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20 We decided to take a holiday in Japan ______ a change.
(A) at
(B) for
(C) under
(D) with


    Research is now starting to reveal some puzzling ways in which music influences us. Why, for instance, are relaxing or uplifting effects sometimes only fully experienced after listening? Does a change of tempo in a sound track, or even silence itself, have a delayed impact on nervous system? Dr. Luciano Bernardi measured the heart rates, breathing rates, and blood pressure of 24 men as they listened to sections of slow and fast classical music, techno, rap, and more. To Bernardi’s surprise, bodily functions only drop significantly when the music slowed down or ended—or when he inserted an unexpected two-minute pause into each track. This delayed response occurred whatever music the subjectslistened to, or was most noticeable during gaps in slower music. 
    According to Bernardi, listening to music involves some focus of attention, and it’s only when that focus ends that the body fully relaxes. Bernardi claims we could tackle physical and mental stress by creating our own music, alternating between fast and slow rhythms, creating our own music to reduce stress and anxiety. It may not be what we listen to, but how we listen to it that turns music into therapy. 

【題組】45 Which of the following is NOT how Dr. Bernardi found out the way in which people responded to music in his research?
(A) He kept track of people’s heart rates and breathing rates.
(B) He used different types of music.
(C) He measured the muscle response to see if people were relaxed.
(D) He added a pause in the middle of the sound track to see if people were relaxed.


22 I was ____ about Mary so I watched her closely.
(A) interesting
(B) strange
(C) curious
(D) kind


Mark’s sister, Jessie, is dating Byron, a young man who constantly treats her like dirt. He criticizes her and brings her down. He often keeps her waiting and never apologizes. Sometimes, he does not call her for days. Mark and every one else in the family have advised Jessie to break up with Byron. She refuses to do so. She is deeply in love with him. And she thinks that the power of love will change him. Mark does not think that will happen. In fact, he’s very worried about his sister.
【題組】44 How would you describe Mark’s relationship with Jessie?
(A) He cares deeply about her.
(B) They are like strangers.
(C) She always takes his advice.
(D) He is cold to her.


      The typical American throws away about 590 kg. of garbage a year. For the nation as a whole, this 16 160million tons of waste a year, or enough to make a chain of 10-ton garbage trucks halfway to the moon. In the early 1990s,Japan recycled about 50% of its trash; the U.S. only about 10%, 17 estimates of the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency. 
      In modern recycling plants, 18 can handle the metals and the glass, but people must separate the plastic by hand,so when people put out the garbage, they must separate the recyclable 19 the non-recyclable materials. Recycling is not a new idea. In emergencies like droughts and wars, people have recycled all kinds of materials andhave been very 20 about how much water and electricity they used. Today we must protect our planet Earth bybringing back the old habit of recycling.

(A) from
(B) into
(C) between
(D) within


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: An Earth-observation satellite for Taiwan's National Space Organization was launched into orbit from Californiain August 2017. The Formosat-5 satellite lifted off from coastal Vandenberg Air Force Base atop a SpaceX Falcon 9rocket, which successfully landed its first stage on a drone ship floating in the Pacific Ocean as the second stagecontinued on and deployed the satellite. Moments before the first-stage touchdown the video link to the vessel froze, then reappeared and showed therocket standing. Cheers erupted in the SpaceX control room in the Los Angeles suburb Hawthorne. "This is the 15thsuccessful landing of a Falcon 9," said Lauren Lyons, the SpaceX webcast launch commentator. Formosat-5 is the first satellite to be fully designed by Taiwan's space agency and is intended to advance the nation'sspace technology and scientific research while providing global imagery with a wide array of uses ranging from naturalresource studies to disaster management. Planned to operate for five years in low-Earth orbit, about 446 miles (720kilometers) high, its main instrument is a sensor that can produce high-resolution black-and-white and color images. A predecessor satellite, Formosat-2, produced more than 2.5 million images over 12 years of operation before itwore out and was decommissioned a year ago. The landing of the Falcon 9 first stage aboard the drone ship Just Readthe Instructions was the latest in a string of successful recoveries at sea or on shore by SpaceX, which sees reusabilityof major rocket components as key to driving down launch costs.
【題組】 47 According to the passage, what was the primary reason that SpaceX control room cheered at the time?
(A)Because the webcast was successful.
(B)Because the vessel was not frozen.
(C)Because the landing of the rocket was successful.
(D)Because the control room was recovered successfully.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
  Maritza, a professional yoga trainer, is one of almost 100,000 users of Bliive-a Brazil-based website that brands itself as the world’s largest online time-exchange platform. Bliive looks and feels like a social media platform. Its users trade services, including guitar lessons, air conditioner repairs and tarot card readings, without any cash or creditcard transactions. For each hour of service provided, the user receives Time Money, with which they can buy another service. Maritza earned almost 40 hours’ worth of Bliive services. With that much Time Money, she was able to create her own website about breathing techniques, including her own branding. Each person offers his help in one-hourchunks, and people who have “exchanged” Time Money can rate and review the quality of the service provided.
  Bliive was founded a year and a half ago by Lorrana Scarpioni, a 24-year-old public relations student. She now employs a team of about a dozen people in Sao Paulo. She came up with the idea after watching documentaries about the sharing economy and alternative currencies. “If people were willing to engage in couch surfing-letting complete strangers into their houses-surely there was a potential for exchanging something as simple as one hour of a service,”Lorrana says.“Bliive is a collaborative network of time exchange. We see this platform as a movement that shows people the real value of exchanges and how they can develop themselves this way.”
  Bliive takes the concept of the sharing economy-popularized by platforms including Uber and Airbnb-a stepfurther. It creates a new channel between the supply and demand of services, and does away with conventional cash altogether. More than 90,000 services are on offer on the website, making it larger than other barter-based sites. “Theno-money-involved transferences can be a great alternative to keep people developing themselves. We see a lot ofpeople who have graduated with very nice degrees, but they don’t have jobs,” she says. While Bliive aims to become more profitable, Lorrana is keen to retain its core values. “We use these talents and values to create a world that ismore collaborative and less competitive, more focused on the value of people, not just the value of money,” she says.

【題組】48 Who is Lorrana Scarpioni?
(A) The founder of Bliive.
(B) The yoga trainer on Bliive.
(C) The author of Sharing Economy.
(D) The director of Sharing Economy.


40 Profile pictures on social networking sites are the ________ projection to friends of who you are and what you are like.
(A) visual
(B) auditory
(C) odorous
(D) tactile


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
     The Australian crocodile is the largest crocodile in the world. It can grow up to seven meters long, and the biggest can weigh up to 1,000 kilogram. It has only two muscles to open its mouth but 40 to close it! What makes crocodiles so dangerous is that they attack extremely quickly, and they take their victims under the water to drown them. They usually attack in the water, but they can suddenly come out of a river and attack animals or people. And they can run on land as fast as 17 kilometers per hour.
     Every year in Australia there are crocodile attacks on humans. Two years ago a 24-year-old German tourist died when she went for a swim in a lake. Although there were signs warning people that there might be crocodiles, the woman and her friends decided to go for a midnight swim. The woman suddenly disappeared, and the next morning her body was found. Near it was a four-meter long crocodile. And only last month two Australian boys watched in horror as their friend was killed by a crocodile when they were washing their bikes in a river. They climbed a tree and stayed there for 22 hours while the crocodile waited below.
      But you can survive a crocodile attack. Last year Norman Pascoe, a 19-year-old, was saved from a crocodile when his aunt hit it on the nose. Norman’s aunt said: “I hit it and I shouted, ‘Help!’ The crocodile suddenly opened its mouth and my nephew escaped.”

【題組】46 Which of the following statements about Australian crocodiles is true?
(A) They have more muscles to open their mouths than to close them.
(B) The average weight of Australian crocodiles is 1,000 kilometers.
(C) They only attack animals or people in the water.
(D) They are bigger than all other kinds.


