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Nearly 50% of all workers in the United States have jobs they aren’t happy with. Don’t let this happen to you! If you want to find the right job, don’t rush to look through the classified ads in the newspaper. Instead, sit down and think about yourself. What kind of person are you? What makes you happy? According to psychologist John Holland, there are six types of personalities. Nobody is just one personality type, but most people are mainly one type. For each type, there are certain jobs that might be right and others that are probably wrong. Understanding your personality type can help you make the right job decision. Liz is a good example. Liz knew she wanted to do something for children. She thought she could help children as a school counselor or a lawyer. She took counseling and law courses— and hated them. After talking to a career counselor, she realized the problem was that she’s an Artistic type. Liz studied film, and she now produces children TV shows— and loves it. Here are some descriptions of the six types of personalities: (1) The Realistic type is practical and enjoys working with machines and tools. (2) The Investigative type is curious and likes to learn, analyze situations, and solve problems. (3) The Artistic type is imaginative and likes to express himself or herself by creating art. (4) The Social type is friendly and enjoys helping or training other people. (5) The Enterprising type is outgoing and likes to persuade or lead other people. (6) The Conventional type is careful and likes to follow routines and keep track of details.
【題組】44 Which of the following statements is true about Liz?
(A) She enjoyed being a counselor.
(B) She made the right choice at her first try.
(C) She loves to produce TV shows for children.
(D) She hates being an Artistic type.


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題 
   Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around longer than most people realize. The intent behind much of AI is to free us from mundane repetitive tasks, giving us more time to grow our intellects and businesses, with more interesting, evolving actions. AI offers us that access with speed and accuracy when we need it.
   In London, self-driving robots deliver food. In Pasadena, California, a robot named Flippy can cook. Last fall, an autonomous train made its way across the Australian outback for the first time, and Zhuzhou, China, began testing a trackless and driverless train that navigates city streets by means of lines painted on the road. Artificial intelligence is everywhere. And its adoption is rapidly becoming necessary for businesses to stay competitive.
   How does this affect human employees? Those low-skilled jobs are most likely to be affected and most chances of being automated. White collar jobs are also at risk though with AI taking a bigger role in the financial industry.
   But despite all this, the future for human employees may be much brighter than many recent predictions. While AI destroys jobs, it also creates them. And according to a report from the research firm Gartner, artificial intelligence is currently creating more jobs than it destroys. This includes not only the obvious jobs such as software engineers but also low-level jobs such as training AI to recognize objects or human activity and many others.
   AI may destroy jobs and it may create them, but it's not always about man versus machine. AI can be at its best when it helps humans to perform jobs. For example, Walmart announced it was beginning tests of shelf scanning robots at 50 locations. These robots are not intended to replace human workers but to make them more efficient. The robots scan the condition of shelves, and workers may focus their time on filling the shelves, replacing items left in the wrong place and fixing problems that the robots notify them of.

【題組】34 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A)Since the invention of AI , it's always about man versus machine.
(B)While AI takes away working opportunities, it also creates them.
(C)In China, trackless and driverless trains are running everywhere.
(D)The future for human employees may be more gloomy than many recent predictions.


