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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1~10)
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40 Sam: Alex, can I talk to you about something?
Alex: ____________
Sam: You know, last night I couldn't study because of all the noise And I couldn't sleep, either. You guys kept me up till 3:00 am.
(A) Sure, what's up?
(B) Sorry, I'm busy.
(C) Never mind
(D) No, thank you.


(A) 接受
(B) 返回
(C) 拒絕
(D) 記號


5. 說明
(A) bouquet
(B) explanation
(C) islet
(D) manage


7. 醫院
(A) campaign
(B) hospital
(C) sure
(D) source


4. 報告;資訊
(A) chief
(B) effort
(C) image
(D) information


My watch keeps good time, but his ______.


A: ______________ What time is it? B: It,s five o,clock
(A) Too bad!
(B) Good luck!
(C) Excuse me.
(D) Sorry


A-Mei is a very __________ singer. Many young people in Taiwan like her.
(A) popular
(B) thirsty
(C) instant
(D) latest


請依下文回答第 39 題至第 43 題: 
The Viking age lasted from AD 790 to 1100. The Vikings were mainly from Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, and were the best shipbuilders and seamen of their time. They were able to travel long distances in their longships and attack towns on the coasts of Britain and Ireland. They reached Greenland, Iceland, and even America. The Vikings’ boats were long, narrow, light, and flexible. They made them out of oak wood. The typical length of a longship was about 20 meters. The hulls of the ships were shallow so that they could dock on beaches and sail in shallow water. A longship had a large, square, woolen sail, which the Vikings covered in horse fat to make it waterproof. The main power for the longship was from the oars, which were all along the ship. There were usually a crew of about 60 men who rowed the boat. The sailors usually placed their shields along the side of the boat for protection. They also carved the fronts of their ships into the shape of a dragon’s head in order to scare the enemies.

【題組】39 According to this passage, what was the typical length of the Vikings’ boat?
(A)15 meters
(B)20 meters
(C)25 meters
(D)30 meters


41 A: Mary, John and I are going to a concert this Friday.____ 
B: Sure, I love concerts. What time should we meet? 
A: At about 6:30.
(A) Can you play the piano?
(B) Would you like to join us?
(C) What’s the occasion?
(D) What kind of party?


【題組】(二) 2020 年是臺灣綠電交易自由化元年,政府開放民間投資綠電,並可自 由賣給台電以外的客戶後,蓋太陽能電廠、風電電廠的熱潮就此展開 序幕。2050 年達淨零碳排已是政府宣示的目標,因此再生能源發電占 比必須衝上 60~70%,然而根據能源局統計,2021 年臺灣再生能源供 電比僅為 5.98%,臺灣的能源轉型要從去年的 6%躍上 60%,還有很長 的路要走。


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1~10)-阿摩線上測驗
