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【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(201~225)
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20.Can you check the _________and see what day it is?


Richard is lucky to have supportive parents who ________ him to pursue his dream. 


6. Climbing unemployment rates and dropping job opportunities are huge ________ to the new government.


3. There are several ways to make people more _____ in the heat during summer.


25. My computer is broken. I need someone to _____ it right away.
(A) beat
(B) repair
(C) charge
(D) organize


use a lot of resources and contribute to global warming. As a result, more and more couples are now looking for ways to make their traditional weddings kinder to the environment. Before their weddings, these couples mail invitations that are printed on recycled paper. Or, they avoid using paper altogether by e-mailing invitations instead. Couples also register at stores that sell environmentally-friendly gifts, such as bed sheets made of bamboo and towels made of organic cotton. Then, these couples know that they will receive “green” gifts from their wedding guests. Many couples choose to hold their weddings outdoors in parks or on farms rather than in churches or other buildings. This can greatly reduce the amount of electricity needed for the weddings. The couples also look for locations that are as close as possible to their guests. Why? Because the farther their guests have to drive, the more pollution they will produce. During the reception, “green” couples serve organic foods, which are better for the environment because no chemicals are used to grow them. They also purchase food that is grown locally, not thousands of miles away. This reduces the pollution that results from transporting the food for long distances. Finally, they serve their food and drinks using cups, plates and utensils made of recycled materials.
【題組】 1. According to the article, what do these green couples care about?
(A) Having babies.
(B) Saving money.
(C) Receiving presents.
(D) Protecting the earth.


3. The rent is ten thousand dollars a month, _____ gas and electricity.
(A) considering
(B) accepting
(C) including
(D) cashing


14. To protect the forests, we’ve got to use _____ paper as much as possible.
(A) divorce
(B) recycled
(C) material
(D) tissue


19. I _____ never been to Japan. I really hope I can go there and see it for myself someday.
(A) have
(B) has
(C) do
(D) am


23. John was proved not only smart_____considerate, which was the reason he was popular in school.
(A) as well as
(B) but also
(C) in spite of
(D) not yet


42. These oranges taste really sweet, not____at all.
(A) huge
(B) noisy
(C) sour
(D) weak


69. A: Excuse me. How often does the bus go to the airport? B:____
(A) Early in the morning.
(B) In an hour.
(C) Five minutes later.
(D) Every half an hour.


2. My yearly ________ is NT800,000. I make about NT65,000 a month.
(A) aspect
(B) engine
(C) income
(D) object


9. The ________ networking websites allow people to find long-lost friends and get back in touch with them.
(A) social
(B) racial
(C) visual
(D) equal


65. A:______________________ B: It’s very …er…special. But, your long hair looked better before.
(A)How would you like your haircut?
(B)I’m thinking about changing my hairstyle.
(C)What do you think about my new hairstyle?
(D)My hairdresser suggested my hair be dyed brown.


Recently, more and more college students have chosen to work abroad during the summer vacation. Countries such as the United States and Australia offer them job 39 with places to stay. Those who get the jobs will have to pay for their own traveling and living 40 . Most of them find 41 in restaurants, stores and farms. For those who provide service in national parks, they will have a better chance to earn more money because they usually receive 42 from the tourists. Most of these students try to spend some time 43 places of interest in the countries where they work. For most of them, this is a valuable experience as they can not only earn money and make friends but also get to use English and see another part of the world.


4. When Minnie called me last night, I_____.
(A) did homework
(B) was doing homework
(C) am done homework
(D) have done homework


1. Can you advise me what it is best to do here?
(A) suggest to
(B) ask
(C) confirm
(D) send


46. A: ______ Here comes a scooter. B: Oh, no! It almost hit me.
(A) Come with me.
(B) Watch out!
(C) Cheer up!
(D) What a nice scooter!


6. With the holiday season upon us, we are looking ________ to the Christmas dinner and presents.
(A) upward
(B) forward
(C) backward
(D) downward


12. You’ll need to check the ___ if you want to schedule an appointment.
(A) calendar
(B) enemy
(C) furniture
(D) republic


27. Since she was good at English, she decided to become an English _______ in college.
(A) engine
(B) gossip
(C) major
(D) profit


38. A: Can you forgive me?
B: Well, let me think about it.
B: That sounds great. I prefer Italian food.
(A) What was your purpose to visit Japan?
(B) How about I take you to lunch as an apology?
(C) I normally have only two meals a day.
(D) It's so kind of you to forgive me.


3. The company was founded four decades ago; in other words, it has been in operation for _______.
(A) 40 years
(B) 40 months
(C) 80 years
(D) 80 months


38. A: I am looking for a new apartment.
B: My building has some vacancies. Are you interested in them?
A: _______________
(A) No. Are you crazy?
(B) Yes. Can you give me more details?
(C) Should I trust you?
(D) Can I repair the house?


【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(201~225)-阿摩線上測驗
