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2. I am proud to report that we are now the country’s_____producer of lens.
(A) most
(B) biggest
(C) most big
(D) better


45. Peter usually takes his time to eat because he really _____ a nice meal.
(A) enjoys to have
(B) enjoys having
(C) likes to
(D) has to


21.Please make ________ everyone has a cup of tea.


14. The sales team will be ________ into three groups, responsible for different areas.
(A) scolded
(B) collapsed
(C) divided
(D) soothed


15. We’d better stop at the gas station, ______ we’ll soon run out of gas.
(A) so
(B) but
(C) also
(D) or


29. Robert felt a sense of ____ when he finished the difficult assignment.
(A) achievement
(B) consequence
(C) efficiency
(D) procedure


12. Everyone had a good time at the party and_____home happily.
(A) go
(B) goes
(C) went
(D) gone


30. It took me several hours to _____ the parts into a model airplane.
(A) inspect
(B) expand
(C) assemble
(D) download


I regret ________ the party last night as they had so much fun.
(A)to joining
(B)not joining
(C)have been joined
(D)not has to join


23. Most children _____ their parents and talk like them.
(A) love
(B) follow
(C) imitate
(D) hear


42.__ he reached home, it began to rain.
(C)The moment
(E)As soon as


42. There is a good ________ it will rain this afternoon. You’d better bring your umbrella.
(A) report
(B) lesson
(C) model
(D) chance


18. Even if the weather gets better, I will not go swimming as I just don’t feel ___ it.
(C)to like 


21. With her brown hair and blue eyes, Patricia seems to_her mother.
(A) look into
(B) care for
(C) take after
(D) depend on


27.If you happen to _______ my lost paper while you are looking for your book, please let me know at once by telephone.
(A)come across
(B)come along
(C)come up
(D)come over


9. The ______ of dinosaurs divides them into those with lizard-like hips and those with bird-like hips.
(A) diversity
(B) qualification
(C) satisfaction
(D) classification


8. The word may denote something too _____ to be understood by a middle school student.
(A) infiltrated
(B) rudimentary
(C) profound
(D) frugal


18.There __ no taxi, we had to walk home after the movie.

19( ).

三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 Following the news that McDonald’s would pull out of Crimea, there’s been a considerable amount of hatred directed to the American fast food restaurant in Russia. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the Liberal Democrat Party, has said Russia should close down all locations of the 16 in the country, and apparently many Russians argue for him. According to a recent poll conducted by SuperJob’s Research Center, 62 percent of respondents 17 the closure of all McDonald’s in Russia. Last week, Russian media reported that anti-McDonald’s activists 18 in several Russian cities. “ 19 with American Fast Food!” activists in Bryansk reportedly said. It’s a 20 state of affairs for McDonald’s because Russia’s consumer quality authority has temporarily closed 12 locations. In fact, McDonald’s sold more than $1.5 billion worth of burgers, fries, and shakes to Russian customers in 2013, ranking it the company’s seventh largest market outside the US and Canada.
(A) had appeared
(B) have appeared
(C) would have been appearing
(D) would have appeared

20( ).

四、克漏字測驗 [請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案]
      People used to think that taking a gap year was ___ (41)__. In the past you took a gap year if you had to take exams again or had problems between finishing school and starting higher education and then starting a career. ___(42)__ now, universities actively encourage a gap year and employers are happy to give jobs to students who take a gap year. A year out between school or college and higher education or employment, or between higher education and a job, can give young people ___(43)__ learning experiences, help them ___(44)__up new skills and make them more independent. Employers and universities want to see evidence of effort, maturity and responsibility both in and outside ___(45)__education.

(A) And
(B) But
(C) Since
(D) Therefore

21( ).

  Now, I suspect, a lot of people are experiencing a kind of parents' remorse. We bought into the philosophy that children needed unlimited self-esteem, maximum freedom and minimal pressure to succeed in life or contribute to society. We taught our kids to think of themselves as entitled and to see themselves as the center of the universe. Now instead of parents having expectations of their children, children have expectations of how their parents are supposed to behave. We're here to serve them, to make their lives as comfortable and convenient as possible. 
  I want my children to stop acting like an only child, and learn to share everything with their siblings, including their parents' time and attention. I want them to get out of their heads this idea that the world revolves around them, and all that matters at any given moment of the day is what they want, need or feel; and I want them to treat people better, starting with their family members, and then moving on to complete strangers, and not look down on anyone -- ever. 
  Of course, the problem is that this is what parents are for. It's our job to instill these values and teach children how to become good people. It doesn't happen naturally. And it won't happen magically. It'll only happen if we set standards and enforce rules when they're not met. And fathers have a special role to play in all of this. It's not easy being a good dad. In fact, it's exhausting. And it can often be frustrating. In fact, frankly, a lot of fathers decide it is too hard. They give up, check out, hang back and essentially let their kids raise themselves. It's one of the reasons why we got into this mess. 
  The only way out is for fathers to get back in the game. We have to be present in our children's lives. Forget about being their friends. They have friends. They need fathers. We have to be in our kids' faces, just like our grandfathers and fathers used to be. And for the same reason -- because we care enough not to be anywhere else.

【題組】50. Which behavior is the author most likely to encourage?
(A) Children care only for themselves.
(B) Fathers need to be their children’s best friend.
(C) Kids can see themselves as the center of the universe.
(D) Children can treat people better and never look down on anyone.

22( ).


The Utah “free-range parenting” law, which went into effect this month, states that it doesn’t constitute neglect if parents allow their children to do activities such as walking to school, riding their bikes or playing on a playground without adult supervision, provided that the children are “of sufficient age and maturity to avoid harm or unreasonable risk of harm.” It also says leaving a child 6 years old or older alone in a car temporarily does not constitute neglect. 

Arkansas State Senator Alan Clark authored a similar bill last year but hit a wall in the lower house because of concerns it could endanger children. He is optimistic that Utah’s law will show that that isn’t the case. “It’s always the fear factor…but people are beginning to see we have too much fear,” he said. Support cuts across party lines. New York Assemblyman Phil Steck is pushing similar legislation. “When I was a child, you let your dogs and your children out after breakfast and…they had to be home for dinner. I felt I gained a lot more from just playing on the street than my children did from being in organized sports activities,” he said. Such practices had been the norm for decades, but parental neglect laws were strengthened starting the 1980s amid growing concerns of child abduction and abuse, symbolized by the use of milk cartons to profile missing children. 

The issue recently has led to episodes of parents being charged with criminal neglect for allowing their children to play outdoors on their own. In one highly publicized case, a Maryland couple, Danielle and Leonard Meitiv, were investigated by state child protective services in 2014 for letting their children, ages 10 and 6, walk home from their local park. Utah Senator Lincoln Fillmore said such overzealousness does not benefit anyone. “As a society, we’ve kind of erred as our pendulum has swung for children’s safety a little bit too much to the side of helicopter parenting, right? We want kids to be able to learn how to navigate the world so when they’re adults they’re fully prepared to handle things on their own,” he told a reporter after the law was passed.

【題組】22. From what time did the absence of close parental supervision become a criminal neglect?
(A) Six years ago.
(B)Last month.
(C) The 1980s.
(D) 2014.

23( ).

 A suspended coffee is a cup of coffee paid for in advance as an anonymous act of charity. The idea 
was born in Italy, (26) someone who had experienced good luck would order a coffee by paying 
the price of two. The suspended drink (27) was reserved for someone who could not afford to pay 
for their own. Coffee shops in other countries have adopted the (28) to increase sales. 
          In April 2013, the UK arm of coffee chain Starbucks signed up for a charity initiative (29) the 
suspended coffee concept—to match the value of each suspended coffee with a cash donation for 
charity work. Other shops are (30) the idea to cover cookies and other food. 

(A) once
(B) even
(C) when
(D) where

24( ).

【題組】14. Elena can’t come to the phone right now. She’s taking a shower.
(A) drawing
(B) out of
(C) engaging
(D) having

25( ).

  Globalization has broken geographical and national boundaries between countries. Our world is  31  and we are living in a global village.  32  more and more frequency, people travel around, and they find it necessary to communicate with people from different parts of the world in a common language. Since English is the most widely used language, it will   33  become a world language.  34  some studies, a large percentage of the latest information in all fields of knowledge is first published in English. That’s why our government has decided to have the fifth graders in primary school start learning English. It is believed that, children proficient in English gain an  35  over others with poor English competence in the competitive world. As our country joins WTO and becomes globalized, proficiency in English is undoubtedly an indispensable means to give us an edge over others.

【題組】 31.
(A) coming
(B) shrinking
(C) moving
(D) learning


