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試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 臺灣警察專科學校_專科警員班第 37 期正期學生組新生入學考試:英文科#73783
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1. It is the     moment for him, so instead of feeling depressed, he'd better pull himself together and try his upmost. 


2. Faced with the immense power of natural disasters like earthquakes or typhoons, humans, more often than not, appear     vulnerable. 


3. Anne will never let anything     her from pursuing her dream despite all the difficulties she's likely to encounter. 


4. After a series of tests, Brian proved to be the most competent among all the     , the one everyone could look to. 


5. For decades, the vegetable vendor     most of her income to charities, which makes her such a great role model. 


6. Even though he seems     most of the time, none can be more careful than he in terms of handling thorny situations. 


7. Many find it difficult to buy a(n)     affordable apartment in a big city because housing prices have been rising. 


8. From time to time criticism is unavoidable, which we can use in a positive way to improve, or in a negative way that may lower our     . 


9. During tourism seasons, this coastal town is     with visitors who expect to relax and enjoy the breathtaking scenery to their heart's content. 


10. To everyone's surprise, Paul     , devoted himself to charities, and even organized a non-profit organization helping the needy. 
(A)followed in his father's footsteps 
(B)beat around the bush 
(C)got cold feet 
(D)vanished into thin air


11. As a result of all the efforts the local government has been making, this small town     a large industrial city. 
(A)holds down 
(B)puts across 
(C)attends to 
(D)grows into


12. Michael regrets when he was young, he    day by day without making good use of his time and now he still hasn't yet accomplished anything. 
(A)burst out 
(B)idled around 
(C)paid off 
(D)wore out


13. Don't push yourself too hard; taking a vacation     enables one to restore energy, so stop being tense all the time. 
(A)on occasion 
(B)on the off chance 
(C)in time 
(D)around the clock


14. This young man was left paralyzed from the neck down     a serious car crash, which also claimed three lives. 
(A)in response to 
(B)for the sake of 
(C)on account of 
(D)in return for


15. A Syrian boy, who attempted to reach Greece along with other refugees, was found lying dead on a Turkish beach, which     global refugee crisis. 
(A)had a go at 
(B)called attention to 
(C)sorted out 
(D)brought down


16. The reason millennials are called "strawberry generation" is     they are believed to be "easily bruised." 


17. Smartphones are rather helpful in many aspects, and, as a result, many     it difficult to do without one. 


18. As more and more species are faced with extinction, how to sustain biodiversity is     great significance to human beings. 


19. Learning for her grandfather's death, Sally was struck dumb with tears     down her cheeks. 
(A)to stream 


20. Keven, on behalf of his company, successfully signed a contract with a multinational corporation this morning. He     ecstatic at that moment. 
(A)can't be 
(B)couldn't have been 
(C)must be 
(D)must have been


21. Maggie considers that hustle and bustle of New York annoying as she     in the tranquil countryside. 
(A)was used to live 
(B)used to living 
(C)is used to live 
(D)is used to living


22. To pay his way through college, Allen takes a couple of part-time jobs, one of     is tutoring elementary school students. 


23. Dying to pass the upcoming exams with flying colors, all Sarah has to do is    . 
(A)sitting up day after day 
(B)work harder for the exams 
(C)to stopping checking her phone so much 
(D)stayed focused on her schoolwork


24.     as Jason was, he tried hard to repress his overwhelming joy for fear that his opponents thought him arrogant. 


25. When traveling solo in a foreign country, you cannot be     careful about any stranger getting close to you; that person may be a pickpocket. 


閱讀測驗※26-30為題組※   Facial recognition technology is coming of age. The new iPhone can be unlocked simply by looking at it, and accessing your smartphone is just one of many ways that facial recognition will change our daily lives. Soon we'll be using our faces to pay for groceries, catch trains, pass through airport security, and more.   In China, you can already use your face to gain access to office buildings and authorize ATM withdrawals. In Europe, high-end hotels and retailers use it to identify celebrity customers to make sure they get special treatment. Australian airports are installing a system that lets airline passengers glide through security without passports--and facial recognition systems are beginning to appear in U.S. airport too.   "Everybody's face is slightly different, so it's almost like a 3D fingerprint," says Lyndon Smith, professor of computer simulation and machine vision at the University of the West of England. According to him, we can even differentiate between identical twins when we're applying this kind of technique. Smith is developing a system that he believes could replace train tickets. Like the new iPhone, it uses infrared scanning to recognize patterns in facial features and then compares them against a database of known facial patterns. He claims the system would work well in stores and banks as well as train stations, so wherever we go in the world, we could, rather than carrying a card around with a PIN and all the complexity, just simply use our faces.   Experts say facial recognition systems can be extremely reliable. Apple claims its new iPhone has no trouble telling a real face from a photo--and can even recognize individuals if they grow a beard or wear eyeglasses. And researchers in the U.K. and India have developed a system that they say can peer through disguises--including fake beards and scarves that obscure part of the face. It uses 14 key landmarks around the eyes, nose, and lips. That is, if some factures are hidden, it uses others to make the identification.   The system is intended to "take a lot of criminals off of the streets," says Amarjot Singh, a graduate student and one of the researchers in engineering the University of Cambridge. He is excited that the system can function well as an X-ray to look into people's identity. Excitement aside, Singh is among those who worry that the rise of facial recognition technology raises privacy concerns. Some worry governments could abuse the systems to assert inappropriate control over their citizens and stifle protests. Others worry that facial recognition systems will reveal information that individuals might wish to keep private. Last year, Stanford University researchers sparked a controversy when they published research suggesting that facial recognition can predict an individual's sexual orientation.   The bottom line? Facial recognition technology is already out there, although how to use it without putting people at risk invading their privacy remains a hot debate topic. Smith insists that their intention is certainly not to have some kind of Big Brother thing going on; they wouldn't want this system to be used by anybody who didn't want to use it. He reassures the public that they're not trying to monitor people--they're trying to help people in their everyday lives.
【題組】26. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the uses of facial recognition technology? 
(A)Unlocking a smartphone. 
(B)Gaining access to a building. 
(C)Keeping citizens under surveillance. 
(D)Ensuring special treatment for celebrity guests.


