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試卷測驗 - 103 年 - 103 警察升官等考試、交通事業鐵路升資考試_警正、員級晉高員級_各類科:英文#17889
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31 Prior to the 1970s, musicologists generally considered Western art music as the ______ of absolute genius unrelated to the social being of the composer.


32 Over 100 people suffered from food poisoning; some of them treated early enough were free of ______within hours and on the road to recovery.
(D)synthesis .


33 Children’s teeth start growing around the ninth month, which allows them to ______their diet beyond food in liquid form like milk or juice.


34 Jason Wu, who designed the gown the U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama wore to her husband’s inauguration ball, has ______his family for encouraging him to pursue his interest.


35 The most common workplace ______for doctors and nurses is needlestick injuries, and about 800,000 such injuries occur annually in the United States.


36 Working for a mean, stingy boss, the staff talked ______about their unreasonably heavy workload and low pay.


37 Bobby Fischer, who began playing chess as a boy and soon developed his own style, often ______attacked his opponents, forcing them to play defensively.


38 A hasty ______which results from a conclusion with insufficient evidence is unreliable. Unless typical samples are provided, a small number of samples prove nothing.


39 The director of the museum posted some______ information about newly-found ancient cadavers, including how old they were and where they were found.


40 What does “Poverty could be addressed by targeted subsidies, off-peak discounts, and other measures.” mean?
(A)Poverty is specific funds, off-peak discounts, and other metrics.
(B)Poverty could be targeted at subsidies, off-peak discounts, and other measures.
(C)Targeted money, off-peak discounts, and other factors of poverty could be addressed.
(D)We could deal with poverty by using designated grants, off-peak discounts, and other methods.


請回答第 41 題至第 45 題: Even though the origin of alchemy is still controversial, most ancient scholars had the consensus that alchemy was based on spiritual and philosophical concepts. Those concepts certainly predated Christianity, and were, therefore, “pagan” in the eyes of the medieval church—a good reason for the alchemists of the Middle Ages to wrap their work in the costume of metallurgy, and thereby hope to avoid being persecuted as heretics. The fundamental premise of alchemy is that there are precise correspondences between the visible and invisible worlds, the worlds of matter and spirit, inner and outer, heaven and earth. According to the alchemical view, everything—plants, animals, minerals—contains a “seed” of divinity, and this seed can be developed through application of certain principles of learning. In philosophical terms, then, alchemy is the art of transforming the base metal of ignorance into the gold of wisdom, or divinity. Furthermore, according to alchemy, the material world is a reflection of the spiritual world, and should work according to the same principles. It should be possible, therefore, to transform the grosser physical substances into more refined ones, or literally to transform base materials into gold. The secret of success in this latter process, however, is the secret that has eluded so many practitioners of the art through the ages. The most important secret ingredient in the science of alchemy is the alchemist him/herself. He or she must have the power to attract and make use of the invisible spiritual ingredient, the “divine spark,” that brings about the desired transformation. In other words, the alchemist must be able to “imitate the work of the gods.” 
【題組】41 According to the passage, how did the Christian church in the Middle Ages regard alchemy?


【題組】42 According to the passage, which of the following was most probably the pretended subject of the alchemists’ studies in the Middle Ages?


【題組】43 According to the alchemical view, what is contained in a piece of tin?


【題組】44 Which of the following words best describes the world view of alchemy?


【題組】45 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A)In alchemists’ view, the visible and invisible worlds work in different principles.
(B)An alchemist needs to play the role of the god to transform all the rough materials into refined ones, and vice versa.
(C)The key secret to alchemy was discovered by the church in the Middle Ages.
(D)In the Middle Ages, the alchemists tended to disguise themselves as scientists.


請回答第 46 題至第 48 題: A brown dwarf is a dim, hypothetical type of star that astronomers have long thought must exist, but firm proof that it does has so far eluded them. The problem is simply that, by definition, a brown dwarf is maddeningly difficult to see. So astronomers have resorted to rather indirect methods of detection. They have tried to find a dwarf whose gravity is causing a bright star nearby to wobble. Or they have picked a bright star that should be emitting a certain amount of light and looked to see if a dwarf companion is adding a little extra. Now the astronomer William Forrest of the University of Rochester has apparently succeeded in a direct approach: he says he has simply taken a picture of one—in fact, not just of one but of several. It was not quite as easy as it sounds. A brown dwarf has less than 8 percent of the sun’s mass, which means it is not massive enough to squeeze its core enough to keep fusion reactions going. In other words, it is not a proper star at all; the only radiation it gives off is heat left over from its birth in a collapsing cloud of interstellar gas. With no internal reactor, the star quickly cools and gets too dim and brown to see.
【題組】46 According to the passage, what does a brown dwarf refer to?
(A)A bright star
(B)A star eight times larger than the sun
(C)A dim mass with no internal reactor
(D)A star with fusion reactions going


【題組】47 Which of the following is one of the indirect approaches to detect a brown dwarf?
(A)To simply take a picture of it
(B)To compare its weight to a nearby star’s
(C)To see if a star nearby is quavered by the gravity of a dwarf
(D)To see if extra light is added to a dwarf by a certain bright star


【題組】48 What does the underlined word “maddeningly” most likely mean in the context?


請回答第 49 題至第 50 題: The sultry figure combs her golden hair and gazes at a mirror; her dressing gown has slipped off one shoulder. In a sonnet inscribed on the painting’s elaborate gold frame, the artist, a London poet and painter named Dante Gabriel Rossetti, identified his subject as Lilith, Adam’s first wife—“the witch he loved before the gift of Eve.” Adding a hint of menace, Rossetti garnished the scene with poisonous foxglove and an opium poppy (whose narcotic, it was widely known, had killed his own wife a few years before). Rossetti filled the background of the picture with sprays of white roses. With characteristic thoroughness, he had procured a huge basket of fresh-cut roses from which to work. And not just any roses, but those gathered from the personal garden of England’s most influential art critic, John Ruskin. If you could curry favor with the critics by painting their flowers, why not, Rossetti must have thought. Lady Lilith is the centerpiece of an exhibition called “Waking Dreams: The Art of the Pre-Raphaelites from the Delaware Art Museum.” Widely if not universally praised in its time, disdained as mawkish and heavy-handed throughout much of the 20th century, the Pre-Raphaelites’ emotionally charged art is today enjoying a renaissance of its own.
【題組】49 Where did the painter identify the name of the painting?
(A)On the painting’s background
(B)On the painting’s frame
(C)Next to the basket of fresh-cut roses
(D)In the garden of the museum


【題組】50 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A)Dante Gabriel Rossetti was a member of the Pre-Raphaelites.
(B)The art of the Pre-Raphaelites was widely respected throughout the 20th century.
(C)John Ruskin, an English painter, did not like the art of the Pre-Raphaelites.
(D)The art of the Pre-Raphaelites is disdained today because it is over-sentimental.


試卷測驗 - 103 年 - 103 警察升官等考試、交通事業鐵路升資考試_警正、員級晉高員級_各類科:英文#17889-阿摩線上測驗
