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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 民航特種考試_三等_各科別:英文#122660
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1 After the horrific fire, the doctor successfully _____ skin to her face.
(A) transcended
(B) transformed
(C) transferred
(D) transplanted


2 Two thieves _____ this mansion and got away with some jewelry a week ago.
(A) deployed
(B) condescended
(C) confiscated
(D) ransacked


3 Tim has a reputation as an easygoing and _____ manager who always has lunch with his employees.
(A) absorbable
(B) approachable
(C) refundable
(D) probable


4 The warnings that an invasion of the country was _____ seemed unbelievable to many analysts.
(A) immortal
(B) imminent
(C) adaptive
(D) adhesive


5 The rapid population growth has _____ on the surrounding natural forests in search of more vacant land.
(A) retrieved
(B) encroached
(C) fertilized
(D) contemplated


6 The football team had to _____ its dominance over the opposing team to win the game.
(A) appall
(B) exert
(C) reduce
(D) dispel

7( ).

7 Citizens should seek _____ from those congressmen, especially those who try to have themselves re-elected.
(A) affiliation
(B) alignment
(C) accountability
(D) affordability

8( ).

8 This material was reviewed by the authorities concerned to prevent the media’s _____ of highly personal information.
(A) suspense
(B) omission
(C) enclosure
(D) disclosure

9( ).

9 Despite facing many obstacles, he worked _____ towards his goal, never giving up or losing hope.
(A) relentlessly
(B) relevantly
(C) relationally
(D) relatively

10( ).

10 He was a kid with decisive personality who never _____ things for hours on end.
(A) browsed at
(B) blew up at
(C) brooded over
(D) brimmed over

11( ).

11 The _____ between the two competing business organizations has escalated into a trade war.
(A) confrontation
(B) configuration
(C) consensus
(D) conjunction

12( ).

12 The _____ dispute can be traced back to the year 1917 when the two countries were at war for deciding on their border.
(A) educational
(B) industrial
(C) mechanical
(D) territorial

13( ).

13 In a meeting, team members discuss and argue over a controversial issue. After long discussions, they finally reach a _____.
(A) conflict
(B) consensus
(C) conservative
(D) consequence

14( ).

14 His jokes were so _____ that we decided to ask him to repeat them at the upcoming party.
(A) apprehensive
(B) hilarious
(C) intrusive
(D) improper

15( ).

15 The neighbors had a _____ over the property line, which resulted in a heated argument.
(A) dispute
(B) consensus
(C) distinction
(D) compliance

16( ).

16 What the witness said in court was not _____ with the statement the suspect made to the police. There were obvious differences in several details.
(A) alternate
(B) applicable
(C) consistent
(D) comprehensible

17( ).

17 The airline agreed to _____ the passengers for their canceled flights by providing full refunds for their tickets.
(A) reimburse
(B) amend
(C) abandon
(D) substitute

18( ).

18 Scientists have been trying to _____ the genes of crops to make them grow faster and healthier, which may help to reduce world hunger.
(A) categorize
(B) modify
(C) reverse
(D) stagnate

19( ).

19 The general manager resigned after he was accused of _____ the truth and misleading the public about his company’s policies.
(A) revealing
(B) distorting
(C) advocating
(D) exemplifying

20( ).

20 The Italian pop star appears on a red carpet, wearing a trendy _____ and high-heels with glittering accessories from her favorite designer brand.
(A) admiral
(B) dwelling
(C) framework
(D) garment

21( ).

21 Children have their different temperaments that can be observed _____ how they react to the surroundings by their emotions and behaviors.
(A) in spite of
(B) in light of
(C) in addition to
(D) on behalf of

22( ).

22 At least eight people died when small boats _____ off the coast, in what authorities said was a human- smuggling operation gone awry.
(A) capsized
(B) declined
(C) embarked
(D) peddled

23( ).

23 It is a(n) _____ reaction to avoid eye contacts when one is telling a lie.
(A) spectacular
(B) spontaneous
(C) applauded
(D) apprehensible

24( ).

24 Everyone is wondering who will be _____ as the presidential candidate by the Democrat Party.
(A) dominated
(B) nominated
(C) illuminated
(D) contaminated

25( ).

25 The horrible thunderstorm is _____ outside, rattling the windows and filling the room with flashes of light.
(A) raging
(B) giggling
(C) tiptoeing
(D) whispering

26( ).

26 The _____ of the room was filled with the sweet scent of fresh flowers, arranged in a colorful bouquet on the table.
(A) lighting
(B) wallpaper
(C) atmosphere
(D) temperature

27( ).

27 The girl showed no clear indications of physical abuse or malnutrition but was _____ able to climb stairs on her own or overcome uneven ground.
(A) really
(B) hardly
(C) truly
(D) fully

28( ).

28 The government promised to provide _____ for households and industries severely affected by the hurricane.
(A) dimensions
(B) ransoms
(C) subsidies
(D) warrants

29( ).

29 As Vice President of the company, Nancy always tries to show her _____ to others through the power she holds and does not want to let that power go away.
(A) catastrophe
(B) disturbance
(C) prohibition
(D) superiority

30( ).

30 The use of renewable energy sources is crucial for achieving _____ development and combating water shortage.
(A) vicious
(B) sustainable
(C) interchangeable
(D) conditional

31( ).

