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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(251~260)
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37. Miss Young is very ______ with her students so they all are afraid of her.


In order to keep the community clean, more than 100 volunteers helped ________ trash in the neighborhoods.
(A)bring about
(B)go through
(C)pick up
(D)vote for


  Lily was very excited on her way to school. This was the day her sixth-grade class was going on its field trip to the town historical museum. As she looked out the bus window, she noticed that the bus was stopping at her friend Susan’s house. She watched as Susan and her little sister climbed aboard the bus.
  Some children in the class were looking forward to the trip because they usually didn’t get to ride a bus to school. Others in the class had been enjoying the study of their town’s history and learning about what early life had been like for their ancestors.
  Soon they were at school and joined the rest of the sixth graders in homeroom. Obviously, by the chatter around them, their classmates were just as excited as they were. (請依據上述文章,回答36~39題)

【題組】37 How did Lily’s classmates feel about their field trip?
(A)It was a routine activity.
(B)It was very boring.
(C)It was time-consuming.
(D)It was fun and educational.


50 The _____ of this book is a winner of the Nobel Prize.


請依下文回答第 28 題至第 32 題
  When China’s new leader spoke to the media recently, he said that the Chinese people wish for “more comfortable living conditions and a more beautiful environment.” This, he said, is the goal that China must try, one that is surely shared   28   many Chinese. To reach that goal, however, China needs to grow fast   29   improving the poor conditions of its environment, especially its air and water. China, for one, has a drinking problem. A group of experts discussed the problem at a meeting recently held in Beijing, and most   30   that China’s water crisis looks very terrible.   31   an official report, China is one of 13 countries with serious water shortages. While China has 20% of the world’s population,it   32   holds 6% of the world’s water resources. But the problem is also worsen by its rapid and short-sighted development. 

(A) According to
(B) Because of
(C) In reply to
(D) In contrast with


2 I was invited to her birthday party,_____ I couldn’t go as I had to take care of my little brother.
(A) because
(B) but
(C) for
(D) so


    Nowadays, computers have become part of our daily lives. People use computers to search for information, or simply play computer games. 

    I use my computer twice a week. I frequently use it to download pop songs and movies from the Internet. I often use Facebook to keep in touch with friends who are far away. Sometimes I write something and post it on my blog in order to let others know what is going on in my life. 
    Computers are convenient; however, they do cause serious problems. For example, some teenagers play computer games so often that they ignore their studies. They become addicted to computer games and stop interacting with people, finally forgetting how to function in the real world. In addition, long hours of computer use can result in poor eyesight and other health problems.

【題組】42 How often does the speaker use his or her computer?
(A) every day
(B) every other week
(C) two times a week
(D) twice a day


40 I will never go eat at that restaurant again because the waiter was very________ and even spilled the wine on my dress.
(A) polite
(B) famous
(C) useful
(D) rude


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
Look at the following information and answer the questions.

Reservation Details61db833d814ee.jpg

【題組】49 When is the deadline to pay for the reserved ticket?
(A) December 17.
(B) December 18.
(C) December 29.
(D) December 30.


30 The old man was ________ at his next-door neighbor for playing loud music all night long.
(A) ill
(B) key
(C) mad
(D) shy


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(251~260)-阿摩線上測驗
