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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(1~25)
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37. Christmas is coming. Who wants to go with me to the _____ to buy the presents?
(A)department store
(B)movie theater


39 Student A: Excuse me. What is the time? Student B:_____________
(A)It’s very far.
(B)It’s ten to five.
(C)No problem. Thanks.
(D)It’s not good.


38 Nancy: Honey, where should we go on vacation? 
John: _________________. 
Nancy: Sounds great.
(A)Let’s go to the beach
(B)I hate hamburgers
(C)Yes, let’s do it
(D)I have to work now


41 Man: I think there are some more kids at the door. Do we have any more candy? 
Woman: Of course we do. 
Woman: Well, what have we here? A monster, a ghost, and who are you?
(A)Happy New Year!
(B) Trick or treat!
(C) Merry Christmas!
(D)Happy birthday!


40 Jack gave me a big _____ on my birthday last year. I was really touched.


Janet: Do you want to join us? Allen: _____ Janet: That’s wonderful.
(A)Who else will be there?
(B)Will you come, too?
(C)Sure, why not?
(D)No one will come.


John: It’s nice to meet you! Bob: _____.
(A)You are very nice, too
(B)It’s nice to meet you, too
(C)How nice you are
(D)Great! See you later


41 Mary:Could I have your name?
Carlos:        .
(A)I don’t know
(B)Sure. My name is Carlos
(C)What is your name
(D)I’m sorry


The Faculty and Staff at Chicago Middle School invite you to attend our annual Honors Dinner on Thursday, May 20, 2006, in the school cafeteria. 
A meal will be served at 7:00 p.m. The cost of the meal is $4.50 per person. 
Please respond with the number of family members attending by May 5ᵗʰ. 
We look forward to seeing you there.

【題組】How much will each person pay for the meal?
(C)It is free.


12 Mary is my favorite _____ because she has a wonderful voice.
(A) dancer
(B) painter
(C) writer
(D) singer


39 Ben: Where are you going? 
Wendy: I am going to_____. I want to mail a letter.
(A) the bus stop
(B) the airport
(C) the hospital
(D) the post office


46 When I_______ in the morning, I usually feel quite good.
(A) stand up
(B) sit up
(C) wake up
(D) dig up


27 Susan: I’m going to Tokyo on vacation next week. Alice: Oh, how nice! ____ Susan: Thanks a lot.
(A) I can’t believe it.
(B) I was there once.
(C) Have a good time.
(D) Better luck next time.


42 Paul: Can you help me? Anna:_____ Paul: I need to mail these through airmail. Will you pass by the post office today?
(A) His father is away in USA now.
(B) I know my classmate called me.
(C) Sure, what do you need?
(D) Today is a fine day.


37 I’m very ____________. Can I have a piece of cake?


39 David’s mother was sick yesterday. David sent her to the ______.
(C) airport
(D) prison


43 He broke his glasses while _______ basketball.
(A) fighting
(B) playing
(C) making
(D) laying


40 ________ is you new car? Was it expensive?
(A) Too many
(B) Very much
(C) So many
(D) How much


45 Mary: Steve looks taller and stronger.
Peter: Yes, he______________ after school every day.
Mary: Good for him. Sports make one healthier.
(A) plays basketball
(B) plays computer games
(C) reads books
(D) watches TV


32 Sylvia: What’s your favorite season? Amy:__________ Sylvia: Me too. I hate cold winter days.
(A) Hamburgers. I like fast food.
(B) Novels. I like to read in my free time.
(C) Summer. I like to do outdoor activities.
(D) Teachers. I like to teach young people.


41 He always finds time to read his daughter a bedtime__________ .
(A) meal
(B) story
(C) clothes
(D) bus


38 Jason Wu has become a_____ fashion designer after he designed many dresses for Michelle Obama.


29 Penny: You look really unhappy. What’s wrong? 
Tom:____________ . 
Penny: You should go and see a doctor.
(A)I have a cold
(B) I   finished my homework
(C)I just got my midterm grade
(D) I’m very happy 


July 20, 1969, was one of the most important days in the world history. On that day, two American astronauts walked on the moon! The journey of the spacecraft Apollo 11 began on July 16, when it took off from Cape Kennedy in Florida. There were three specially trained astronauts on Apollo 11 - Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins. At 10:56 a.m. Florida time, Neil Armstrong became the first person to step onto the moon! The words he spoke at that moment became famous: “That is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” He and Edwin Aldrin spent two hours on the moon. On July 24, Apollo 11 returned safely to the earth. The three astronauts went home and they were international heroes.
【題組】49 According to the passage, what was the name of the spacecraft?
(A) Apollo 11
(B) Boeing 777
(C) Galaxy 85
(D) Voyager 22


41 For breakfast, he usually has a bowl of cereal and a _______ of fresh orange juice.
(A) glass
(B) pair
(C) piece
(D) slice


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(1~25)-阿摩線上測驗

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