請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
        According to their research report by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the USA’s space agency NASA hasconfirmed that human activity is responsible for a massive redistribution of freshwater across Earth. It said theredistribution is continuing as populations shift and __31__ for food increases. In particular, equatorialregions were __32__ , while tropical areas and higher latitudes were gaining water supplies. NASA warnedthat if this trend continued, many highly populated urban areas would struggle to find __33__  water in thefuture. NASA’s claims are the result of a 14-year study into shifting locations and  __34__ resources offreshwater. It was part of a mission __35__ between 2002-2016 called GRACE, which is an acronym forGravity Recovery and Climate Experiment. Researchers say that the shifting freshwater patterns are the resultof human activity.

(A) command
(B) demand
(C) research
(D) compassion

32( ).

(A) drying
(B) increasing
(C) flooding
(D) ventilating

33( ).

(A) polluted
(B) sufficient
(C) deficient
(D) distilled

34( ).

(A) evading
(B) converting
(C) reversing
(D) depleting

35( ).

(A) conducted
(B) deducted
(C) produced
(D) increased

36( ).

請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
        In 2023, energy will remain expensive. Europe has added to its import capacity for liquefied natural gas,but global supplies will not increase by much. Gas-storage facilities are almost full and, thanks to a warmautumn, will not be completely empty by spring. But oil-producing countries seem determined, despitediplomatic pressure from the West, to keep oil scarce and dear. And French nuclear plants will resume output,but not enough to bring power costs down very much.
       That will leave inflation higher than many had hoped. True, as raw energy prices stop rising, year-on-yearcomparisons mean inflation will shrink almost mechanically throughout 2023. But some energy prices arecapped or set using long-term contracts, and so have yet to rise fully. In the rest of the economy, the energy-price shock will continue to push prices up. Wages will increase to make up for lost real income, adding tofirms’ costs. Businesses will pass higher costs on to customers to protect profit margins. And rising prices forservices, which are largely unrelated to energy, will take time to slow.
       Consumers and businesses will feel the brunt and start to hold back. In 2022, a year of post-covid recovery,pent-up demand for sunny holidays and fancy restaurants boosted the economy. Industry benefited fromoverflowing order books from the post-covid surge in demand and the supply-chain disruptions that came withit. But in 2023, household budgets will face a double whammy: higher energy bills and increased mortgagepayments as interest rates remain high to fight inflation. Firms will also be squeezed, and so will cut back oninvestment. All of this will tip Europe’s economy into recession.
        Unlike in previous slumps, the global economy cannot come to Europe’s rescue. Export orders for itsindustry will remain low during 2023, as higher interest rates, the global energy crunch and the strong dollarweaken growth and demand throughout the world. Only once energy prices have come down, and inflation inAmerica has been brought under control, will global growth be able to support Europe’s recovery. But that willnot happen in 2023.

【題組】36 What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) The disaster of inflation will be brooding over Europe throughout 2023.
(B) The 2022 post-covid recovery will continue in 2023.
(C) There are some innovative ways to stop inflation in Europe.
(D) The global economy can come to Europe’s rescue.

37( ).

【題組】37 According to this passage, what is the possible solution to the economic crisis in Europe?
(A) People try to cut down their expenses and prevent themselves from joining public activities.
(B) Scientists work out some good medication or vaccine to fight against the pandemic.
(C) Energy prices can come down and inflation in America is brought under control.
(D) The international community should encourage global tourism to boost world economy.

38( ).

【題組】38 According to this passage, which of the following can be one cause for the current high inflation?
(A) Oil-producing countries keep oil price high and make it not easy to get.
(B) Export orders for the industry remain prosperous for a long time.
(C) The prices for services are falling over the past three years.
(D) Many people who are infected with the corona virus are unwilling to work.

39( ).

【題組】39 Based on this passage, which statement is NOT true?
(A) Unlike in previous slumps, the global economy cannot come to Europe’s rescue.
(B) Europe’s economic recovery will not happen in 2023.
(C) French nuclear plants will resume output, but not enough to bring power costs down much.
(D) Rising prices for services, which are largely unrelated to energy, will soon slow down.

40( ).

【題組】40 What is the best title for this passage?
(A) The Scourge of Inflation for Europe.
(B) The World’s Economy Ruined by the Pandemic.
(C) High Interest Rates and Inflation.
(D) New Energy Supply for Europe’s Recovery.

一、英譯中:(10 分)
Sleep is the most important form of rest. During sleep, there is a pause in most physical activities in the interior of the human body. Thus the organism can restore vital energy and concentrate on general maintenance jobs. It cannot do this while the person is awake.

二、中譯英:(15 分)
在正常的友善交談中,避免沉默是最重要的。假如有人表達一個意見, 適當回應就像當我們被問一個問題時一樣的重要。這個回答可能純粹是 正式的,或可能只傳達很少或根本沒有什麼訊息,但是它使對話持續進行,而且避免停頓的不安。

三、英文作文: (25 分)
What are the qualifications of a good air traffic controller? Please elaborate on your description of approximately 250 words and be sure to support it with specific details.

試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 民航特種考試_三等_各科別:英文#122660-阿摩線上測驗
