【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看
(1 分29 秒)

6. Lauren would rather practice yoga than _____.
(A) going running
(B) go running
(C) go run
(D) gone running


8. To be honest _____ you, your brother probably won’t get that job.
(A) for
(B) at
(C) about
(D) with


10. Not only my father but also my grandparents _____ against my idea of quitting college.
(A) has
(B) have
(C) is
(D) are


       Children should know that the chores their parents have them do around the house may actually be quite good for them. According to research conducted at the City University, children who are__11__for taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, keeping their rooms tidy, and other tasks to help around the house turn out to be well-adjusted adults. According to researchers, chores are instrumental in __12__ children learn how to complete an assigned job. They also help teach organizational __13__ , discipline, cooperation, and social responsibility. Children with chores are less likely to get involved with drugs and alcohol, too. Based on a study done in Minnesota, “the best predictor of young adults’__14__ in their mid-twenties is that they participated in household tasks” starting as young as three years old. In contrast, the study found that those children who weren’t given chores by their parents on a__15__ basis turned out to be, well, a little bratty. Therefore, while you may not be happy about washing those dishes now, you will probably thank your parents later.

(A) enabling
(B) pushing
(C) assigning
(D) helping


(A) skills
(B) desire
(C) traits
(D) persona


(A) stories
(B) jobs
(C) option
(D) success


(A) common
(B) general
(C) regular
(D) naming


       What do you do with your orange peels and corn cobs after you are done eating? Most people throw them into a trash can. However, most food leftovers do not have to go into the trash. They are biodegradable, which means that they can be broken down by bacteria into natural materials.
        For people who like to garden, they often put their fruit and vegetable scraps in a special place known as a compost pile. A compost pile is an outdoor spot where food waste can break down into compost for gardeners to use. This process usually takes several months. Once the compost is created, people spread this mixture in their gardens to add nutrients to the soil. The compost in the soil helps new plants grow in gardens.
       How can people take care of a compost pile? It needs air, water, and heat. Bacteria and other microorganisms break the food waste down into more basic elements, like water and carbon dioxide. This process requires oxygen, so people use a shovel to turn compost regularly and help air reach all parts of the pile. The pile cannot dry out, so it has to be covered to keep moisture in. Finally, heat speeds up the process. This means a compost pile should be in the sun for at least part of the day.
       Food leftovers are not the only things that can turn into compost. People can also add yard waste, like grass clippings, dried leaves, and straw. In fact, people should add these things to create a healthy balance in their compost. One reminder is not to add any weeds to a compost pile! Sometimes, seeds are left behind in the compost. This can be a welcome surprise if people later find a tomato plant sprouting where they had not planted one. The tomato seed was hiding in the compost, waiting to begin a new life in the garden.

【題組】17. According to the passage, why do gardeners use a compost pile?
(A) To save money
(B) To reduce food waste
(C) To make use of bacteria
(D) To provide nutrients to the soil


【題組】19. To take care of a compost pile, which of the following is suggested?
(A) Avoid turning the compost pile so it can be kept in an intact state.
(B) Expose it to the natural environment for good ventilation.
(C) Make sure it is in the sun for at least part of the day.
(D) Leave it to develop naturally into a rich source of nutrients.


【題組】20. Which of the following cannot be added into a compost pile?
(A) weeds
(B) grass clippings
(C) dried leaves
(D) straws


