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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 中國鋼鐵股份有限公司_新進人員甄試試題_員級-各類別全:英文#110199
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11. The recent mutation of the COVID-19 virus has prompted scientists to develop new vaccines.
(A) alteration
(B) elevation
(C) concentration
(D) negation


12. Mary won the first place in the creative writing competition; in addition, she received a cash prize of $2,000.
(A) besides
(B) however
(C) except
(D) finally


13. One of the employees proposed that they hire a consultant to give them professional advice on how to market the new product.
(A) recalled
(B) confirmed
(C) denied
(D) suggested


14. I suspected his intentions as he did not seem to be a generous person.
(A) believed
(B) recognized
(D) doubted


15. Contrary to popular belief, cats actually form bonds with their owners just as dogs do.
(A) proven
(B) positive
(D) incorrect


16. Alicia had no choice but to turn down the job offer due to a number of personal issues.
(A) renew
(B) consider
(D) accept


17. For Taiwanese people living abroad, finding a decent Taiwanese restaurant can be a real challenge.
(A) overseas
(B) on board
(D) domestically


18. Whole towns disputed with neighboring villages over boundaries.
(A) denied
(B) fought
(D) agreed


19. You're mad to walk home alone at this time of night.
(A) ridiculous
(B) miserable
(D) crazy


20. I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked.
(A) found
(B) emphasized
(D) looked up


21. Have you handed in your report yet?
(A) sent
(B) submitted
(D) returned


22. In today's session, the object of the exercise is to improve your interpersonal skills.
(A) aim
(B) subject
(D) cause


第 23 至 25 題,請依照下列的文章,選出最適當的答案。
                                    Winter Heralds the Arrival of Influenza Influenza
       is transmitted easily from person to person. You may come in contact with it today simply by talking to your colleague. Even if you are healthy, it may keep you in bed feeling miserable for weeks. Symptoms include fever, aching muscles, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and fatigue. For those who have preexisting health problems, influenza can be severe. What is influenza? It is a contagious disease caused by a virus that infects the respiratory tract of the body. It typically infects ten to twenty percent of the world’s population each flu season. How can you prevent it? A) Vaccination: The influenza vaccination is 70 to 90 percent effective. It’s a single shot given each year prior to the flu season. 
 B) Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently whether you are sick or healthy. Use a mask when in close contact with people exhibiting symptoms of the flu. Decontaminate your home and working environment by cleaning with products containing bleach.
       National Health is committed to offering a high-level service at affordable prices to encourage all Canadian residents to get vaccinated. To schedule your flu vaccination, call our office at 02-2505-1920 or visit our website at www.nationalhealth.com. Office hours are 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. Walk- ins welcome.

【題組】23. When should people get a vaccination?
(A) When they have the flu
(B) Every two months
(C)After the flu season
(D) Before the flu season


【題組】24. What is a flu vaccination?
(A) A shot given once a year
(B) Medicine to be taken once a year
(C)A shot that will make you immune for life
(D) Medicine that should be taken regularly


【題組】25. How is National Health encouraging everyone to get vaccinated?
(A) By visiting offices
(B) By showing how to do it yourself
(C)By offering affordable prices
(D) By exhibiting symptoms


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 中國鋼鐵股份有限公司_新進人員甄試試題_員級-各類別全:英文#110199-阿摩線上測驗
