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試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 高等考試_三級_各類科(除公職醫事檢驗師、公職藥師、公職護理師、公職臨床心理師外):英文#77441
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31 The only reasons for the old man to leave the house were to run important _____ or visit the doctor.
(A) errands
(B) debris
(C) utensils
(D) summons


32 When you read this introductory chapter, list the points you have identified as especially _____ to your organization and keep them in mind.
(A) relevant
(B) incompetent
(C) naturalistic
(D) arbitrary


33 We may easily _____ salespeople who approach us on the street, but we often surrender without knowing it to the ultimate salesman: mass media.
(A) rebound
(B) reject
(C) reduplicate
(D) repeat


34 Trash is a problem that has _____ humans since they moved into cities. And dealing with it is messy and expensive.
(A) embarked
(B) enacted
(C) plagued
(D) obliged


35 The _____ factor that contributes to having so many immigrants move into this country is mainly about economic reasons.
(A) risk
(B) push
(C) impact
(D) gravity


36 Malaria was believed to be on the verge of _____ when people thought that the introduction of insecticides signaled the end of the malaria-carrying mosquito.
(A) persuasion
(B) eradication
(C) domination
(D) contamination


37 Lured by false promises of a good job, a stable conflict-free environment or even a loving romantic relationship, victims of human _____ are then pushed into forced labor or sexual exploitation.
(A) trafficking
(B) slavery
(C) migration
(D) distribution

8( ).

The suspected suicide of actor and comedian Robin Williams is being linked, in part, to depression. Many Americans suffer from the condition. But, many also are trying to help people with depression. They are finding ways to bring attention to depression and ways to treat it. For example, thousands of people take part in what are called “Out of the Darkness Walks.” 38 They also hope to raise money for suicide prevention efforts and research into depression. Steve Iselin served in the Navy for 20 years. After his retirement, he began to look for another job. That is when he began feeling hopeless. He said,“I had a great sense of dread every day. Agony is another word that comes to mind. I didn’t want to do anything that I would normally like to do. I had no interest in seeing other people.” Steve Iselin did find a job. But he left after one week because he told himself he could not do the work. Everything he did seemed very difficult. Decisions were painful, even having to choose what he would wear that day or what to eat. Mr. Iselin was suffering from depression. Bob Gebbia heads the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. He says being depressed is very different from being sad or having a bad day. He says that about 20 million people are found to have clinical depression in the United States every year. 39 He notes that some people are more likely than others to get depressed. “Let’s say you lose your job, divorce, or, you know, a loss of someone.” After Robin Williams’ death, the American Foundation for the Prevention of Suicide released a statement. The foundation said Mr. Williams: “brought laughter into every life he touched; Robin also suffered from depression. 40 Every 13 minutes someone dies from suicide, and it is among the top ten causes of death in the U.S.” The group said more needs to be done to prevent suicides. It called for greater attention to mental health issues, warning signs, and effective forms of intervention and treatment. Steve Iselin was lucky. His wife recognized the signs of depression. She helped him get the expert care he needed. But he says that was not true of his brother’s son. Mr. Iselin says his nephew became depressed a few years later and killed himself. A year after his nephew’s death, Mr. Iselin visited his brother in San Francisco and heard about the “Out of the Darkness Walks.” The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention organized the event. Both men took part. 41 Since then, Steve Iselin has volunteered with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, taking part in many community walks.
【題組】 38
(A) Mr. Gebbia says the cause could be a combination of genetic influences, changes in brain chemistry or environmental reasons.
(B) Steve Iselin said that was the first day his brother understood that perhaps he was not to blame for his son’s death.
(C) The walkers remember loved ones they lost to suicide.
(D) It is our hope that we are able to have an open conversation that depression and addictions are real illnesses that can sometimes be fatal.

9( ).

(A) Mr. Gebbia says the cause could be a combination of genetic influences, changes in brain chemistry or environmental reasons.
(B) Steve Iselin said that was the first day his brother understood that perhaps he was not to blame for his son’s death.
(C) The walkers remember loved ones they lost to suicide.
(D) It is our hope that we are able to have an open conversation that depression and addictions are real illnesses that can sometimes be fatal.

10( ).

(A) Mr. Gebbia says the cause could be a combination of genetic influences, changes in brain chemistry or environmental reasons.
(B) Steve Iselin said that was the first day his brother understood that perhaps he was not to blame for his son’s death.
(C) The walkers remember loved ones they lost to suicide.
(D) It is our hope that we are able to have an open conversation that depression and addictions are real illnesses that can sometimes be fatal.

11( ).

(A) Mr. Gebbia says the cause could be a combination of genetic influences, changes in brain chemistry or environmental reasons.
(B) Steve Iselin said that was the first day his brother understood that perhaps he was not to blame for his son’s death.
(C) The walkers remember loved ones they lost to suicide.
(D) It is our hope that we are able to have an open conversation that depression and addictions are real illnesses that can sometimes be fatal.

