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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3946~3950)
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34 Seeing elderly people keep talking about their lives at the retirement home, Luke reminded himself not to speak________ about his life experience when he became a senior citizen.
(B) defiantly
(D) concisely


10 Fighting wildfire is often likened to a military campaign, with personnel deployed strategically on the ground and air support striking from above.
(A) Demands for manpower and air support are increasing in wildfire fights.
(B) Wildfire control is like fighting a war in many ways except its demand for manpower on the spot and air assistance.
(C) It is hard to put out wildfire without military support: its diverse workforce and well-equipped aircrafts.
(D) Combating wildfire is like a battle fought by armed forces that requires collaborative work on the ground and from the air.


In diet-obsessed America, it’s hard to say an encouraging word about lipids—a term biochemists use to include all fats and oils. Yet life would be utterly impossible without them. Cell membranes, as we have seen, depend critically on a two-ply lipid layer to keep out unwanted elements. The insulating sheaths of nerve cells are built from fats, which is one reason why growing babies with rapidly developing nervous systems need a fair amount of fat—and why breast milk contains so much of it. Fat makes up only 12 percent of a newborn’s weight, but increases to nearly 30 percent by the end of a child’s first year. Fats also help generate a number of important hormones collectively called steroids—compounds structurally related to cholesterol—such as estrogen and testosterone. Of course, they also make effective padding to keep you warm and to cover vulnerable body parts such as the kidneys. Although physicians recommend that adults rely on lipids for no more than 20 percent of their daily intake, most Americans eat a lot more fat—chiefly from meat, eggs, cheese, assorted fried “junk foods,” and various plant sources such as nuts, peanut butter, and vegetable oils. Dietitians now recommend that men have 15 percent body fat by weight, and women no more than 20 percent, although social custom has dictated spectacularly different ratios over the centuries. Many cultures have regarded female plumpness as a sign of fertility—for the excellent reason that conspicuous body fat suggests that a woman has a good supply of nutrients to feed a fetus and nurse a newborn.
【題組】39 What do doctors say about our daily intake of fat?
(A) Men should have no more than 15 percent and women no more than 20 percent.
(B) Adults may get fat from meat, eggs, cheese, assorted junk foods, and various plant sources.
(C) The ratios of fat can be altered according to social custom.
(D) Adults should have fat for no more than 20 percent of their daily intake.


40 Hawaii is a multicultural society, a community of different______ groups where no one group is the majority.
(C)  moral 


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題: A recent report issued by the British Parliament’s Home Affairs Committee has strongly criticized the government’s mistreatment of the Windrush generation because many of their rights have been rejected without reasons. The so-called Windrush generation is referred to those immigrants who migrated to the UK from Commonwealth nations after World War II. Yet, despite being legal immigrants for decades, those people were treated unreasonably as illegal ones. A lot of them have become unemployed, homeless, and even been deprived of their access to pensions, social security and health care. Further, the report indicates that this occurrence was caused by the implementation of various policies that makes the Home Office undergo several cultural and legislative transformations. This transition has let the ministry become inflexible and bureaucratic. Moreover, the report also reveals that people from the Windrush generation feel obligated to follow procedures that are, in fact, meant to cheat and trick them. And significant resources for support like legal assistance and the right of appeal have all been eliminated. People like them are being ensnared by policies that are aimed for attacking illegal immigrants. The report eventually advises that the government needs to attentively interrogate the Windrush case and discover the reasons why the policies have foundered in order to ensure that there is no recurrence of similar things in the future. The report also reminds the Home Office of the lesson learned from this Windrush scandal.
【題組】36 What is the main purpose of this report issued by the British Parliament’s Home Affairs Committee?
(A)To inform people of the malfunction of the Windrush generation.
(B)To remind the Home Office of the dangers involved in the scandal.
(C)To instruct the Home Office how to redress the financial imbalance.
(D)To suggest the Home Office attends to the Windrush issue.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3946~3950)-阿摩線上測驗
