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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3871~3875)
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33 Today people have been concerned about the potential for altering photos on computers because imaging software makes ______ easier than ever.
(A) innovation
(B) deletion
(C) manipulation
(D) distribution


第 22 題至第 25 題為篇章結構,請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者,各題答案內容不重複。 
      Solar power is a non-polluting, clean energy source that is widely available without any fuel costs. 22 In addition, solar systems offer many benefits. They are mobile and are virtually maintenance free with only annual cleaning needed. 23 Photovoltaic systems needed for generating solar electricity can be constructed modularly, so people can start with two panels and increase the size of the system as they need, or can afford. 
     24 This makes it necessary to store the produced electricity or to use backup generators. The number of usable sun hours for each site varies depending on latitude, cloud cover, and other obstacles. This means that photovoltaic systems are not a cost-effective option for all locations. Large-scale solar electric systems need large amounts of land to collect solar energy, which can cause conflict if the land is in an environmentally sensitive area or is needed for other purposes. 25 Another idea is to place solar cells on existing rooftops, over parking lots, in yards, and along highways, and then connect the systems to an electric utility’s power-line system. As the use of solar electric systems increases, laws may be needed to protect people’s right to access the sun.

【題組】 22
(A) One solution is to locate large-scale solar electric systems in deserts or marginal lands.
(B) Solar energy is the only renewable energy technology that is not available today.
(C) In those places where there are no electrical lines, solar power can be used instead.
(D) However, solar energy is not produced at night and can also be unreliable due to cloudy weather.


33 The computer program is_________ . It can carry out a conversation with you.
(A) initiative
(B) talkative
(C) interactive
(D) perceptive


38 She left the room in a _____, slamming the door behind her.
(A) rage
(B) glimpse
(C) dilemma
(D) privilege


25 Had_____ not been for your help, I could not have made my dream come true.
(A) you
(C) it
(D) they


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3871~3875)-阿摩線上測驗