【題組】27. Which of the following statements is true about the technology? 
(A)Identical twins can be distinguished with this newly developed technique. 
(B)This system fails to identify people of parts of their faces are made unclear. 
(C)The police don't intend to take advantage of it to track suspects and catch criminals. 
(D)Airline passengers should always show their passport to pass through security at any airport.


【題組】28. The word stifle is closest in meaning to     . 


【題組】29. Where are we most likely to find this article? 
(A)In a travel brochure. 
(B)In a science magazine. 
(C)In a chemistry journal. 
(D)In a geography textbook.


【題組】30. What can we infer from the passage? 
(A)Consumers protest against the Face ID function on the new iPhone. 
(B)Coverings that obscure most of the face are never a problem for identification. 
(C)The revelation of private information is no longer an issue citizens worry about. 
(D)In the near future, all we need will be our face to take a train or make a purchase in a store.


31. We'll have to shoulder all the responsibility         we choose to deal with current adversity.
(A) whether
(B) whatever
(C) wherever
(D) no matter which
(E) no matter how


32. With global warming worsening, it is high time that each one of us action to fight against it.
(A) took
(B) takes
(C) should take
(D) can take
(E) to be taken


33. More and more people decide to move to the suburbs due to the fact that the rent in a city is at least _ that in the suburbs.
(A) twice higher than
(B) so twice high as
(C) more than two times
(D) twice the price of
(E) twice as high as


34. his best friends' timely help, he wouldn't succeed in starting his own business and even making it flourish.
(A) Owing to
(B) Without
(C) Were it not for
(D) If it had not been for
(E) Had it been for


35. News media are waiting in front of the movie star's house digging out exclusive news stories about the murder of her husband.
(A) so as to
(B) in order that
(C) in order to
(D) with a view to
(E) for the purpose of


36. 請選出翻譯正確的句子:為了名利而失去朋友,他才體會到他們的重要。
(A) Not until he lost his friends for fame and fortune did he realize their importance.
(B) To lose friends because of fame and fortune, he came to realize their importance.
(C) He didn't realize his friends' importance until he lost them in pursuit of fame and fortune.
(D) Upon losing his friends when chasing after fame and fortune, he didn't realize their importance.
(E) It was not until he lost his friends while pursuing fame and fortune that he realized their importance.


37. 請選出翻譯正確的句子:他突然想起忘了關爐火。
(A) She suddenly remembered turning off the stove.
(B) It occurred to her that she forgot to turn off the stove.
(C) All of a sudden, she recalled not to turn off the stove.
(D) It flashed through her mind that she forgot to turn the stove off.
(E) An idea popped into her head that she forgot to turn the stove off.


38. 請選出翻譯正確的句子:預測地震確切在何時會發生是不可能的。
(A) There's no predicting exactly when an earthquake will happen.
(B) It's impossible to predict exactly when quakes are going to happen.
(C) Having predicted when exactly earthquakes will occur is hardly likely.
(D) There's no possibility of predicting when exactly earthquakes will happen.
(E) It is not out of the question to predict when exactly quakes will take place.


39. 請選出翻譯正確的句子:你越正面思考,就越能勇敢面對挑戰。
(A) If you contemplate more positively, you will face challenges more bravely.
(B) You contemplate more negatively, or you will face challenges more bravely.
(C) The more positively you think, the more courageously you will confront challenges.
(D) The more negatively you ponder, the more courageous you will be confronting challenges.
(E) When you think more pessimistically, you are able to embrace challenges in a braver manner


40. 請選出翻譯正確的句子: 他一得知走失的女兒安然無恙被找回,就不禁潸然淚下。
(A) Upon knowing his missing girl was found safe and sound, he couldn't help but cry.
(B) He couldn't but crying the moment he learned that his losing girl was found unharmed.
(C) Hardly had he known that his missing girl was found safe and sound than he couldn't but cry.
(D) He had no sooner known that his lost girl was found safe and sound when he couldn't help crying.
(E) He couldn't help crying as soon as he knew of the news that his missing girl was found unharmed.


試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 臺灣警察專科學校_專科警員班第 37 期正期學生組新生入學考試:英文科#73783-阿摩線上測驗
