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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3911~3915)
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I plan to go to Jay’s concert next week, but all tickets __________ .
(A)have been sold out
(B)had sold out
(C)had been sold out
(D)sold out


請依下文回答第 1 題至第 3 題
        Quick judgments about people and places can be remarkably accurate, and there is no substitute for simple logic and reflection in determining questions like which alarm clock or cellular phone is the best value. But many more important decisions—choosing the right apartment, the optimal house, the best vacation—turn on such a bewildering swarm of facts that people often become frustrated and put the whole thing temporarily out of mind. And new research suggests that this may be a rewarding strategy. In a series of experiments reported in the journal Science, a team of Dutch psychologists found that people struggling to make complex decisions did best when they were distracted and were not able to think consciously about the choice at all. The research not only backs up the common advice to “sleep on it” when facing difficult choices, but it also suggests that the unconscious brain can actively reason as well as produce weird dreams and Freudian slips.

【題組】 2 According to the passage, what does the research suggest to people who struggle to make complex decisions?
(A)To think consciously about them all the time
(B)To put them out of mind temporarily
(C)To become optimistic about them momentarily
(D)To dream about them constantly


40 In a world where standstills have become all too common, constant ______is the key to business success.
(A) application
(B) evolving
(C) initiation
(D) offering


請依下文回答第 37 題至第 41 題:
        Three of the nation’s most influential woman activists are launching an organization. It aims to __37__    thepolitical power of women to influence elections and shape local and national policy priorities. The organization,which __38_ itself as multiracial and intergenerational, has a goal of training and __39__ two million womenover the next year to become organizers and political leaders in their communities. The effort comes at a momentwhen women have emerged as perhaps the most powerful force in politics. The organization isn’t expectedto __40__    individual candidates. But the group will help educate women about candidates’ positions on issuesincluding pay equity and __41__ child care. They aim to push politicians to adopt an agenda akin to a “women’snew deal.”

(A) affordable
(B) dispensable
(C) educable
(D) dissolvable


33 I agree with you and fully ______ your opinion that the only way this problem can be solved is by cross-cultural learning.
(A) announce
(B) authorize
(C) endorse
(D) enhance


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3911~3915)-阿摩線上測驗
