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三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 Singing in the KTV is popular with young people. But few people would give 41 to the inventor of the wonderful karaoke machine---Daisuke Inoue, a Japanese. He was employed at a nightclub and played the piano for customers who wanted to sing. Since sometimes he had trouble 42 unfamiliar songs, he tried to think of some ways to solve the problem. 43 this in mind, he successfully invented the karaoke machine. The machine, 44 his surprise, was so popular that it caused changes in entertainment world. Daisuke was then awarded the Ig Nobel Prize not only because of his creativity 45 because of the fact that the karaoke made people learn to tolerate each other in a new way.
(A) to play
(B) play
(C) played
(D) playing


(A) for
(B) to
(C) on
(D) with


四、閱讀測驗 If someone has amnesia, they can’t remember things that happened before. Amnesia can happen when people have an accident and hit their head, or when people get a brain sickness. People with amnesia forget what happened to them and may even forget their names, where they live, or who their friends and family are. Amnesia usually goes away after twenty-four hours or so. After the shock wears off or the sickness passes, people’s memories come back to them. Yet, Clive Wearing’s story is a most unusual one. In 1985, Wearing got a serious brain sickness that wreaked havoc on the part of his brain that holds memories. Because of his sickness, Wearing can’t hold on to new memories for more than a few minutes. He forgets everything as soon as it happens. He spends each day “waking up” every few minutes, because he has already forgotten everything he’s done that day---even waking up. Wearing remembers little of his life before 1985. He knows he has children, but he can’t remember their names. He loves his wife, Deborah. Each time he meets her, he believes he’s seeing her for the first time in many years. He does this even though Deborah may have left the room just minutes before. Having such a bad memory is hard to imagine. Of course, it hasn’t been easy for the Wearings, and Deborah has written a book about her husband’s amnesia called Forever Today, and Clive’s story has been told in a TV show. Because of his memory problem, Wearing can’t work anymore and now lives in a special home for people with brain injuries.
【題組】49. Which is true about the book Forever Today?
(A) It was broadcast live around the world.
(B) It is Clive Wearing’s life story written by himself.
(C) It has encouraged many people with brain injuries.
(D) It draws readers to the life of a victim of amnesia.


34. Only by making others happy ________ happiness for yourself. 
(A) you can create
(B)you create
(C)you can be creating 
(D)can you create


35. The air in the mountains is much colder than ________ in the plains. 


36. John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th president of the United States ________. 
(A) in his forty
(B)on his forty
(C)in his forties 
(D)on his forties


37. The high school graduates may dance ________ they invite at the prom. 
(C)with whoever 
(D)with whomever


40. Americans eat ________ more sugar than they need. 
(D)very much


    It was kind of unsettling to people who had expected old politics. Emmanuel Macron, who had never 26 any elected office before, became president of France in May 2017. At 39, Macron is the youngest man ever to be elected to France’s highest office. 27 this, he also announced his candidacy and new political party only six months before the election. The party is called En Marche!, which 28 to mean onwards and forwards, and had not existed before Macron’s run for office.
     After Macron was elected president of France, his party swept the legislative elections. En Marche! won more than 43% of the 29 and 301 out of 577 seats in the National Assembly. Even though the French economy has weakened for years, Macron now has a significant mandate to make the changes he wants to make. 30 a former businessman, Macron will hopefully restore the greatness of France on the international stage.

(B) made
(D) come


One of the most recognizable landmarks in London, England, is the Elizabeth Tower of the Palace of Westminster and the Great Clock at the top, commonly 26 by its nickname: Big Ben. Most people would agree that no trip to London is complete without a photo with Big Ben. At the end of summer 2017, however, renovations on the clock began, 27 will keep Big Ben’s bell silent until the year 2021, except for major events like New Year’s Eve and Remembrance Sunday. Big Ben will be dismantled entirely piece by piece to be cleaned, fixed, and made more energy 28 . The clock tower chimes have rung throughout the streets of London since 1859. This did not include the period of major repairs that 29 between 1983 and 1985 and a brief stint of silence in 2007. For the time being, an electric motor will power the hands to keep time for everyone who glances up at the historic clock face. Big Ben is reportedly the most 30 building in the UK, so at least the right time will be displayed in all those pictures.
(D)in which


(A)took place
(B)took action
(C)took control
(D)took over


(B)to photograph


16. He knew she was holding back on her _____ to let out his love affairs in front of his wife.
(A) expression
(B) manners
(C) status
(D) urge


        Early in 2021, a little-known app called Clubhouse exploded in popularity. The app had been around since the previous summer, but was only being used by a small handful of wealthy employees at American technology companies. Today, it has millions of users around the world. 
       Clubhouse is unlike any other app on the market. It allows users to create a room where they can invite others to participate in discussions. The chats are not done through text, but through audio. This way, everyone in the room can literally have a voice and participate in conversations with strangers. Clubhouse differs from other platforms in that the chat rooms are created with certain topics. These can range from the stock market to cooking to politics to…well, there is no limit. One difference, and major benefit, of Clubhouse is that the audio isn’t saved after it’s heard. People can chat without much fear of their opinions being recorded, shared, and saved on the Internet.
        People in China and Taiwan took advantage of that feature early in the app’s emerging popularity. It provided an opportunity for people in both countries to talk honestly and peacefully with each other. Some Chinese citizens seemed to express support for Taiwan, mentioning that their schools had forced them to learn only the Chinese side of Taiwan’s history. Many users wanted to know more about Taiwan, and people on both sides had a civil dialogue about their cultures and governments. The heartwarming chats ended soon after, though, when the Chinese authorities blocked the app.
        Elsewhere, politicians, such as South Korea’s prime minister, are beginning to use Clubhouse, believing it might one day become essential for keeping in touch with voters. If you’re interested in joining, be aware that you must be invited into the service by an existing user. The same was true for Facebook in its early days, so there is a chance that the invitation-only feature could be dropped in the future.

【題組】32. According to the article, how is Clubhouse different from other apps?
(A) You can discuss in groups.
(B) You can communicate either by sending messages or talking to others.
(C) Everyone can use it for free.
(D) It provides topics for each chat room to talk about.


【題組】35. Which statement about Clubhouse is NOT true?
(A) It was created in 2020.
(B) It has chat rooms for a wide variety of topics.
(C) It is a very useful tool for a meeting because it helps save people’s opinions.
(D) You cannot enjoy its service unless you are invited by a Clubhouse user.


       French fries are delicious. They are many people’s favorite, because they are perfect comfort food. Sadly, there is a new study that__26__ fried foods are related to mental health.
      The results of the study show that people who enjoy fried foods are more likely to experience negative emotions.__27__with those who avoid fried snacks, they are more likely to have mental problems. They have a 12 percent higher chance of feeling__28__ and a 7 percent higher chance to feel depressed. The study was based on data__29__over 11 years from the diets of more than 140,000 people. It reveals that those who ate more fried foods also __30__depression more often. However, it’s important to note that unhappy people may simply prefer eating fried snacks.

(A) Comparing
(B) Compared
(C) To compare
(D) Compare


(A) collecting
(B) collected
(C) was collected
(D) to collect


