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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3736~3740)
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3.Climbing up to the mountain top has( ) . I am out of breath now.
(A)turned me on
(B) cheered me up
(C) worn me out
(D) cut me off


34 Mr. Lin had ignored his doctor’s advice for years, and got a heart stroke last month. He now has to  _____   to a strict diet in order to maintain his health.
(A) detach
(B) present
(C) adhere
(D) include


39 The police stopped him in his car because he was driving under the influence.
(A)The police stopped the driver because he was drunk.
(B)The police stopped the driver because he fell asleep in his car.
(C)The police stopped the driver because he ran through a red light.
(D)The police stopped the driver because he did not have a driver’s license.


請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題       In late 1960's, electricity had just been brought into a village in Nigeria where a friend and his family were living. Each family got a single light in its hut: a real sign of progress. The trouble was that at night, though they had nothing to read and many of them did not know how to read, the families would sit in their huts in awe of this wonderful symbol of technology. 
     The light-bulb watching began to replace the customary nighttime gatherings by the tribal fire, where the tribal storytellers, the elders, would pass along the history of the tribe. The tribe was losing its history in the light of a few electric bulbs. 
     This story helps to illustrate the difference between scientific management and tribal leadership. Every family, every college, every corporation, every institution needs tribal storytellers. The penalty for failing to listen is to lose one’s history, one’s historical context, one’s binding values. Like the Nigerian tribe, without the continuity brought by custom, any group of people will begin to forget who they are.

【題組】47 According to the passage, what did the light-bulb symbolize in Nigeria in late 1960's?
(C)tribal life


5 I have not obtained a_____ in the past three years, so it’s hard for me to make both ends meet.
(A) prize
(B) chance
(C) raise
(D) cure


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3736~3740)-阿摩線上測驗
