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試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 司法、海岸巡防、移民行政特種考試_三等_各類科組:英文#78623
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31 This company has been ___________ . It makes products ranging from aircraft engines to insurance, medical technology and plastics.


32 The mortgage market has been in the ___________ since the financial crisis crippled the banking industry last year.


33 There was so much ___________ in the streets that travel was slow.


34 This coffee is too strong. Please ___________ it by adding some water.


35 Using a(n) ___________ thermal ice storage system, the device keeps cool with the equivalent of 13,000 tons of ice.


36 A recent study found that a positive attitude towards learning in early grades is ___________ to success.

7( ).

第 37 題至第 40 題為篇章結構題組,各題請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者,各題答案內容不重複: Is bedtime just a time for dreaming? Do our brains turn off for the night? What if I told you that scientists recentlydiscovered that our brains may be just as busy at night as they are during the day? 37 Researchers at theUniversity of Rochester found that the brain may be busy cleaning house -- cleaning out harmful waste materials. As with many studies, the researchers turned to mice for help. They studied mice that had colored dye injectedinto their brains. They observed the mice brains as they slept and when they were awake. The researchers say they sawthat the brains of sleeping mice were hard at work. Dr. Maiken Nedergaard led the study. 38 It seems they havedaytime jobs. Later they “moonlight” at a nighttime job. “Moonlighting” is working a nighttime job in addition to aday job. And this study says that is what our brains seem to be doing – working an extra job at night without additionalpay for overtime. Whereas during sleep, they work very, very hard at removing all the waste that builds up when weare awake. “When we are awake, the brain cells are working very hard at processing all the information about oursurroundings. The researchers say that the waste material includes poisons, or toxins, responsible for brain disorderssuch as Alzheimer’s disease. It is not just beauty sleep. The brain needs us to sleep so it can get to work. 39This shrinking permits waste to be removed more effectively. Dr. Nedergaard says these toxins end up in the liver. There, they are broken down and then removed from thebody. “So our study suggests that we need to sleep because we have a macroscopic cleaning system that removes manyof the toxic waste products from the brain.” The brain’s cleaning system could only be studied with new imaging technologies. The test animal must be alivein order that this brain process may be seen as it happens. Dr. Nedergaard says the next step is to look for the processin human brains. 40 The research may also one day lead to treatments to prevent or help fight neurologicaldisorders.
(A)They also found that during sleep, the brain’s cells shrink, or become smaller.
(B)While we sleep, our brains are doing much more than getting ready for the next day.
(C)She said the results demonstrate just how important sleep is to health and fighting disease.
(D)The brain expert says our brains perform two very different jobs.

8( ).

【題組】 38
(A)They also found that during sleep, the brain’s cells shrink, or become smaller.
(B)While we sleep, our brains are doing much more than getting ready for the next day.
(C)She said the results demonstrate just how important sleep is to health and fighting disease.
(D)The brain expert says our brains perform two very different jobs.

9( ).

【題組】 39
(A)They also found that during sleep, the brain’s cells shrink, or become smaller.
(B)While we sleep, our brains are doing much more than getting ready for the next day.
(C)She said the results demonstrate just how important sleep is to health and fighting disease.
(D)The brain expert says our brains perform two very different jobs.

10( ).

【題組】 40
(A)They also found that during sleep, the brain’s cells shrink, or become smaller.
(B)While we sleep, our brains are doing much more than getting ready for the next day.
(C)She said the results demonstrate just how important sleep is to health and fighting disease.
(D)The brain expert says our brains perform two very different jobs.

11( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
 It is believed that the color choices you make reflect a deeper meaning about your personality traits. For example,introverts and extroverts are likely to choose different colors – blue and red respectively. The colors you choose towear might also say something about how you are feeling that day. Some days you may feel like wearing somethinglighter, something red, or something blue. These choices are often a reflection of how you are feeling at the moment.Additionally, wearing certain colors may cause you to react differently to certain situations. The research also shows there may be a link between car color and serious injuries as a result of car accidents.From a safe perspective, it is recommended to choose expansive color with bright colors rather than contractive color 
with dark colors. Cars in light colors make lighter and cleaner impression than those in other colors. The study inAustralia identified a clear statistically significant relationship between vehicle color and crash risk. Compared towhite vehicles, a number of colors, generally those lower on the visibility index, were associated with higher crashrisk. The association between vehicle color and crash risk was strongest during daylight hours. The analysis results alsosuggested that vehicle color has an association with crash severity with lower visibility colors having higher risks ofmore severe crashes, although environmental factors can also modify the relationship between vehicle color and crashrisk. Further work is required to quantify this.

