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試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 中華郵政股份有限公司_職階人員甄試_專業職(一)_全類組_共同科目:英文#75286
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11. We don’t know if a person in a controversial ethical case is ________ or guilty.
(A) innocent
(B) meaningful
(C) scientific
(D) violent


12. The Prime Minister complained that he ________ from the previous administration a government filled with corrupt and untrustworthy top officials.
(A) overheard
(B) coiled
(C) resided
(D) inherited


13. The ________ of the Internet was ARPANET, something used by the US Department of Defense in the late 1960s.
(A) renaissance
(B) melancholy
(C) concession
(D) predecessor


14. The office was assigned a ________ to design a staircase in a villa located in Miami Indians Creek Island.
(A) glacier
(B) project
(C) janitor
(D) pilgrim


15. Giving a ________ speech in English is a challenge for many non-native speakers.
(A) foreign
(B) greedy
(C) formal
(D) generous


16. Your checked-in luggage ________ varies between 15kg and 23kg depending on which class you book for our flight.
(A) revolution
(B) allowance
(C) mischief
(D) firecracker


17. If your home is ________ due to heavy rainfall, you can contact the local police office for help.
(A) repeated
(B) linked
(C) flooded
(D) contained


18. The purpose of this regulation is to establish ________ for cooking oil.
(A) uniforms
(B) parrots
(C) gardeners
(D) standards


19. The marketing manager made a speech ________ he introduced his plans for the whole company.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) what
(D) in which


20. My uncle ________ to San Francisco for a business exhibition there. He will be back next week.
(A) has been
(B) has gone
(C) was gone
(D) was been


21. Why ________ getting more information about President Abraham Lincoln?
(A) are you interesting to
(B) are you interesting with
(C) are you interested in
(D) are you interested on


22. This beach is our private property. Nobody but you and your children ________ allowed to enter it.
(A) be
(B) am
(C) is
(D) are


23. There are many little pigs in the barn. One is white, ________ is black, and ________ are brown.
(A) other, the other
(B) another, other
(C) other, the others
(D) another, the others


24. ________ I can remember, we only had biscuits, French fries, and popcorns.
(A) As far as
(B) As soon as
(C) As long as
(D) As well as


25. The DNA samples made it possible ________ victims found in this massive train accident.
(A) identify
(B) to identify
(C) identified
(D) identifying


During All Souls’ Day in England, the poor, mostly children, went from door to door begging for food. Families baked and shared ’soul cakes’ with them 26 for their prayers for a dead relative – possibly the origin of trick-or-treating. The tradition of 27 costumes most likely originated from Christians who wore masks or costumes in order to conceal their identities. There is no evidence of Halloween celebrations 28 many Irish migrants fleeing from the Potato famine introduced it to Americans in the 19th century. 29 , it still remained mainly confined to the immigrant communities until it slowly assimilated into mainstream society in the early 1990’s. In the late 1800s, Halloween was transformed into a holiday focusing on community 30 ghosts and witchcraft, and ’frightening’ or ’grotesque’ elements were discouraged.

(A) in return
(B) under way
(C) out of sight
(D) for good


(A) wear
(B) wore
(C) worn
(D) wearing


(A) although
(B) until
(C) because
(D) including


(A) Instead
(B) Thus
(C) However
(D) Consequently


(A) rather than
(B) due to
(C) in spite of
(D) after all


   The story of Venice begins in the 5 th century A.D. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, barbarians from the north were raiding Rome’s former territories. In order to escape these raids, the Venetian population on the mainland escaped to the nearby marshes, and found refuge on the sandy islands of Torcello, Iesolo and Malamocco. Although the settlements were initially temporary in nature, the Venetians gradually inhabited the islands on a permanent basis. In order to have their buildings on a solid foundation, the Venetians first drove wooden stakes into the sandy ground. Then, wooden platforms were constructed on top of these stakes. Finally, the buildings were constructed on these platforms. This process took two years and two months to be completed. On top of that, the wood had to be obtained from the forests of Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro, and transported to Venice via water. Thus, one can imagine the scale of this undertaking.
   The use of wood as a supporting structure may seem as a surprise, since wood is relatively less durable than stone or metal. The secret to the longevity of Venice’s wooden foundation is the fact that they are submerged underwater. The decay of wood is caused by microorganisms, such as fungi and bacteria. As the wooden support in Venice is submerged underwater, they are not exposed to oxygen, one of the elements needed by microorganisms to survive. In addition, the constant flow of salt water around and through the wood petrifies the wood over time, turning the wood into a hardened stone-like structure.
   As a city surrounded by water, Venice had a distinct advantage over her land-based neighbours. For a start, Venice was secure from enemy invasions. For instance, Pepin, the son of Charlemagne, attempted to invade Venice, but failed as he was unable to reach the islands on which the city was built. Venice eventually became a great maritime power in the Mediterranean. For instance, in 1204, Venice allied itself with the Crusaders and succeeded in capturing the Byzantine capital, Constantinople. Nevertheless, Venice started to decline in the 15 th century, and was eventually captured by Napoleon in 1797 when he invaded Italy

【題組】31. What is this article mainly about?
(A) The history and construction of Venice.
(B) The culture and tradition of Venice.
(C) How Venetians became a great maritime power in the Mediterranean.
(D) Why Venice declined and was captured by Napoleon.


【題組】32. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “permanent” in Paragraph 1?
(A) identical
(B) clumsy
(C) lasting
(D) prosperous


【題組】33. Which area was NOT involved with providing wood for early Venetians?
(A) Croatia
(B) Montenegro
(C) Slovenia
(D) Malamocco


【題組】34. Which of the following statements about Venice is NOT true?
(A) Venice benefited from its geographical position if compared with its land-based neighbors.
(B) The Byzantine capital was occupied by the combined force of the Venetians and the Crusaders in 1204.
(C) The Romans escaped to today’s Venice because they made their living on fishing and salt trading.
(D) The Venetians made their first settlements on the sandy islands of Torcello, Iesolo, and Malamocco.


【題組】35. Why can Venice’s wooden foundation last for such a long time?
(A) The foundation was built on top of many solid rocks.
(B) The microorganisms that decompose wood are unable to survive in water.
(C) Barbarians from the north did not have a chance to destroy it.
(D) Venetians have good techniques in repairing the wooden foundation.


試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 中華郵政股份有限公司_職階人員甄試_專業職(一)_全類組_共同科目:英文#75286-阿摩線上測驗
