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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3796~3800)
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33 The mastery of basic reading skills is the most important goal in primary education since reading is the basis for much of all _______ learning.


        At the end of the 8th century Scandinavia had hardly more than two million inhabitants. But from the beginning of the 9th century its population began to increase significantly. There were several reasons for this: on the one hand the climate was getting better; it became warmer and thus harvests were becoming more abundant, the people better fed and stronger. The mortality rate of the old and infants during winter had also decreased. As the years went by, unoccupied Scandinavian territory became harder and harder to find.
        To these demographic factors certain features of Viking life must be added: such as polygamy, which produced a large number of children, the obligation for young men to seek their fortune elsewhere, and Viking laws, which used exile as a punishment for criminals. There were, therefore, many reasons to take to the sea and chance one's arm beyond one's native shores.
        The Vikings were a bold people, who welcomed risks and who had a passion for voyaging abroad. In the 11th century, not far from their coasts, a great trade route was opening up, passing through the ports of Frisia (now Holland) and the Rhine valley. This route became the crossroads of all commercial exchange in northern Europe.
        The Vikings, attracted by all the goods which were beginning to pass so close to them, took more and more interest in the trade. Eventually this interest led to piracy and plunder. 

【題組】50 The purpose for the author to mention the “great trade route” is to explain ____ .
(A) the Vikings’ interests in transportation
(B) the prosperity of Frisia
(C) the beginning of commercial exchange in northern Europe
(D) the adventure spirit of the Vikings


7 Over the Moon Festival, Tom          his appetite for moon cakes and that made him gain three kilograms.


417. Mr. Chou has a green card and therefore is a U.S. _____ resident, with rights to work and live there for his entire life.
(A) permanent
(B) moderate
(C) logical
(D) sufficient


34 If you need to drive in a snowy weather, it is essential to take proper _________ to avoid an accident.
(A) objectives
(B) inscriptions
(C) stimulants
(D) precautions


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3796~3800)-阿摩線上測驗