【題組】 41 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
(A)Colors can expand your personality.
(B)Colors can reveal your feeling.
(C)Colors can change your mood.
(D)Colors can cause you to react differently.

12( ).

【題組】 42 Which of the following is considered as low on the visibility index?
(A)Expansive colors
(B)Contractive colors
(C)Light colors
(D)Transparent colors

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【題組】 43 Which of the following might be the safest vehicle color according to the study?

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【題組】 44 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A)Vehicles with dark colors have higher crash risk during daylight hours.
(B)Vehicles with light colors have higher crash risk during daylight hours.
(C)Vehicles with dark colors have lower crash risk during daylight hours.
(D)Vehicles with light colors have more severe crashes during daylight hours.

15( ).

【題組】 45 Which of the following correlative factors has NOT been proven to be significant?
(A)Vehicle color and environmental factors
(B)Vehicle color and crash risk
(C)Vehicle color and time of the day
(D)Vehicle color and crash severity

16( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: One of the most dramatic features of the world is the cycle of day and night. Almost all species exhibit dailychanges in their behavior and/or physiology. These daily rhythms are not simply a response to the 24-hour changes inthe physical environment imposed by the earth turning on its axis but, instead, arise from a timekeeping system withinthe organism. This timekeeping system, or biological “clock,” allows the organism to anticipate and prepare for thechanges in the physical environment that are associated with day and night, thereby ensuring that the organism will “dothe right thing” at the right time of the day. The synchrony of an organism with both its external and internal environments is critical to the organism’swell-being and survival; a lack of synchrony between the organism and the external environment may lead to theindividual’s immediate demise. For example, if a nocturnal rodent were to venture from its burrow during broaddaylight, the rodent would be exceptionally easy prey for other animals. Similarly, a lack of synchrony within theinternal environment might lead to health problems in the individual, such as those associated with jet lag, shift work,and the accompanying sleep loss. The mechanisms underlying the biological timekeeping systems and the potential consequences of their failure areamong the issues addressed by researchers in the field of chronobiology. Although no single experiment serves as thedefining event from which to date the beginning of modern research in chronobiology, studies conducted in the 1950son circadian rhythmicity in fruit flies and in humans can be considered its foundation. The area of sleep research,which also is subsumed under the field of chronobiology, evolved somewhat independently, with the identification ofvarious sleep stages around the same time.
【題組】 46 What is the best topic of this passage?
(A)The Foundation of Chronobiology.
(B)The Feature of Life Cycle.
(C)The Internal and External Environments.
(D)The Overview of Biological Mechanism.

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【題組】 47 What does the word “subsumed” mean in the last paragraph?

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【題組】 48 Which of the following is the result of an asynchrony of an organism with its internal environment?
(A)Daily leaf movements of a plant exposed to sunlight.
(B)Nocturnal animals having a sound sleep during daylight.
(C)People experiencing difficulty falling asleep at night.
(D)People feeling shocked when witnessing a car accident in the daytime.

19( ).

【題組】 49 Which of the following is considered an external environment?
(A)An office setting.
(B)A meditative activity.
(C)A biological timekeeping system.
(D)A desire to change one’s behavior.

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【題組】 50 According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A)Chronobiology began with the studies on circadian rhythm in fruit flies and humans.
(B)All species simply respond to the cycle of day and night.
(C)All species have an internal clock that is crucial for their survival.
(D)Jet lag is a failure of a biological timekeeping mechanism.


試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 司法、海岸巡防、移民行政特種考試_三等_各類科組:英文#78623-阿摩線上測驗
