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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(1761~1770)
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43. After being bitten by a ___ snake, John was sent to a hospital.


14. The long dark days and lack of a job made Mike feel ______.


▲閱讀下文,回答 30 - 33 題 晉平公之時,藏寶之臺燒,士大夫聞,皆趨車馳馬救火,三日三夜乃勝之。 公子晏子獨束帛而賀曰:「甚善矣!」平公勃然作色,曰:「珠玉之所藏也,國之重寶也,而 天火之,士大夫皆趨車走馬而救之,子獨束帛而賀,何也?有說則生,無說則死。」公子晏子曰: 「何敢無說?臣聞之:王者藏於天下,諸侯藏於百姓,農夫藏於囷庾,商賈藏於篋匱。今百姓之 於外,短褐不蔽形,糟糠不充口,虛耗而賦歛無已,收太半而藏之臺,是以天火之。……今皇天 降災於藏臺,是君之福也,而不自知變悟,亦恐君之為鄰國笑矣」。公曰:「善。自今已往,請藏 於百姓之間。」 (《韓詩外傳》卷十)
【題組】31. 本文旨在說明為政之道應該:
(A) 藏富於君
(B) 藏富於官
(C) 藏富於民
(D) 藏富於商


五、閱讀測驗(請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案) In 11 states across the USA, school buses are now doing more than just transporting students. They’re also serving as rolling billboards. These school buses carry advertisements on the outside. Restaurants, insurance companies, banks, and other businesses pay for the ads, hoping to attract more customers. And it’s a way for the schools to make money as they face deep budget cuts. In addition to Colorado, states such as Arizona, New Jersey, and Texas allow ads on the outside of their school buses. The idea appears to be catching on. In Georgia, some school-district leaders are suggesting putting ads on their buses too. School districts need to ensure that the ads are appropriate for kids, according to Michael Beauchamp, chief executive officer of Alpha Media. This company works with businesses in several states to create ads for school buses. “The districts won’t allow ads for things like beer, cigarettes, or politics,” Beauchamp told Time for Kids Magazine. But not everyone is in favor of school buses having ads on the outside. That includes Georgia’s Department of Education. Spokeswoman Dorie Nolt told TFK, “We strongly believe that advertising on the outside of school buses distracts drivers and children.” Parents are divided on the issue. “I don’t think the ads are a distraction,” said Glenn Herdling of River Vale, New Jersey. His son is in second grade. “And if they can bring in money for the schools and help save some programs, that’s fantastic.” Cindy Tomarchio of East Windsor, New Jersey, feels differently. “I know the schools can use the money, but kids already see enough advertising every which way they turn,” she said.
【題組】38. According to the passage, what companies cannot run an ad on the school buses?
(A) Beer
(B) Books
(C) Toys
(D) TV


19 When Picasso’s paintings were_____ in the National Palace Museum, the museum was swarming with people.
(A) exploited
(B) exhibited
(C) expressed
(D) excelled


31. The audience left the building ____ when they heard the alarm.
(A) permanently
(B) consistently
(C) immediately
(D) voluntarily


14. According to the news report, more than ten thousand people _________ in the marathon held in Taipei last Sunday.


35. Jessie and her family usually eat out because she is often ________ to cook.
(A) so busy
(B) too busy
(C) much busier
(D) busy enough


4. Ask your ________ to inform your tax office as soon as possible that he or she is dealing with your case.
(B) translator
(C) composer
(D) physician


19. 現代商家常使用字音雙關的修辭技巧來取名,例如「孕味十足」(孕婦用品店) ,取「孕」與「韻」 同音。下列選項,何者不是使用這種雙關的修辭技巧?
(A) 騎樂無比(單車店)
(B) 終生椅靠(家具店)
(C) 百衣百順(服飾店)
(D) 給你好看(美妝店)


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(1761~1770)-阿摩線上測驗
