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試卷測驗 - 104 年 - 104 地方政府特種考試_五等_一般行政:英文#35739
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36 The students were required to _____ their term papers by the deadline.
(A) subject
(B) submit
(C) subside
(D) supply


37. This is private estate. No _____ is allowed.
(A) postponing
(B) trespassing
(C) harvesting
(D) depositing


38 My parents will move back to the city in a year or _____ .
(A) else
(B) about
(C) so
(D) ago


39. Horses have keener sense of taste and smell than humans. They can sense smells humans cannot _____.
(A) offend
(B) detect
(C) protect
(D) regret


40 Not so long ago, the nation was _____ as one of the most affluent in the continent.
(A) copied
(B) tuned
(C) ranked
(D) fired


第 41 題至第 45 題為題組
Music is such an important part of most people’s lives, and the advent of the Internet and iTunes has really changed the way we interact with our music.  41  we are in the car, at the gym, or relaxing after a hard day of work, music can work magic. Today, it is not  42  to have thousands of songs on your music playlist.  43 , many people have so much music that it is literally out of control! Today’s digital players offer a wealth of ways to  44  and organize music, but if you are not careful, it can quickly become a nightmare. Ask yourself: How many duplicate songs do you have in your collection? How many songs are listed as “track unknown”? If this describes you, then you may be interested in a great new plug-in service called TuneUp that is coming to the  45  of millions of music lovers.

(A) Though
(B) Whether
(C) Since
(D) However


(A) usual
(B) legal
(C) likely
(D) uncommon


(A) However
(B) Although
(C) In fact
(D) In conclusion


(A) store
(B) earn
(C) coach
(D) assume


(A) invention
(B) celebration
(C) rescue
(D) profit


第 46 題至第 50 題為題組 
Problem solver. Creative. Works well under pressure. 
These are key personality traits employers will be seeking no matter what position they’re hiring for—and chances are, you resume probably already showcases them in some way. But these days, hiring managers from some firms aren’t content to take job seekers at their word—they want to see it to believe it. 
And that’s why some companies have turned the interview process on its head. Instead of the traditional questions you might expect in an interview, they’re giving candidates problems to solve—problems which, at first glance, might seem totally random. Google, for example, has been known to ask, “How many people are using Facebook in San Francisco at 2:30 PM on a Friday?” Hewlett-Packard asks, “If Germans were the tallest people in the world, how would you prove it?” 
No doubt, these are tough questions but there is no need to panic. Your interviewer isn’t necessarily looking for a right answer. He wants simply to determine how quickly you can think on your feet, how you’ll approach a difficult situation, and, most importantly, whether you can remain positive and proactive and make progress in the face of a challenge.

【題組】46 What is the passage mainly about?
(A) Effective resume writing.
(B) Comparison between Google and Hewlett-Packard.
(C) Rising popularity of Facebook.
(D) Challenges to today’s interviewees.


【題組】47 According to the passage, which of the following is an essential characteristic of a potential employee in the eye of the employer?
(A) Good command of English.
(B) Attractive appearance.
(C) Great computer skills.
(D) Problem-solving ability.


【題組】48 What does the pronoun them refer to?
(A) Chances.
(B) Employers.
(C) Traits.
(D) Works.


【題組】49 What would a proactive person most likely do?
(A) Panic when danger approaches.
(B) Escape from work pressure.
(C) Take action and make changes in advance.
(D) Take hiring managers at their word.


【題組】50 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) A candidate should highlight his/her strengths in the resume.
(B)“How many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?” is a common interview question today.
(C) Nowadays company managers want their employees to be able to make quick decisions.
(D) Interviewers today always expect the interviewees to give the right answers to the questions they raise.


試卷測驗 - 104 年 - 104 地方政府特種考試_五等_一般行政:英文#35739-阿摩線上測驗
