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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3866~3870)
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42 Dad: Did you talk to our son over the phone last night? Mom:____ But it was so difficult to get through.
 Dad: Maybe he was on the line all night.
(A) He’s tried his best.
(B) He’s been trying.
(C) I tried.
(D) I did.


一、詞彙題:請選出各題最適當的英文單字或片語。(24 分)
【題組】10. People ___ trees to build canoes, to transport and erect statues.
(A) felled
(B) overthrew
(C) construed
(D) terminated


Around forty years ago, there was a cartoon show on television called The Jetsons. The Jetsons were a family of the future. George Jetson went to work in a rocket, and his wife Jane shopped for groceries on television. The Jetsons had a housekeeper named Rosie. Rosie washed dishes and cleaned the floor, but she wasn’t an ordinary housekeeper. Rosie was a robot. At that time, some viewers thought the cartoon might predict the real future. In some ways it did. For example, some people shop on line now. But we don’t have robots as housekeepers. At least, not yet. Robots do various jobs today. They are often used in manufacturing. They paint and assemble cars and put together electronic devices. Also, robots are used for jobs that are difficult or dangerous for humans. For instance, they were used to explore the planet Mars, to investigate the inside of the great pyramids in Egypt, and to search the wreckage of earthquakes. There ARE robots that can do housework. Several vacuum cleaning robots are available. However, not many people buy these products. Why not? The main reason is cost. These robots are expensive. Another reason is that robot cleaners don’t always do a good job. A third reason is power. Most of these robots use batteries for power, and the batteries do not last long without recharging.
【題組】46 What is the most important reason that people do NOT buy household robots today?
(A) They are still not very safe.
(B) They are too difficult to use.
(C) Their power can’t last long.
(D) They cost a lot of money.


34 Such a workload may be a___________ . Your boss is simply trying to test your ability before you are promoted.
(A) wolf in sheep’s clothing
(B) castle in the air
(C) whisper in the wind
(D) blessing in disguise


36 After college, Robert decided to go to Paris and ____on the journey of becoming pastry chef.
(A) endure
(B) inform
(C) embark
(D) involve


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3866~3870)-阿摩線上測驗
