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29. Jeremy is the one you can depend on to get the job done. He’s very ________.
(A) reliable
(C) countable


13. I just know there will be a meeting tomorrow, but I don’t know the ______ time when it will take place.
(A) common
(B) normal
(C) specific
(D) general


16. There’s no need to worry. The condition is only temporary and is in no way life-_____.
(A) tracking
(B) enacting
(D) threatening


28. Thousands of people are still in need of food and ________ in many third world countries.


13. The _____ of people who can ride this elevator is 20, so you have to wait for the next one.
(A) maximum
(B) weight
(C) amount
(D) scale


三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 Singing in the KTV is popular with young people. But few people would give 41 to the inventor of the wonderful karaoke machine---Daisuke Inoue, a Japanese. He was employed at a nightclub and played the piano for customers who wanted to sing. Since sometimes he had trouble 42 unfamiliar songs, he tried to think of some ways to solve the problem. 43 this in mind, he successfully invented the karaoke machine. The machine, 44 his surprise, was so popular that it caused changes in entertainment world. Daisuke was then awarded the Ig Nobel Prize not only because of his creativity 45 because of the fact that the karaoke made people learn to tolerate each other in a new way.
(A) Keeping
(B) Have
(C) To keep
(D) To have


【題組】35. The students should have their goggles ________ before starting a science experiment.
(A)having put on
(B) put on
(C) putting on
(D) puts on


January 25, 2019

Dear Sir or Madam,
        I stayed at your Prince Hotel in Chiayi from 21st to 23rd January 2019 in Room 1518. I am writing for your assistance in finding my Minnie Mouse T-shirt that I have carelessly left in the room during my stay at your hotel.
        First of all, I am gratified to have an outstanding service at your hotel. My family and I really enjoyed it and we would definitely like to come again. Now, I would like you to help me locate my T-shirt. It is a white women’s tee and has a silhouette of Minnie’s head on the front, below which is my name “Miranda.” I accidentally stained the shirt with soy-bean sauce while having breakfast in your hotel. After going back to my room, I quickly washed it to remove the stain and hanged it in the balcony chair. The last day during our stay in your hotel, to catch the train back to Taipei, we hurried to check out and forgetfully left my T-shirt in the balcony.
        As you can see, the T-shirt I left at your hotel is a customized one. My family of four had the T-shirts tailored during our trip to Tokyo Disneyland last summer, and I have learned that they do not offer this kind of service any longer—that is, the tee I left behind is one-of-a-kind. We have made a plan that every time we go traveling, we will wear them together since it is a token of our family bond. Hence, I am very dismayed that I should forget my favorite T-shirt! Please check with your lost and found department about this item of clothing. I would highly appreciate it if you can find it, inform me at your earliest, and deliver it to my address on the attached envelope. Of course, I will bear the postal charges.
        I look forward to hearing from you soon and expect another vacation in your hotel again.

Yours faithfully,

【題組】34. What does “tailored” in the third paragraph most likely mean?


           The first capsule hotel has opened in Australia, where travellers rest in a small sleeping pod rather than an entire room. Capsule hotels, or pod hotels, have been a popular choice for business people and tourists in Japan for a long time, but never before have Aussies had a chance to try out the alternate overnight resting place on home soil.
          The properly named Capsule Hotel at Sydney’s bustling downtown contains 72 pods, each offering all the extras of a fully-functional hotel room, minus the bathroom and minibar — It updates the Japanese craze for a local crowd.
         Property developer Walter Guo said the venture was inspired by a trip to Japan where he saw first-hand how popular the idea had become for a cross-section of society. “I thought such special hotels would be a unique experience for a backpacker to stay in, but I found out that in Australia no one was doing it,” he added.
         As in Australia the usual accommodation is one big room for backpackers to share, Guo believes that the pod hotel will work because it is a better version of dormitory-style bunk beds and provides higher level of privacy and services. Each pod comes fully kitted out with a locker, a TV, USB plugs and headphone jacks, along with a mirror, dimmed lights and an alarm clock. Guests share a communal kitchenette and a laundromat.
         Priced at AU$50 (about NT$1,000) for a smaller pod and AU$70 (roughly NT$1,400) for a deluxe double bed, the new hotel option has been taking off. While a large part of the customers at Capsule Hotel is backpackers, interstate businessmen looking for an affordable, private space to sleep have also been making good use of the spot.
         Guo is confident his Capsule Hotel would be here to stay. “I think it’s in a great location and we’re offering something new — it works because it’s something people already accept but we’re making it even better,” he said.

【題組】2. What does “to try out the alternate overnight resting place on home soil” (in the first paragraph) mean?
(A) To offer homestay accommodations for extra income
(B) To get a taste of staying in a home-style hotel for free
(C) To stop staying at home but try sleeping over at a new hotel
(D) To experience a different type of hotel in Australia


    “God Save the Queen” (or “God Save the King,” depending on the gender of the ruling monarch) was first publicly performed in London in 1745 to support King George II after he was defeated in a battle in the Jacobean uprising that started that year. The song was used to boost morale and the forces loyal to George II would go on to defeat the Jacobites the following year. The song came to be referred to as the national anthem from the beginning of the nineteenth century.
    The words and tune are anonymous, and may date back to the seventeenth century. There are various claimants to authorship of both the words and the tune. The words can be found as early as 1545, when the watchword at night was “God save the King,” the reply was “Long to reign over us.” The authorship of the melody has been claimed by many, including John Bull, Henry Carey, Henry Purcell, and Joseph Haydn.
    There is no authorised version of the National Anthem as the words are a matter of tradition. The anthem has also never been officially declared as the national anthem of the country. The royal anthem is used as the national anthem as a matter of tradition. The words used are those sung in 1745, substituting ‘Queen’ for ‘King’ (and female pronouns for male ones) where appropriate. On official occasions, the first verse only is sung; on a small number of occasions, the third verse is heard as well. The second verse is very rarely heard due to its militaristic nature. There exist many other verses, some dating as far back as the first three verses, but the first three are what can best be taken as the “standard” British national anthem.
    The British tune has since become one of the world’s most recognizable anthems, and has been used in other countries including Germany, Russia, Switzerland, the United States, and even today by Liechtenstein and as the royal anthem of Norway. The song also was an influence on early anthems used in the Kingdom of Hawaii. Some 140 composers, including Beethoven, Haydn and Brahms, have used the tune in their compositions.

【題組】32. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “boost” in Paragraph 1?
(A) Respond.
(B) Promote.
(C) Advise.
(D) Impress.


【題組】(二)儘管線上購物的日益成長,高級奢侈品銷售商目前僅在緩步的淺試水溫。不過近來這些奢華品 的供應商正在積極開發如何利用線上管道的力量來強化自身的品牌形象、客戶服務,以及最終 的目標-利潤。【5 分】


