(4 分4 秒)

(五)閱讀測驗 Scientist Paul Johnson and his team did a research on the result of feeding a lot of junk food to some rats. They had a serious goal: to try to understand how parts of the brain play a role in obesity. (Obesity is the condition of being very overweight, which has been linked to a variety of health problems.) The scientists observed that the more junk food the rats ate, the more they wanted to eat—a behavior very similar to that of rats addicted to heroin, a dangerous drug. Johnson told Science News the experiment shows that the brain chemistry of obesity and drug addiction may be quite similar. In their experiment, Johnson and his team studied the “pleasure center” of rats’ brains. The pleasure center is a complicated network of nerve cells. Together, these cells work as the body’s reward system. If the animal exercises or eats, the cells reward the animal by releasing chemicals into the body that make it feel good. And when the body feels good, the animal—or person—will want to do the behavior again. Pleasure centers can release these chemicals in less healthy ways, too. Drugs like heroin can cause the pleasurable chemicals to be released. For the experiment, Johnson fed foods like cheesecake, bacon and Ho Hos to one group of rats. These foods are all high in calories and high in fat. Another group of rats received a regular, nutritious diet. The rats that ate junk food started to eat more and more.
【題組】77. What is the result to the rats that are fed with junk food?
(A) They live longer.
(B) They are addicted to heroin.
(C) They want to eat more junk food.
(D) They change to a regular, nutritious diet.


25. Jason Bower dozed off in the meeting. He_all night partying again.
(A) must have stayed up
(B) should have stayed up
(C) has stayed up
(D) always stayed up


10. The Great Wall, _______ goes from the Gobi Desert to the Yellow Sea, stretches for 6,000 kilometers in China.


25. If ________ to sign any documents at your job interview, make sure you read them carefully.
(A) asking
(B)to ask


39. I would rather have Chinese cuisine than Italian food for dinner today. ________ pizza ________ spaghetti will be on the list of my choice.
(A)Neither / nor
(B)Either / or
(C)Not only / but also
(D)Not / but


Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) is one of the simplest games. The rules are easy to learn and anyone can play it. Although it is a game played mostly by children for fun, there are some people for whom RPS is a serious sport. But isn’t RPS purely a game of luck? Not according to the experts. In fact, there are numerous strategies that can be used to increase our chances of winning. Evidently, it all comes down to human psychology. Most RPS players use patterns of “throws” without realizing it. For example, people throw rocks more often when they are mad, and throw scissors more often when they are winning. After playing many rounds, your opponent’s individual pattern of throws becomes quite obvious. Also, if you watch your opponent’s hand carefully, you may be able to tell what he plans to throw. Of course, advanced players will try to deceive their opponents. Players who try to use purely random throws rarely win because they end up becoming predictable in the end. If all else fails, there are conventional “mind games” that you can play to give you an edge, such as laughing when you are winning or yawning when you are losing. By annoying your opponent in this way, you may be able to break his concentration and gain a significant advantage. Above all, remember that if you want to win at RPS, you have to practice frequently. If you get good enough, you could even win a medal at the next World RPS Championship.

【題組】47. A RPS player who is angry ________.
(A)needs to learn about basic human psychology
(B)should not be given a pair of scissors
(C)tends to “throw” more rocks
(D)does not realize it during the game


3. After a long day’s hike, Tony took a hot bath to ________ his tired muscles and felt a lot better.
(A) nurture
(B) peddle
(C) rotate
(D) soothe


9. Many homemakers do not have a chance to _____ a career until their children are older.
(A) fasten
(B) import
(C) regret
(D) pursue


23. He doesn’t like to listen to _______ about others because most of them aren’t true.
(A) barriers
(B) activities
(C) attempts
(D) rumors



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