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30.Humans, _____________, interact through communicative behavior by means of signs or symbols used conventionally. 
(A) like other animals
(B) how other animals
(C) other animals that
(D) do other animals


Young children need a lot of ___ to help them grow.

3( ).

當在做「計劃評核術(PERT)」分析時,需對各活動的完成時間進行估計。現假設完成某活動的樂觀時間是4 天,悲觀時間是12 天,而最可能時間是5 天,則估計平均的完成時間應該是:

4( ).

Gardening is my mother's favorite _____. She loves to spend time taking care of the flowers.

5( ).

Soon after they were born, most babies will develop a daily _____ of eating and sleeping.

6( ).

_____ working part-time at a fast-food restaurant, Monty has made enough money to pay for his studies.

7( ).

Jason is a great tour guide because he is not only ready to help _____ also very knowledgeable.

8( ).

Jane got a high score on the English test today. She _____ very hard last night.
(A)must study
(B)can study
(C)must have studied
(D)would have studied

9( ).

甲: Do you mind if I invite Kevin to our party? 乙: __________________________
(A)Yes, he is a party guy.
(B)Of course not, he is funny.
(C)Not at all, he bores me all the time.
(D)Why me? I don’t know where he is.

10( ).

甲: Can you visit us in New York over Christmas? 乙: I really want to, but I don’t think I can. 甲: _____. What’s the problem?
(A)What a shame.
(B)It’s our pleasure.
(C)Who is coming along with you?
(D)How about going skiing together then?

11( ).

甲: Can you do me a favor? 乙: ______________ 甲: Please return this book to the library for me. It’s due today.
(A)Give me a break.
(B)Yes. Here you are.
(C)Thanks for your offer.
(D)Sure. What is it?

12( ).

Coco Chanel, or Gabrielle Chanel, was a small-town girl before she became the fashion icon. Little Chanel was raised in an orphanage, ____31____ she first learned to sew and make clothes. By 17, she was trying her hand as a club singer. However, it was not Chanel’s voice ____32____ her keen eye for style that was to bring her fame and fortune. In 1923, with ample funds from her rich boyfriends, Chanel started her fashion business in Paris. Her reputation grew rapidly, and ____33____ , she was opening stores throughout France and beyond. By the 1920s, Chanel was one of the leading fashion designers due to her ____34____ and hard work. She redefined women’s fashion with her simple, elegant design. ____35____ copying the over-elaborate styles of her competitors, she converted ordinary fabrics into classy outfits that emphasize simplicity and comfort.

13( ).

With the development of digital technology, the number of SOHO workers has increased for the last two decades. The term SOHO stands for“small office/ home office”. It refers to the category of business which involves 1 to 10 workers. Anyone with a computer, a fax machine, or even a telephone can become a SOHO worker, taking such jobs as a lawyer, a website designer, a writer, or a personal shopper. Since there is no boss around to supervise a SOHO worker, he or she must work independently.

Without the resources like those of a large company, a SOHO worker has to work harder than workers in a regular office. Therefore, to make the most profits, SOHO workers need to ensure the quality of their services, ideas, or products. Many SOHO workers find it challenging to ignore the distractions that lie waiting around their homes. For instance, TV is hard to miss, and they may always have the desire to get a snack in the kitchen or refrigerator.

Besides, though they enjoy more freedom and independence, SOHO workers face more stress from work. For one thing, they must be more efficient to meet project deadlines, or they may run the risk of losing their business. For another, they face irregular income, which puts high pressure on those who need to raise a family. To sum up, making a living as a SOHO worker does not seem as easy as expected.

【題組】According to the author, why is it not easy for a SOHO worker to make a living?
(A)a SOHO worker does not have a boss.
(B)a SOHO worker often watches TV or eats while working.
(C)a SOHO worker has to pay a big amount of rent.
(D)a SOHO worker does not have a regular income.

14( ).

He decided to ________ in the international culinary contest no matter how challenging it could be. 

15( ).

