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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 台灣電力公司_新進僱用人員甄試試題_共同科目:英文#119836
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16. After heavy rains, there is always a high _______ mudslides in this area.
(A) possibility with
(B) risk of
(C) danger for
(D) chance from


17. The landlord told us that the rent had to be paid at the _______ of each month.
(A) final
(B) middle
(C) tenth
(D) beginning


18. This model of car _______ three different colors: silver, red, and dark blue.
(A) comes with
(B) comes in
(C) goes with
(D) goes in


19. The crew must take a rest because they _______ from a long trip.
(A) have just been returning
(B) have just been returned
(C) just return
(D) have just returned

5( ).

20. Ellie has a wide _______ of hobbies, including painting, hiking, and surfing.
(A) range
(B) rank
(C) scope
(D) extension

6( ).

21. Would you rather _______ a promotion or a new job?
(A) get
(B) to get
(C) getting
(D) be gotten

7( ).

22. Jake was told not to _______ the boat until the negotiations were finished.
(A) rattle
(B) shake
(C) disturb
(D) rock

8( ).

23. Physical therapists use their professional knowledge to assist you _______ supportive devices like a crutch or cane.
(A) and use
(B) to use
(C) use
(D) in using

9( ).

24. It’s better to get a rental car for the trip because the two cities are more than 20 km _______.
(A) apart
(B) afar
(C) apart from
(D) afar from

10( ).

25. Figures _______ last year show that the number of online retailers has increased by 15.4% during the post-pandemic period.
(A) were published
(B) that published
(C) published
(D) publishing

11( ).

26. If you would like to get a refund for a _______ product, you have to bring in the product and its receipt.
(A) affected
(B) fault
(C) defected
(D) flawed

12( ).

27. The conclusion she made was _______ relevant to the discussion.
(A) highly
(B) closely
(C) deeply
(D) largely

13( ).

28. Bonus payments based on productivity act as a(n) _______ for employees to work harder.
(A) stimulus
(B) incentive
(C) perk
(D) commitment

14( ).

29. If you _______ on fat and sugar in your diet, you’ll feel a lot healthier.
(A) cut back
(B) cut off
(C) cut out
(D) cut short

15( ).

30. I can’t remember her name, but it’ll _______ me in a minute.
(A) come in
(B) come to
(C) come upon
(D) come after

16( ).

31. I haven’t the slightest idea _______ the moment I arrived this afternoon.
(A) what have they discussed
(B) what were they discussing
(C) what they have discussed
(D) what they were discussing

17( ).

32. Heavy fines have recently been _______ minor driving offences.
(A) exposed to
(B) deposed from
(C) imposed on
(D) composed for

18( ).

33. _______ increasing education about skin cancer, suntanned skin is no longer a desirable look in Western cultures.
(A) Despite
(B) Except for
(C) In that
(D) Due to

19( ).

34. Own-label products now ______ more than 20% of sales in some European supermarkets.
(A) account for
(B) account as
(C) count in
(D) count for

20( ).

35. “Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon?” Choose the best response.
(A) I have. Never I had seen such a wonder.
(B) I have. Never had I seen such a wonder.
(C) I have. I haven’t ever seen such a wonder.
(D) I have. Ever have I seen such a wonder.

21( ).

36. The babies of lions and bears are called cubs, but a person or a monkey _______ has just been born is called a baby.
(A) that
(B) who
(C) which
(D) either

22( ).

37. The proposal for lifting the trade restrictions set off a(n) _______ over the issue. Until now, no conclusion has been reached.
(A) debate
(B) alarm
(C) riot
(D) panic

23( ).

38. I’ve been feeling a little _______ this week. I’m afraid I must go to see a doctor.
(A) out of my element
(B) at a loss
(C) under the weather
(D) behind the times

24( ).

39. You should get to the sales early to avoid missing out _______ all the best bargains.
(A) in
(B) from
(C) for
(D) on

25( ).

40. A series of experiments to test the new drug _______ carried out, but so far it still can’t prove to be an effective drug.
(A) was
(B) were
(C) has been
(D) have been

26( ).

41. The candidate insisted on finishing his speech even though there was hardly _______ left in the room.
(A) one
(B) no one
(C) anyone
(D) someone

27( ).

42. A competitive market helps to _______ efficiency.
(A) adopt
(B) develop
(C) generate
(D) promote

28( ).

43. My office is only a five-minute walk from the MRT station, so it’s _______ taking a taxi.
(A) not worth
(B) no sense in
(C) no point in
(D) no reason to

29( ).

44. The car industry’s annual production _______ between 5.2 million and 8.5 million vehicles.
(A) adjusts
(B) fluctuates
(C) expends
(D) influences

30( ).

45. A lot of manufacturing companies are trying to _______ by cutting the budget for equipment renewals.
(A) balance
(B) economize
(C) limit
(D) reduce

31( ).

46. Because there wasn’t sufficient time, data precision and accuracy were barely _______ and reported in carbon monitoring.
(A) acquired
(B) accessed
(C) assessed
(D) assumed

32( ).

47. Chiufen is an old gold-mining town that _______ economically when the gold ran out in the middle of the last century.
(A) dropped
(B) declined
(C) fell
(D) disappeared

33( ).

48. An example of a generation gap is when the old have a value judgement that _______ that of the young.
(A) compares to
(B) changes to
(C) differs from
(D) reverses into

34( ).

49. When you have trouble sleeping, a cup of warm milk can do the _______.
(A) tip
(B) trick
(C) effect
(D) act

35( ).

50. The new lecture hall has a seating _______ of over 200.
(A) amount
(B) capability
(C) capacity
(D) number

36( ).

51. “Susan hasn’t told you about her resignation, has she?” Choose the best response.
(A) Yes, she did.
(B) Yes, she hasn’t.
(C) No, she has.
(D) No, she hasn’t.

37( ).

52. “Mr. Smith has worked here for a long time, hasn’t he?” Choose the best response.
(A) Yes, at five o’clock.
(B) No, he’s working overtime.
(C) Yes, more than thirty years.
(D) No. I don’t have a watch.

38( ).

53. It rained heavily this morning, but they finally _______ to the airport.
(A) left it
(B) made it
(C) got it
(D) reached it

39( ).

54. It was when they started working together that they found they just weren’t _______.
(A) compatible
(B) doable
(C) possible
(D) workable

40( ).

55. The departure dates listed in this brochure for the summer tours _______ change.
(A) look up to
(B) look forward to
(C) are subject to
(D) are based on


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 台灣電力公司_新進僱用人員甄試試題_共同科目:英文#119836-阿摩線上測驗
