, 52 his students to the countryside to observe the lives of the poor, he 53 an idea that would change the fate of millions of lives. He offered loans to the women who suffered for a very small debt with unfair condition. Soon, they began saving and were able to pay him back. This improved their living condition a lot. 
   This small success gave Yunus an idea. He got support from a major government bank to pay for his project and 54 the Grameen Bank. Since then, he 55 to helping the poor. And he’ll keep on working for his ideals all his life.

(A) was dedicated
(B) has been dedicated
(C) had dedicated
(D) dedicated


<第二篇> phpduCJVZ

【題組】68. What does a potential owner need to keep a guide dog?
(A) A stable income.
(B) A mental disability.
(C) A family.
(D) A big house.