A: Mr. Anderson was mad at our class today. B: __________________________ A: Nearly half of the students did not finish their homework. B: No wonder. 
(A)Isn’t he your math teacher?
(B)Really? When? ƒ
(C)How come?
(D)Does he need to see a psychiatrist?

16( ).

四、閱讀測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 Have you ever wondered where the name “America” came from? Why aren’t the continents of North and South America called “Columbusia” after Christopher Columbus? The word “America” actually came from Amerigo Vespucci, a 15-century Italian explorer. Who made the decision? A mapmaker. Like Columbus, Vespucci traveled to the New World (first in 1499 and again in 1502). Unlike Columbus, Vespucci wrote about it. Vespucci’s accounts of his travels were published in 1504 and were widely read in Europe. Columbus was also hindered because he thought he had discovered another route to Asia; he didn’t realize America was a whole new continent. Vespucci, however, found that America was not contiguous with Asia. He was also the first to call it the New World, or Novus Mundus in Latin, in his books. With the discovery of this “New World,” maps were being redrawn all the time. In 1507, a German mapmaker named Martin Waldseemüller was drawing a map of the world. He called it the Universalis Cosmographia, or Universal Cosmography. Comprised of 12 wooden panels, it was eight feet wide and four-and-a-half feet tall. He based his drawings of the New World on Vespucci’s published travelogues, and the mapmaker further used Vespucci’s name “Amerigo” to name the new continents “America.” Mapmakers tended to copy one another’s choices, so Columbus was left off the map. Today, an original of Waldseemüller’s map is permanently on display at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
【題組】47. What did Amerigo Vespucci call America?
(A) America.
(B) Columbusia.
(C) Novus Mundus.
(D) Universalis Cosmographia.

17( ).

【題組】50. In the 2nd paragraph, what does the word “contiguous” most likely mean?
(A) Distant.
(B) Circling.
(C) Nonstop.
(D) Connected.

18( ).

7. A research study showed that by the end of 5th grade, children who didn’ t read over their summer breaks _two years behind the reading levels of summer readers.
(B) lagged
(D) put

19( ).

29._ —in the 19th century, the university is the oldest in the world.
(B) Founded
(C)To found
(D) To find

20( ).

   TED is owned by the Sapling Foundation, a private nonprofit foundation. The foundation was established in 1996 by publishing entrepreneur Chris Anderson. The goal of the Sapling Foundation is 41 the spread of great ideas. It aims to provide a platform for thinkers, visionaries and teachers, 42 people around the globe can gain a better understanding of the biggest issues faced by the world, and feed a desire to help create a better future. Core to this goal is a belief 43 there is no greater force for changing the world than a powerful idea. Many factors can 44 the power of ideas: mass media, technology and market forces, to name three. In the past, Sapling supported projects that used these tools to leverage every dollar 45 and create sustainable change in areas such as global public health, poverty alleviation and biodiversity.

(A) as if
(B) now that
(C) so that
(D) until

21( ).

14.閱讀下文,推斷何者最符合其意旨? 騏驥、騄駬,足及千里,置之宮室,使之捕鼠,曾不如小狸;干將為利,名聞天下,匠以治木,不如斤斧。《說 苑‧雜言》

22( ).

14. 下列何種規劃方式將員工納入規劃的體系中,由員工與管理者共同設定工作目標?
(A)由下而上 的規劃方式

23( ).

10. 認為「沒有一領導準則,可放諸四海而皆準」,此係指?
(D)系統 理論。

24( ).

16. 費德勒假設一個人的領導風格是:
(C) 固定的

25( ).

28. 根據路徑—目標理論,一領導者行為是______的程度,此將視有效績效的條件滿足部屬需求,並 提供訓練與引導:


【精選】 - 國營事業◆國文 - 國營事業◆英文 - 企業概論 法學緒論(法律常識) 30% - 管理學 經濟學 50% - 國營事業◆1.企業概論 2.法學緒論 - 國營事業◆1.管理學 2.經濟學..(1~25)-阿摩線上測驗
