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【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(1~25)
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甲: I love to look at the ancient art. 乙: __________________________ We can learn a lot from them.
(A)Me too!
(B)Neither do I
(C)You are kidding!
(D)Give me a break!


17. Remember to wash your _____ before you eat. Then you won't get sick easily.
(A) legs
(B) hands
(C) arms
(D) lips

3( ).

20. Of all the _____, dogs are the most friendly pets.
(A) airports
(B) answer
(C) apartment
(D) animals

4( ).

21. Eating fresh fruit is better than drinking _____.
(A) ice cream
(B) noodles
(C) juice
(D) snacks

5( ).

35. A: Sweetie, don’t you remember that you have a test to do next week? B: Please, Dad, let me finish this TV program. A: No. I insist __________.
(A) you tell me the truth
(B) you are always fighting
(C) you should relax yourself
(D) you turn off TV right now

6( ).

44. I usually eat milk and bread for____.
(A) balloon
(B) barbecue
(C) basketball
(D) breakfast

7( ).

50. You can sometimes see a _____ on the sky.
(A) bookcase
(B) common
(C) kingdom
(D) rainbow

8( ).

17. Where are the keys? Can you help ___ find them?
(A) I
(B) my
(C) me
(D) mine

9( ).

38. Amy: You’ve been watching TV for three hours, Tom. Why don’t you go out and play? Tom: ________________
(A) It’s too hot to play outside.
(B) It’s too easy to play outside.
(C) It’s too thirsty to play outside.
(D) It’s too hungry to play outside.

10( ).

45. It was raining, and without a(n) ________, I got soaking wet.
(A) laptop
(C) umbrella
(D) cellphone

11( ).

62. A: What time did you get up this morning? B: _____________
(A) At six thirty.
(B) On Saturday.
(C) In September.
(D) During winter.

12( ).

68. A: I’m going to have a job interview tomorrow, and I’m so nervous! B: _____________ You’ll be fine.
(A) Cut it out.
(B) Bring it on.
(C) Take it easy.
(D) Make it snappy.

13( ).

46. The little girl felt upset because her dad_the day was her birthday.
(A) forgot
(B) drove
(C) chose
(D) caught

14( ).

17. This is my______ birthday gift.
(A) interesting
(B) favorite
(C) convenient
(D) diligent

15( ).

23 .If it is raining, can I borrow your______ ?
(A) temperature
(B) umbrella
(C) headphones
(D) chopsticks

16( ).

1. A: Sarah, it’s time for lunch. I’m very hungry. B: _________
(A) Please let me take a break.
(B) How about green tea?
(C) Let’s go out for lunch now.
(D) Let’s go and get some fruit.

17( ).

11. Ben’s favorite _________ is a banana.
(A) time
(B) fruit
(C) lunch
(D) tea 

18( ).

12. Today is Meg’s________.
(A) birthday
(B) party
(C) fruit
(D) busy

19( ).

24. An apple a day keeps a ______ away.
(A) boy
(B) girl
(C) cat
(D) doctor

20( ).

33. Nana: Come on, let’s have dinner together. Joy: But I’m not ______ yet. I think I’ll eat later.
(A) bored
(B) fine
(C) hungry

21( ).

50. When someone thanks you for your help, you can answer: ___
(A) Yes, please.
(B)No chance.
(C) How funny.
(D) My pleasure.

22( ).

34. A: Excuse me, where is the nearest supermarket?
 B: ____________________________?
 A: That’s very helpful. Thanks a lot!
(A) The supermarket opened recently.
(B) Go straight for two blocks. It’s on your right.
(C) You can’t miss it.
(D) How do you want to get there?

23( ).

28. Our meeting was _______ for 30 minutes because of computer problems.
(A) delayed
(B) governed
(C) ignored
(D) pardoned

24( ).

36. A: Sherry, are you going to the convenience store now?
 B: Yes.
A: ________
 B: No problem. Do you want it black or with cream and sugar?
A: With cream and sugar.
(A) Should I give you some money?
(B) Is there any delicious soup?
(C) Can you buy me a cup of coffee?
(D) Are you going to buy some food?

25( ).

39. Susan: Why do you look so nervous?
 Jonny: ________
 Susan: Just try your best. I know you are the best and you can get the job!
(A) I can’t find my missing dog.
(B) I will have a job interview this afternoon.
(C) Can you tell me the secret?
(D) I’m preparing the meal for my family.


【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(1~25)-阿摩線上測驗
