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【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(1211~1215)
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48.Victor certainly talks a lot and he’s never interested in what _______ has to say.
(A)anyone else
(B)nobody else
(C)no one
(D)somebody other


19. After her pet dog died, ________ did the little girl greet her classmates with a smiley face of joy again.
(A) why
(B) how
(C) never
(D) so


28. My sister is a very goal-oriented and persistent person. The idea of giving up never ____ at all.
(A) crosses her mind
(B) lifts her finger
(C) buries her head 
(D) shrugs her shoulder


  “Just because something is small, momentary or mundane doesn’t mean it’s trivial,” says Dr. Nick Baylis, author of The Rough Guide to Happiness. The goodnight kiss from your loved one. Your favorite piece of music. A child’s smile. Would you call  36  trivial? Of course not! 
  “We’re living in an increasingly macro-world  37  our lives are conducted on a grand scale,” he says. “Every day, we’re told about economic situation in China, the financial crisis in Europe,  38  we need bigger cars and TVs or more Facebook friends. To make yourself happy, you should get away from all this pressure and  39  the fundamental, simple, positive things- the sensual beauty around us.” Professor Peter Totterdell, a psychologist, also says a small joy can bring happiness indefinitely. Indeed, he says, it’s a combination of small things, such as meeting a friend, a walk by the river and eating your favorite snack, that generally determine  40  on a particular day.

(A) focus on
(B) look into
(C) open up
(D) recover from


31. Jacob was _____ to his friends for helping him when he was out of work.
(A) grateful
(B) dependent
(C) practical
(D) significant


【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(1211~1215)-阿摩線上測驗