12( ).

請依下文回答第 42 題至第 45 題: As people woke up at dawn on the farm, one person was already up. 42 An old man from Thailand claimed he has not slept for 33 years: “My insomnia started many years ago after I got a fever. 43 But nothing helps.” Amazingly, since then he has never once been ill. He spent the day farming and taking care of his pigs and at night he patrols the village. 44 Doctors said a chronic lack of sleep often causes anorexia, lethargy and irritability. 45 He was certainly one of them.
(A) Anyway, he went to bed in the morning.
(B) Furthermore, he came back from nightshift.
(C) Indeed, he has always been asleep.
(D) In fact, he hasn’t even been to bed.

13( ).

(A) All the people blamed me.
(B) I did not have money to see the doctor.
(C) I have tried everything.
(D) The fever was long gone.

14( ).

(A) He always disrupted his neighbors’ work during the day.
(B) He also helped to wake his neighbors up when there was a need.
(C) He got very grumpy and everybody was annoyed with him.
(D) He got very ill and could not work at all.

15( ).

(A) But there were exceptions.
(B) Cases can vary.
(C) It could be even worse.
(D) No remedy can cure him.

16( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:

  Those who doubt the power of human beings to change Earth’s climate should look to the Arctic, and shiver. There is no need to pore over records of temperatures and atmospheric carbon-dioxide concentrations. The process is starkly visible in the shrinkage of the ice that covers the Arctic ocean. In the past 30 years, the minimum coverage of summer ice has fallen by half; its volume has fallen by three-quarters. On current trends, the Arctic ocean will be largely ice-free in summer by 2040.

  Climate-change sceptics will shrug. Some may even celebrate: an ice-free Arctic ocean promises a shortcut for shipping between the Pacific coast of Asia and the Atlantic coasts of Europe and the Americas, and the possibility of prospecting for perhaps a fifth of the planet’s undiscovered supplies of oil and natural gas. Such reactions are profoundly misguided. Never mind that the low price of oil and gas means searching for them in the Arctic is no longer worthwhile. Or that the much-vaunted sea passages are likely to carry only a trickle of trade. The right response is fear. The Arctic is not merely a bellwether of matters climatic, but an actor in them.

  The current period of global warming that Earth is undergoing is caused by certain gases in the atmosphere, notably carbon dioxide. These admit heat, in the form of sunlight, but block its radiation back into space, in the form of longer-wave-length infra-red. That traps heat in the air, the water and the land. More carbon dioxide equals more warming--a simple equation. Except it is not simple. A number of feedback loops complicate matters. Some dampen warming down; some speed it up. Two in the Arctic may speed it up quite a lot.

  One is that seawater is much darker than ice. It absorbs heat rather than reflecting it back into space. That melts more ice, which leaves more seawater exposed, which melts more ice. And so on. This helps explain why the Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the planet. The deal on climate change made in Paris in 2015 is meant to stop Earth’s surface temperature rising by more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels. In the unlikely event that it is fully implemented, winter temperatures over the Arctic ocean will still warm by between 5°C and 9°C compared with their 1986-2005 average.

  The second feedback loop concerns not the water but the land. In the Arctic much of this is permafrost. That frozen soil locks up a lot of organic material. If the permafrost melts its organic contents can escape as a result of fire or decay, in the form of carbon dioxide or methane (which is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2). This will speed up global warming directly--and the soot from the fires, when it settles on the ice, will darken it and thus speed its melting still more.

【題組】46 Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph?
(A) To raise doubts about the optimism that climate-change disbelievers express.
(B) To introduce potential commerce that an ice-free Arctic ocean may bring.
(C) To indicate incomplete knowledge people have of the Arctic’s economy.
(D) To differentiate the views of those who fear climate-change from those who don’t.

17( ).

【題組】47 Which of the following best describes the function of the last two paragraphs?
(A) They narrow the scope of the topic introduced in the first two paragraphs.
(B) They explain the rationale for the Arctic ocean’s increasing melting speed.
(C) They cite the most striking instances implemented after the 2015 Paris deal.
(D) They present the feedback loops that slow down the Arctic’s warming process.

18( ).

【題組】48 Which of the following phrases best corresponds to the words “much darker” in the beginning of paragraph four?
(A) more mysterious
(B) less brilliant
(C) more troublesome
(D) less distinctive

19( ).

【題組】49 Which of the following is the tone of the passage?
(A) pleading
(B) sarcastic
(C) conclusive
(D) alarming

20( ).

【題組】50 What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) The Arctic is not only an indicator of global warming but also a main cause of it.
(B) The Paris deal is the only solution to slowing down the Arctic’s ice shrinkage rate.
(C) The organic contents released in the Arctic’s melting process will benefit global economy.
(D) There is not enough study about the global warming that Earth is undergoing.


試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 高等考試_三級_各類科(除公職醫事檢驗師、公職藥師、公職護理師、公職臨床心理師外):英文#77441-阿摩線上測驗
