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試卷測驗 - 105 年 - 105-中油雇員-英文#57358
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41. The content of the speech seems empty and probably won’t ________ to the audience.
(A) restrict
(B) subject
(C) isolate
(D) appeal


42. With physical disabilities, Jimmy ________ numerous difficulties such as bullying and name calling in school.
(A) surrounded
(B) distinguished
(C) encountered
(D) materialized


43. As Switzerland is one of the non-EU states, it is free to ________ trade deals with non-EU countries like China.
(A) hesitate
(B) negotiate
(C) release
(D) lure


44. The company plans to spend billions of dollars on ________ updating its production line.
(A) vaguely
(B) abruptly
(C) unexpectedly
(D) comprehensively


45. Low oil prices have set off food riots, protests, and mass looting in Venezuela, a once-rich country with the largest oil ________ in the world.
(A) venues
(B) achievements
(C) reserves
(D) stimulants


46. Many people believe that staying up late will lead to liver cancer, but in fact, there’s no direct ________ between the two.
(A) atmosphere
(B) entertainment
(C) relationship
(D) opportunity


47. The outdoor concert will probably be ________ if the rain continues. It all depends on the weather conditions.
(A) distinguished
(B) recovered
(C) postponed
(D) assumed


48. Elephants have a very good ________ and can remember things that took place a long time ago.
(A) resource
(B) purpose
(C) discovery
(D) memory


49. The clothes displayed by models on runways are generally great-looking but not ________ enough for daily wear.
(A) defensive
(B) humorous
(C) horrible
(D) practical


50. As the saying goes, “ A picture is worth a thousand words.” Sometimes an image can ________ more than words.
(A) expect
(B) express
(C) obstruct
(D) operate

11( ).

51. Some predict that if the UK succeeds in leaving the EU, others will be encouraged to follow suit, ________ the collapse of the EU.
(A) to result in
(B) resulting in
(C) results in
(D) that results in

12( ).

52. The financial problems of recent years have ________ the company unable to import equipment they need from abroad.
(A) left
(B) let
(C) allowed
(D) caused

13( ).

53. Jim strives to go into the fashion industry, ________ he can indulge his passion and talent.
(A) therefore
(B) that
(C) where
(D) which

14( ).

54. Layers of wrapping has no function ________ making the product look good.
(A) even if
(B) instead of
(C) otherwise
(D) but

15( ).

55. I highly recommend ________ a taste of ice creams made from cactus when you are in Penghu.
(A) having
(B) have
(C) to have
(D) to having

16( ).

56. President Obama ordered American flags ________ to half-staff at all government buildings to honor the Orlando shooting victims.
(A) lowered
(B) be lowered
(C) being lowered
(D) had been lowered

17( ).

57. The purpose of inviting family members and guests to a wedding is to have as many people as possible ________ the couple good luck.
(A) while wishing
(B) to wish
(C) wishes
(D) wish

18( ).

58. Mary likes to sing, and _____ her sister.
(A) so can
(B) so does
(C) neither can
(D) neither does

19( ).

59. I don’t know ________ I should do now.
(A) that
(B) what
(C) how
(D) whether

20( ).

60. They have already failed many times. ________, they never give up.
(A) Nevertheless
(B) Scarcely
(C) From time to time
(D) Instead

21( ).

61. A: Hi, I have a reservation for tonight, and I want to check in. B: ____________________
(A) How long did it take you to get there?
(B) OK, let me check your schedule.
(C) I’m not sure. It’s up to you.
(D) Sure, what’s your name?

22( ).

62. A: Mom put me in charge of dinner because she’s not feeling well tonight. B: ____________________
(A) What will mom be cooking?
(B) I can lend you a hand if you need it.
(C) It would cost an arm and a leg.
(D) I am feeling well.

23( ).

63. A: Aren’t you supposed to get your report card sometime next week? B: Well, yeah. ____________________
(A) I was in hot water for a while when it came.
(B) Can you help me with the report?
(C) To tell the truth, I’m dreading the day.
(D) Don’t give me the cold shoulder.

24( ).

64. A: When do you expect to arrive? B: ____________________
(A) I will arrive at the train station.
(B) Ten-thirty at the latest.
(C) Please pick me up by car; I have some heavy luggage.
(D) I’m glad you can come. See you then.

25( ).

65. A: I was wondering if you could take care of my dog while I am out of town this weekend. B: ____________________
(A) I’m sure you will keep your word.
(B) Do you think I should be a vet?
(C) I wouldn’t even if you paid me.
(D) I don’t think I’ll pamper your pet.

26( ).

66. A: I saw this great offer for a cell phone I wanted on the ad, so I bought it. B: Why do you need a cell phone? A: ____________________
(A) I would like a sim card to go with it.
(B) If you don’t like it, you can cancel it.
(C) What will you think of next?
(D) I can use it to call you in case anything happens.

27( ).

67. A: Dad wants me to enroll in computer science because he always envisions me as a programmer. B: ____________________
(A) You will miss out on programming.
(B) I don’t want you to be a programmer either.
(C) What are you looking for this time?
(D) I wonder if it’s of your interest.

28( ).

68. A: Molly didn’t find the pasta dish appealing. B: ____________________
(A) Me, either. It didn’t look good at all.
(B) Yeah, it made her very hungry.
(C) Right, she said it was really delicious.
(D) Yes, she thought it was better than expected.

29( ).

69. A: There was a terrible explosion on a train near Songshan Station. B: ____________________
(A) I know. Everybody had a great time.
(B) Yeah, I’m really sorry for the misunderstanding.
(C) Right, I heard the whole carriage blew up.
(D) Yes, I think they should have checked in earlier.

30( ).

70. A: Did you watch that video I sent you? B: Yes, and it disturbed me greatly. A: Really? ____________________ B: No, so please don’t send me any more video like that.
(A) Why didn’t you enjoy it?
(B) What kind of video do you like?
(C) Were you very busy?
(D) Didn’t you think it was cool?

31( ).

Wi-Fi is the standard for fast wireless data transmission at the moment. In the future, it’s likely that we will all be using something faster---Li-Fi, 71 means “light fidelity.” It is a new type of wireless technology that uses visible light to transmit data. 72 to the public in 2011, Li-Fi is much faster than Wi-Fi. Data is transmitted at one gigabyte per second. 100 times faster than the average Wi-Fi speeds that we achieve today. 73 Wi-Fi’s radio waves, light cannot pass through walls. This means the data being transmitted can’t be accessed by other people. However, this is 74 as a restriction by some people, as Li-Fi always requires visible light to work. For now, Li-Fi is more likely to be used in areas that require more security, such as aircraft or hospitals. Most experts agree it will 75 many years before the technology is widely used in society.

(A) that
(B) what
(C) which
(D) it

32( ).

(A) Introduced
(B) Introducing
(C) To introduce
(D) To be introduced

33( ).

(A) Unlike
(B) Like
(C) Dislike
(D) Liking

34( ).

(A) looked
(B) concerned
(C) believed
(D) seen

35( ).

(A) cost
(B) take
(C) spend
(D) make

36( ).

Video games provide a fun escape from reality for most teenagers, but they’re considered violent, and a waste of time by parents. The struggle between parent and child has raged on for years. Besides being a unique source of amusement, however, can video games actually make you smarter? 
Contrary to what most parents believe, many studies have shown that this may actually be the case. After playing video
 games, researchers have seen increases in cognitive function. One study had a portion of the participants play Super Mario 64 for 30 minutes a day over two months. Afterwards, the participants’ gray matter in the brain increased in areas associated with memory, strategic planning, and fine motor skills of the hands, compared to their counterparts. More gray matter means better functions!
Video games can also be educational for children with mental disorders. In one study, they help kids who suffer from Dyslexia read more effectively. Again, in a small study, dyslexic children who played regular video games ended up reading faster and more accurately.
Even though video games can actually be beneficial, excessive gaming is definitely harmful to anyone. Plus, the newly found skills from gameplay won’t have anywhere to go if gaming is his or her only occupation. So while it is beneficial to enjoy some gameplay once in a while, remember that one’s real life is even more diverse than the virtual world, and it needs tending to as well!

【題組】76. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Video games are used as teaching tools for teenagers.
(B) Playing games in the right amount may be beneficial to learning.
(C) What parents think of video games is out of date.
(D) The more games you play, the smarter you become.

37( ).

【題組】77. What does the word counterparts in the second paragraph refer to?
(A) Those who had better cognitive functions.
(B) Those who took part in the experiment.
(C) Those who had less gray matter in the brain.
(D) Those who did not play Super Mario 64.

38( ).

【題組】78. What does the second paragraph mostly focus on?
(A) Evidence supportive of the fact that video games can bring benefits.
(B) Ways to increase gray matter in certain areas of the brain.
(C) A video game that is entertaining and educational to play.
(D) A recommended two-month schedule on playing video games.

39( ).

【題組】79. According to this passage, that video games are used to assist people with dyslexia is __________.
(A) well established
(B) impossible
(C) a possible option
(D) subjective

40( ).

【題組】80. What can be inferred from the final paragraph?
(A) Kids should be encouraged to play video games to their hearts’ content.
(B) The skills gained from gameplay are only useful when they are put to use.
(C) The benefits of gameplay outweigh any risks.
(D) The virtual world requires one’s full attention rather than the real world.


試卷測驗 - 105 年 - 105-中油雇員-英文#57358-阿摩線上測驗
