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【精選】 - 研究所、轉學考(插大)、學士後-國文 - 學士後 - 普通生物學(生物學) - 研究所、轉學考(插大)、學士後-英文 - 學士後中醫 - 化學(含有機化) - 學士後西醫-有機化學難度:(4531~4535)
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10. 「不是風的勸說,而是你自己的深謀遠慮,方使樹如釋重負。」下列哪一個選項最適合做為這首詩的標題?
(A) 落葉
(B) 石
(C) 蝴蝶
(D) 夕陽


(C)部分衰變(partial decay)


※閱讀下文後,回答第 16〜17 題 鴉渴,見巨瓶置於庭心,趨而飲之。水積其半,而瓶口小,不受啄。鴉啣小石填之, 石滿而水上溢,乃救其渴。凡物,需之深者,巧始出。 (林紓譯《伊索寓言》)
【題組】16. 故事中這隻口渴的烏鴉,最後用什麼方法喝到水?
(A) 將巨瓶翻倒
(B) 將巨瓶啄破
(C) 銜石頭打破瓶
(D) 銜小石到瓶中
(E) 等下雨水溢出


14. 「海納百川,有□乃大;壁立千仞,無□則剛。」文中的□,依序填入哪一個選項最適合?
(A) 容/欲
(B) 和/妄
(C) 積/求
(D) 河/樹

Ⅱ. 簡答題 (20%)
 Read the following passage.
 Marketing Psychology

        One key part of being a great marketer is understanding how and why people think and act the way they do. To help you attract, convince, and convert more people with your marketing, you should know the following lessons about psychology.
        First, priming. Have you ever played the game where one person says a word, and the other immediately responds with the first thing that comes to mind? That’s kind of how priming works. You’re exposed to one stimulus, and it affects how you respond to another stimulus. Psychology Today gives the example of two groups of people reading the word “yellow” followed by either “sky” or “banana.” Because people have a semantic association between the fruit and its color, the “yellow-banana” group will recognize the word “banana” faster than the “yellow-sky” group recognizes “sky.” Using subtle priming techniques, you could help your website visitors remember key information about your brand -- and maybe even influence their buying behavior.
        Second, reciprocity. In your marketing, there are a lot of ways to take advantage of reciprocity. It can be anything from a branded sweatshirt, to an exclusive e-book, to a free desktop background, to your expertise on a difficult subject matter. Even something as simple as a hand-written note can go a long way in establishing reciprocity. Just be sure you’re giving away the free thing before you ask for something in return.
       Third, social proof. Most marketers are aware of this concept already, but it was too important to leave out from this list. If you’re not familiar with it, social proof is the theory that people will adopt the beliefs or actions of a group of people they like or trust. In other words, it’s the “me too” effect. Think of this like an awkward middle school dance -- few people want to be the first on the dance floor, but once a few people are there, everyone else wants to join in.
       Fourth, scarcity. Have you ever gone to buy airplane tickets and seen a tagline that says “Only three seats left at this price!” Yup, that’s scarcity. This psychology principle goes back to the simple formula of supply and demand: The more rare the opportunity, content, or product is, the more valuable it is.
       Fifth, anchoring. Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to resist a sale at your favorite clothing store? Often, it has to do with anchoring -- people base decisions on the first piece of information they receive. So if my favorite store typically retails jeans for $50, but I find them on sale for $35, I’ll be ecstatic. I’ll probably even buy them.
       Sixth, clustering. People have a limited amount of space in their short-term memory. In fact, most people can only remember seven pieces of information at a time. To cope, most people tend to cluster similar pieces of information together. For example, if you had a whole grocery list of random items, most people would mentally group items into certain categories (dairy, grain, meat, etc.) to be able to better remember what exactly was on the list.

 Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence.

【題組】3. According to the passage, what is the important principle of marketing psychology?


【精選】 - 研究所、轉學考(插大)、學士後-國文 - 學士後 - 普通生物學(生物學) - 研究所、轉學考(插大)、學士後-英文 - 學士後中醫 - 化學(含有機化) - 學士後西醫-有機化學難度:(4531~4535)-阿摩線上測驗
