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This is not imagination, ______ reality.
(A) and  
(B) or  
(C) nor  
(D) but  


40. William found the movie _____ because he loves the story about humans and animals.
(A)to interest


39. This luggage is three times as heavy _____ that.


    The aboriginal people of Australia have always made the land important in their arts. When settlers from Europe came to Australia in the 18th and 19 th centuries, they claimed that the land was owned by no one, but, as the art works of the indigenous show, the land has always given the aboriginal people a sense of mutual belonging: they belong to the land and the land belongs to them. Traditional “dreamtime”  art reflects the creation myths and migration legends of ancestral beings across difficult terrain. Paintings done on bark often show a bird’s eye view of a familiar landscape, a river, or a campsite. Stencil paintings on rocks mark important places on tribal journeys. And the colors for paintings originally came from clay ochre mined from the earth and wood ash. Even though watercolors and oil paints may now be used, works by contemporary aboriginal artists still show the close relation of the indigenous people to the land they have lived on for millennia. 
【題組】47 “Dreamtime” in traditional Australian indigenous art expresses
(A) mythic stories from the ancient past.
(B) experiences of hard life in the city.
(C) the individual feelings of contemporary artists.
(D) traveling across the land at night.


    Among most peoples in the world, children are given names. In the United States children have a family name, 
or a “last name,” and a first name. Most also have a middle name. However, not all people name children in the 
same way.   Some peoples believe that the spirits of those who have died are reborn in babies. To name a baby, the parents 
begin by saying the names of the child’s ancestors. The baby may sneeze, smile, or cry when a certain name is said. 
The parents think that means the ancestor is reborn in the baby. The baby is given that name.
Some peoples change their names. Navaho Indians change their names when they want new ones. The Navaho 
can decide to use the mother’s last name rather than the father’s. They may want an English name in place of a 
Native American one. Or they may change their English name into a Navaho name. The Navaho do not think it 
important to keep the same name. 
In some parts of Africa, a baby’s name is kept secret. No strangers are allowed to learn it. People there believe that the name is part of the child. They think that anyone who learns the name will have power over the child.

【題組】47 Why is it easy for Navaho Indians to change their names?
(A) They feel that it is not important to keep the same name. 
(B) Whenever they sneeze, they change their names. 
(C) They believe a name is part of them. 
(D) They will have power over a child when they know the child’s name.


42 The salesperson _____ Mom to buy a new pot which she doesn’t need.
(A) persuaded
(B) proved
(C) pursued
(D) permitted


40 Mr. Lin couldn’t decide which car to buy, ___ there were many attractive models.


38 Henry is leaving for New York tonight,_______ he won’t be able to attend the meeting in Taipei tomorrow morning.
(A) till
(B) but
(C) or
(D) so


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: A man and his son were traveling through the icy Arctic wasteland. They tried their best to gather food and fuel for winter. The boy made friends with a little brown bird. When winter set in, the boy and his father settled into their igloo. One night they heard a polar bear outside. The bear tried to get into the igloo, but it was too big. So he put his paw through the entrance and stamped out the fire inside. The bear knew that, in the spring, he could come back and get the boy and his father, who would have frozen to death then. Once the bear had gone, the little bird flew into the igloo. The bird saw that the boy and his father were so cold that they had fallen asleep, so it frantically flapped his wings to get the fire going again. As he flapped, the flames grew, and the bird’s breast turned red with the heat. He did not stop until the boy and his father had woken. Since then, robins have had a red breast.
【題組】47 What was the boy doing when he made friends with the bird?
(A) He was having fun traveling in the Arctic.
(B) He was hunting polar bears.
(C) He was looking for his father.
(D) He was getting prepared for winter.


40. The drunk driver is to ______ for the accident that resulted in 10 deaths last night.
(A) blame
(B) report
(C) breathe
(D) persuade


18 In Tom’s opinion, ____________deprive students of the freedom to express themselves and make them look not only similar but dull.


請依下文回答第 45 題至第 49 題:
        Many of us, nowadays, seem to believe that a happy future is something impossible to achieve. While such concerns must be taken very seriously, they are not invincible. They can be overcome when we don’t lock our door to the outside world. 
        Happiness can only be discovered as a gift of harmony between the whole and each single component. Even science--and you know it better than I do--points to an understanding of reality as a place where every element connects and interacts with everything else. 
        And this brings me to my second message. How wonderful would it be if the growth of scientific and technological innovation would come along with more equality and social inclusion. How wonderful would it be, while we discover faraway planets, to rediscover the needs of the brothers and sisters orbiting around us. When one realizes that life, even in the middle of so many contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to another fellow being? 

【題組】48 Which of following is the most possible situation under which this talk was delivered?
(A)An economic depression.
(B)The competition between two nations.
(C)Conflicts between people around the world.
(D)Global climate change.


37 Among the top cell phone makers, their smart phone products have always been known for their quality design and attention to ___________.
(A) bill
(B) silence
(C) confidence
(D) detail


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題
      In the United States Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00 a.m. local time on the second Sunday in March. On the first Sunday in November areas on Daylight Saving Time return to Standard Time at 2:00 a.m. When Daylight Saving Time begins, turn your clocks ahead one hour. At the end of Daylight Saving Time turn your clocks back one hour.
      For most Americans, Daylight Saving Time means only one thing: losing an hour’s sleep. So what is the point?This is actually a reasonable question, according to a growing body of scientific research.
      Most of North America and Europe follows Daylight Saving Time, while the majority of countries elsewhere do not. When clocks in almost all of the United States spring forward by an hour at 2 a.m. on Sunday, it will likely prompt an increase in heart attacks and strokes, cause more car accidents and reduce worker productivity, according to studies. It will also fail to cut the nation’s energy bill, contrary to what the experts once believed.
      Disruptions, even minor ones, to human beings’ sleep patterns can have outsized effects, according to researchers. “Our study suggests that sudden, even small changes in sleep could have detrimental effects,” Amneet Sandhu of the University of Colorado told Reuters in 2014 after his study of Michigan hospital data showed a 25 percent jump in heart attacks on the Monday after Daylight Saving Time began.
      Daylight Saving Time, which runs until the fall, was widely adopted during World War Two as an energy-saving measure. The rationale was that a later sunset meant people would spend fewer hours using lights inside their homes in the evening.
      But studies have generally failed to show significant energy savings associated with the shift.
      Plenty of people expressed frustration on social media on Saturday, as the prospect of losing an hour’s sleep loomed large. Abolishing Daylight Saving Time – or conversely, extending it year-round – would require a law passed by U.S. Congress. States are allowed to opt out of Daylight Saving Time, but all states are required to follow standard time from November to March. Legislators in some states have tried unsuccessfully to pass laws abandoning Daylight Saving Time, but Arizona and Hawaii are the only states that do not reset their clocks twice a year. For everyone else, Sunday morning will come just a little bit earlier than usual.

【題組】27 What do most Americans complain about the Daylight Saving Time in Paragraph 2?
(A) It failed to cut the nation’s energy bill.
(B) It brought too much trouble adjusting their clocks.
(C) It disrupted their sleeping patterns.
(D) It caused traffic jams and accidents.


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
      A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear reaction. If you have a phobia, you may experience a deep sense of dread or panic when you encounter the source of your fear. The fear can be of a certain place, situation, or object. Unlike general anxiety disorders, a phobia is usually connected to something specific.
      To name some examples, agoraphobia is a fear of places or situations that you can’t escape from. The word itself refers to “fear of open spaces.” On the contrary, claustrophobia is a fear of enclosed or tight spaces. Severe claustrophobia can be especially disabling if it prevents you from riding in cars or elevators. Glossophobia is known as performance anxiety, or the fear of speaking in front of an audience. People with this phobia have severe physical symptoms when they even think about being in front of a group of people. Acrophobia is the fear of heights, which is quite common among people. The impact of a phobia can range from annoying to severely disabling. People with phobias often realize their fear is irrational, but they’re unable to do anything about it. Such fears can interfere with work, school, and personal relationships.
      Genetic and environmental factors can cause phobias. Children who have a close relative with an anxiety disorder are at risk of developing a phobia. Distressing events, such as nearly drowning, can bring on a phobia.Exposure to confined spaces, extreme heights, and animal or insect bites can all be sources of phobias. People with ongoing medical conditions or health concerns often have phobias. There’s a high incidence of people developing phobias after traumatic brain injuries. Substance abuse and depression are also connected to phobias.
      The most common and disabling symptom of a phobia is a panic attack. Features of a panic attack include:racing heart, shortness of breath, rapid speech or inability to speak, dry mouth, upset stomach, nausea, elevated blood pressure, trembling, and dizziness.
      Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most commonly used therapeutic treatment for phobias. It involves exposure to the source of the fear in a controlled setting. This treatment can decondition people and reduce anxiety.New CBT techniques use virtual reality technology to expose people to the sources of their phobias safely.
      If you have a phobia, it’s critical that you seek treatment. With the right treatment, you can learn to manage your fears and lead a productive, fulfilling life.

【題組】34 What is the basic practice of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)?
(A) It removes all the possible triggering factors from the person’s life.
(B) It overloads the person with what he fears to make him overcome the phobia.
(C) It exposes the person to the source of the fear in a controlled setting.
(D) It involves surgeries to treat the brain traumatic injuries.


36 Tim wore a very ________ mask at the Halloween parade and scared many children.
(A) graceful
(B) frightening
(C) insightful
(D) pleasant


22 The writer is a little upset because his new book hasn’t gotten good ________ on the newspaper.
(A) relations
(B) rations
(C) reviews
(D) raises


