阿摩:簡單的事重覆做,就會是專家; 重覆的事用心做,就會是贏家。
(1 分43 秒)

1. A person must overcome many _______ if he is to succeed.
(A) obstacles
(B) occupations
(C) opposites
(D) orbits


If you _____ prick your finger on a rose thorn, your brain quickly makes you pull your hand away.
(A) accidentally
(B) expediently
(C) deliberately


New babies eat, sleep, cry, poop — and listen. But their eavesdropping begins 
before birth and may include language lessons, says a new study led by 
Christine Moon, a psychologist at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Wash. 
According to Moon, such early learning may help babies quickly understand their parents.
Scientists have known that about 10 weeks before birth, a fetus can hear sounds 
outside the womb. Until now, evidence suggested that prenatal learning was 
restricted to the melody, rhythm and loudness of voices. But Moon and her 
coworkers found evidence that fetuses may also be starting to learn language 
itself. They tested whether newborns could detect differences in vowel sounds. 
Her team reports that newborns responded one way when they heard sounds like 
those from their parents’ language. And the newborns responded another way 
when they heard sounds like those from a foreign language.
Moon’s team studied 80 healthy newborns ranging from 7 to 75 hours old, half in U.S. hospitals and half in Swedish hospitals. Each baby had a pair of headphones 
nearby. When a baby sucked on a pacifier, the action triggered an attached 
computer to send sounds through the headphones. The babies listened to 17 
sounds similar to the long e in English, heard in the word fee, for example. 
They also listened to 17 sounds similar to a Swedish vowel that sounds like yeh. 
The results showed that American babies were more likely to continue sucking on their pacifiers when they heard Swedish vowels than when they heard English 
vowel sounds and Swedish babies were more likely to continue sucking if they 
heard English vowels. Learning so quickly after birth was unlikely, the researchers concluded, so the ability to monitor the vowels could be attributed only to 
prenatal learning.

【題組】Prenatal learning is learning that happens _____.
(A) at birth
(B) before birth
(C) after birth
(D) from fetus till puberty


11. Being abandoned by her husband and just laid off recently, Monica thinks herself is the most ____ woman in the world.
(A) pathetic
(B) delicate
(C) excessive
(D) oriented


13. The _____ of the three small companies created a large empire in many business areas.
(A) merging
(B) break down
(C) despair
(D) disperse


3. Policemen at the scene were trying to determine which of the two ______ committed the crime.
(A) defects
(B) suspects
(C) conquests
(D) rejects


3. _____ ants live in colonies, keep farms, go to war, carry off slaves, and have a society somewhat like human beings.
(A) Studies of ant life that
(B) Studies of ant life show that
(C) That is studied
(D) That the studies of ant life


22. Whiskey is a distilled liquor that is much stronger _____.
(A) does fermented liquor such as beer
(B) fermented liquor such as beer
(C) than fermented liquor such as beer does
(D) than fermented liquor such as beer


Part B: Cloze     
            Fish farming is the fastest-growing __27__ of food production in the world. Seafood __28__ for around 17% of the world’s protein __29__ (in some parts of Asia and Africa, the number is nearer 50%). The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a rich-country __30__ , reckons that, thanks to population growth and rising incomes, global consumption of fish will reach 180 million tons by the end of the decade, __31__ from 158 million tons in 2020.

(A) exhaling
(B) intact
(C) intake
(D) uptick


