阿摩:簡單的事重覆做,就會是專家; 重覆的事用心做,就會是贏家。
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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3716~3720)
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        Israeli scientists have germinated a date seed nearly 2,000 years old.       
        The seed was taken from an excavation at Masada, the cliff fortress where, in A.D. 73, 960 Jewish zealots died by  their own hand rather than surrendered to the Romans. The point is to find out what was so exceptional about the date palm of Judea, praised in the Bible for its shade, food, beauty and medicinal qualities, but long ago destroyed by the crusaders. 
        Dr. Sallon, who runs a project on medicinal plants of the Middle East, said the date palm in ancient times symbolized the tree of life. But Sallon’s co-worker, Dr. Solowey, who is growing the seed in quarantine, said plants grown from ancient seeds “usually keel over and die soon.” 
        Three date seeds from the Masada dig were found in a storeroom and are presumably from dates eaten by the defenders, Dr. Sallon said. 
        Dr. Solowey planted the date seeds at the end of January. “It wasn’t a project with a high priority,” she said. “I had no idea if the food in the seed was still good. But about six weeks later, one of these came up.” 
        Radiocarbon dating showed the seed to be 1990 years old, plus or minus 50 years. So it dates from 35 B.C. to A.D. 65, shortly before the Roman siege. 
        Dates need to grow 30 years to reach maturity and can live as long as 200 years. It is the female date that is considered holy and that bears fruit. “If it’s a male, it will just be a curiosity,” Dr. Solowey said. 

【題組】46 The date seed was probably left by _____.
(A) the Jewish zealots who died in A.D. 73
(B) the Romans who killed the Jewish in A.D. 73
(C) the Jewish who surrendered to the Romans in A.D. 73
(D) the crusaders who conquered the people at Masada in A.D. 73


14 Mr. Johnson always puts on a very_____ face whenever his students fail to answer the questions correctly.
(A) aboriginal
(B) barren
(C) solemn
(D) eloquent


31 A committee _________students, faculty, staff and alumni was appointed by the president of the university to help select a commencement speaker for the 2004 graduation.
(A) excluded from
(B) expelled from
(C) consisted in
(D) composed of


31. Diving near Green Island, you sure can see a variety of colorful _____ life hiding in the reefs.
(A) domestic
(B) marine
(C) tame
(D) wild


16 If researchers conclude that the only valuable records they need are those that are online, they will be missing major parts of the story.
(A) In conducting research, there are a lot more important resources than those online.
(B) Researchers have concluded that valuable records online are sufficient for presenting a complete story.
(C) Researchers who have missed major parts of the story have turned to important records online.
(D) Online resources are able to make up the missing parts that researchers need.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3716~3720)-阿摩線上測驗
