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28. Everyone outside is carrying an umbrella. It _______ now.
(A) must rain
(B) must be raining
(C) must have rained
(D) mustn’t have rained


 Young smokers beware: On Monday, it became illegal in Iowa for anyone under 18 to smoke a cigarette. If 41 smoking, chewing or even possessing tobacco by the police, an under-aged offender could be  42  as much as $100, yanked off the street or out of the shopping mall and taken home in the backseat of a police car. The law is part of the state’s campaign to  43  tobacco use greatly among all Iowans. The police are ordered to enforce the law, but some are skeptical. On their long list of priorities, this measure shares a spot with the neighbor’s cat stuck in a tree. “We’re  44  busy to enforce a law like that,” said the Des Moines Police Department. Forty-four states have laws that ban selling cigarettes to minors or 45 minors from possessing tobacco, but these laws are rarely enforced.

【題組】 42.
(A) given
(B) rewarded
(C) fined
(D) frowned


4 Psychologists found that sleep efficiency decreases ________ with age.
(A) gradually
(B) heavenly
(C) presently
(D) technically


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題: 
        If you were a well-heeled Massachusetts lady in the late 1920s and wanted your hair fixed like the moviestars, there was one man to turn to: Samuel Bernstein. In 1927, this entrepreneurial immigrant, who had arrivedin New York from Tsarist Russia,  26  the only local license to sell the machine for curling hair. Like manybusinessmen of the times, he expected his eldest son to follow him into the family firm. 
        But Louis Bernstein, known to everyone as Lenny (he officially changed his name to Leonard as ateenager), had different ideas. The family had no musical roots, but ten-year-old Lenny found himself drawnobsessively to his aunt’s piano. No matter that his father remained vehemently  27  the notion that heshould make music his life, there was but one path ahead. 
        For all his early misgivings, Samuel later  28  that his son was a genius. In his passport, LeonardBernstein simply called himself a “musician”—characteristic humility from a man whose broad   29  areunique in musical history. Bernstein was a conductor whose interpretive gifts over the course of five decadesshone light on the classics from Haydn to Mahler, Bartok to Stravinsky. He was a fine concert pianist andpioneering broadcaster; an educator, Harvard lecturer, writer and humanitarian; a husband, father, lover. Sucha  30  life was not without complexities, contradictions and critics—but oh, what a life.

(A) barriers
(B) defeats
(C) documents
(D) achievements


30. The magician changed coins into rose petals in the blink of an eye. No one knew ______.
(A) what to do
(B) how he did it
(C) what did he do
(D) how could he do it


40 Peter and Jim ______that they have nothing to do with the crime. And I believe them.
(A) introduce
(B) depend
(C) insist
(D) desire


30. “There is no need to ____ ; the movie already started half hour ago.”
(A) arrive
(B) rush
(C) race
(D) choose


13. Nowadays there are plenty of different methods teaching us how to live longer, from impossible diet plans to rigorous yoga routines, ______ suggest that you sleep before 10:00 p.m. and wake up at 4:00 a.m. to practice yoga daily.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) what
(D) whom


4. She is quite _____ when forced to choose between two options that are equally compelling.
(A) erotic
(B) hesitant
(C) decisive
(D) nutritious


31 When we were told that no one was hurt, we all breathed a sigh of_______ .


【全部】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文 - 國營事業◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 郵局◆英文2024~2015難度:3,4,5(11~20)-阿摩線上測驗
