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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(1831~1840)
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7 Although Amanda has a house, she _____ lives in it.
(A) always
(B) never
(C) often
(D) usually


43. Sara felt ____ tired ____ exercise yesterday.
(A) too...to
(B) as...as
(C) either...or
(D) mere...than


40. Don’t buy anything ________ you really need it.


5. She said she will ___ me to a new restaurant next weekend.
(A) takes
(B) take
(C) took
(D) taken


21. Terry received a ___ award during the retirement ceremony.
(A) sore
(B) sick
(C) scared
(D) special


    American cities are similar to other cities around the world. In every country, cities reflect the values of the culture. Cities contain the very best aspects of a society: opportunities for education, employment, and entertainment. They also contain the very worst parts of a society: violent crime, racial conflict and poverty. American cities are changing, just as American society is changing.
   After World War II, city residents became wealthier, and more prosperous. They had more children. They needed more space. They moved out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes. They bought houses in the suburbs, areas near a city where people live. These are areas without many offices or factories. During the 1950s, the American “dream” was to have a house in the suburbs.
   Now things are changing. The children of the people who left the cities in 1950s are now adults. They, unlike their parents, want to live in the cities. Many young professionals, doctors lawyers, and executives, are moving back into the city. Many are single; others are married, but often without children. They prefer the city to the suburbs because their jobs are there; they are afraid of the fuel shortage; or they just enjoy the excitement and opportunities which the city offers. A new class is moving into the city ― a wealthier, more mobile class.
   Only a few years ago, people thought that the older American cities were dying. Some city residents now see a bright, new future. Others see only problems and conflicts. One thing is sure: Many dying cities are alive again.

【題組】42. In the 1950s the American “dream” was to have _______________.
(A) a big car
(B) a color TV set
(C) an apartment in the city
(D) a new house in the suburbs


68. A: Janet is such a great musician. B: _____________
(A) Yeah, I wish I were blessed with her talent.
(B) It’s my favorite kind of music, too.
(C) No, I’d rather be an artist.
(D) I also want to be a magician.


8.Scrooge was so __________ that he never gave any money to the poor, even on Christmas Eve.
(A) stingy
(B) literary
(C) respectable
(D) courageous


20.Mrs. Reynolds has been our teacher since __________.
(A) January
(B) two months
(C) always
(D) a few weeks


27.Paul set __________ his own business in 1999
(A) out
(B) up
(C) down
(D) at


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(1831~1840)-阿摩線上測驗
