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24. Two years ago a severe earthquake struck the city and caused a _______ tsunami, leaving hundreds dead, thousands injured.
(A) compassionate
(B) devastating
(C) defensive
(D) pessimistic


The next monthly meeting is __________ 2 April.


        Together with the gorilla, the chimpanzee is our closest cousin in the animal world. Most people feel an immediate kinship with this great ape, with its large range of facial gestures, body postures, and expressive sounds. 
        The chimp has a skill once attributed only to humans but now known to occur in various animal groups --- the use of simple tools. The chimp even makes its own tools for specific purposes. It will take a leafy twig and strip the leaves to make a long, thin stick for use as a termite catcher. The chimp pokes it through a narrow entrance into a termite nest, then it extracts the stick and licks off the juicy termites. 
        Chimps also crush leaves in their palms for use as sponges. They hold the leaves in water that they cannot reach with their mouths, such as that in a hollow log. Then they extract the leafy sponge and suck the moisture from it. 
        Like the young gorillas and humans, baby chimps have a long childhood, up to ten years in some cases. During this time, they find out how to feed and groom themselves, avoid danger, and communicate with other members of their group. Their behavior is partly instinctive. They also learn by observing other members of the group, and through trial and error.

【題組】Paragraphs 2 and 3 emphasize the function of chimps' _______.
(A) feet
(B) hands
(C) mouths
(D) tails


四、閱讀測驗 It is said that long time ago there were only nine families in Jiufen. Because it was a remote village, daily necessities were not easily accessible to them. Thus a habit was formed that when someone made the long trip to buy things, nine pieces of the same item would be purchased, one for each family. Hence, the place was called Jiufen, meaning “nine portions” in English. Jiufen used to be the center of gold mining. It is located on the hills of northeastern Taiwan, overlooking the sea. In 1890, gold was found near Jiufen, which soon attracted prospectors of 4,000 families to the poor village. Thus it became gold city of Asia and called little Shanghai or little Hong Kong. However, with the decline of gold mining activities, Jiufen faded. Later, several movies were filmed here and the movies won international recognition. For example, the film A City of Sadness has won first prize in Venice Film Festival and awakened people’s memories of Jiufen. It seems that the prosperous old streets, buildings, mines and the glamorous gold digging days are flashing before our eyes. The place is whispering its golden past. Now, there are many unique teahouses in Jiufen. These teahouses are best stops during a visit to this mountain village. Also, there is the beautiful ocean view of Keelung outer sea.
【題組】40.According to the passage, which of the following about Jiufen is NOT true? 
(A)Jiufen is a mountain village, located in the northeastern of Taiwan. ‚
(B)In the past, Jiufen villagers would help the other villagers buy daily necessities. ƒ
(C)When prospectors began to seek fortune in Shanghai, Jiufen’s prosperity declined. „
(D)It is recommended that visitors go to one of the teahouses during their visit to Jiufen.


(A) 離開
(B) 細節
(C) 不同的
(D) 緊張


A spokesperson for the MOTC says that the "fat cat" problem will be _____ in the coming weeks in order to meet the expectations of the public.
(A) addressed
(B) misplaced
(C) featured
(D) insisted

7( ).

四、閱讀測驗 Would you like to know when you’ll die? It’s a scary question for many, but one which could be answered using a new blood test. Spanish scientists have invented such a test that they say will estimate how much longer you will live. The seven-hundred-dollar test measures the length of telomeres in our DNA. The longer they are, the longer our lifespan is. Telomeres control how often our cells divide to make new ones and are thus connected with aging. The company behind the project, Life Length, says the test will give people an idea of the speed at which they are aging and a prediction of when the end might come. Critics have been quick to attack the test. They say it could lead to insurance firms demanding that people take the test before issuing policies. Researchers say the test could lead to breakthroughs in heart disease. Professor Maria Blasco, inventor of the test, believes it is important, saying: "It will be useful for you to know your biological age. Maybe you would change your lifestyle habits if you find you have short telomeres."
【題組】16. What is this article mainly about?
(A) A new blood test which may scare many people.
(B) A new blood test which may help cure heart disease.
(C) A new blood test which may change people’s habits.
(D) A new blood test which may let people know their lifespan.

8( ).

43 Patty: Do you like to play baseball? Alice: ______, but I like to watch the Yankees play. Patty: Me too.
(A) For sure
(B) At any rate
(C) Nothing doing
(D) Not really

9( ).

第二篇: The Cy Young Award is an honor given annually in baseball to the best pitchers in Major League Baseball, one each for the American League and National League. The award was first introduced in 1956 by Baseball Commissioner Ford Frick 36 Hall of Fame pitcher Cy Young, who died in 1955. The award was originally given to the single best pitcher in the major leagues; 37 in 1967, after the retirement of Frick, the award was given to one pitcher in each league. Each league’s award is voted on by members of the Baseball Writers Association of America, 38 one representative from each team. As of the 2010 season, each voter places a vote for first, second, third, fourth and fifth place among the 39 of each league. The pitcher with the highest score in each league wins the award. If two pitchers receive the same number of votes, the award is shared. The current formula 40 in the 2010 season. Before that, dating back to 1970, writers voted for three pitchers, with the formula of 5 points for a first place vote, 3 for a second place vote and 1 for a third place vote.
(A) pitchers
(B) teams
(C) votes
(D) writers

10( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
Many are the journalists who dream about reporting on the world’s deadliest scenes of strife. Few are the ones who actually do it. Even fewer are those who do it well. Camille Lepage, a young photographer from France who was educated in the U.K. but 41 work took her far from Europe, was among the latter. Last fall, Lepage ventured into the Central Africa Republic, where a coup staged by mainly Muslim rebels had crumpled the state and prompted largely Christian militias to retaliate with fury. She spent her time 42 the fighters and also those most affected by the turmoil, while learning all she could about its roots. William Daniels, a photographer who worked with her here, 43 that locals respected her commitment and professionalism. “She was very active, very patient, very passionate about this work,” he says. “Very brave.” On May 13 the office of French President Francois Hollande issued a statement 44 Lepage’s death, at the age of 26, which it described as murder. French peacekeeping troops had discovered her body after they stopped a car driven by antibalaka militiamen. On a recent trip to New York City, Lepage admitted to fears about the conflict she was covering but said that she did not seek out scenes of violence on purpose. 45 , she wanted, in a way typical of her, to find the humanity in that bleak situation. The pictures she made in her brief life will define how she will be remembered, but the pictures she was going to take will help form her legacy.

(A) approving
(B) confirming
(C) recovering
(D) supporting

11( ).

1. Born in Australia, Anthony moved to Canada as a young man and eventually __ to Japan to work as an English teacher.
(B) translated
(D) emulated

12( ).

7. A research study showed that by the end of 5th grade, children who didn’ t read over their summer breaks _two years behind the reading levels of summer readers.
(B) lagged
(D) put

13( ).

17. It has been estimated that approximately_of the world’s population, over one billion people, earns less than US$1.00 per day.
(B) two-fifth
(D) two-five

14( ).

19. At about 285,000 square feet on seven floors, the new store will be almost twice_Nordstrom’s average store.
(B) the biggest
(C)as bigger as
(D) as big as

15( ).

22. Miranda noticed a frequent unusual tightness in her face, but it was her nearly nonstop yawning_ attracted the most attention.
(A)in which
(B) to have
(D) that

16( ).

26. Star Wars is an American epic space film series_I will never be tired.
(A)of which
(B) that
(D) by that

17( ).

29._ —in the 19th century, the university is the oldest in the world.
(B) Founded
(C)To found
(D) To find

18( ).

弟二篇 Empty Nest Syndrome 36 feelings of depression, sadness, and/or grief experienced by parents and caregivers after children come of age and leave their childhood homes. This may occur when children go to college or get married. Women are more likely than men to be 37 • Yet this doesn’t mean that men are completely 38 to Empty Nest Syndrome. Men can experience similar feelings of loss regarding the departure of their children. More mothers work these days and therefore feel less emptiness when their children leave home. Also, an 39 number of adult children between 25 and 34 are now living with their parents at home. Psychologist Allan Scheinberg notes that these ’’boomerang kids” want the "limited responsibility of childhood and the privileges of adulthood." Children may also return home 40 economy, divorce, extended education, drug or alcohol problems or temporary transitions. With adult children staying home with their parents, the nest may no longer be empty but different problems emerge.
(A)opposes to
(B) refers to
(C)coexists with
(D) balances with

19( ).

        Gregg Bleakney’s dream was to travel the Americas from top to bottom. He got this idea after he finished a 1,600 kilometer (1,000 meter) bike ride. Gregg’s friend, Brooks Allen, was also a cyclist. The two friends talked and slowly formed a plan: they would travel from Alaska to Argentina—by bike. 
        To pay for the trip, Gregg and Brooks worked and saved their money for years. Once they were on the road, they often camped outdoors and stayed in hostels. In many places, local people opened their homes to the two friends and gave them food. During their trip, Gregg and Brooks cycled through deserts, rainforests, and mountains. They visited modern cities and ancient ruins such as Machu Picchu in Peru. And everywhere they went, they met other cyclists from all over the world. 
        In May 2007—two years, twelve countries, and over 30,500 km (19,000 miles) later—Gregg eventually reached Ushuaia, Argentina, the southernmost city in the world. Before this, when getting near Guatemala, Brooks had to return to the U.S., and Gregg continued without him. 
        The trip taught both men a lot about traveling, especially if you travel abroad. What did they learn? Here is some of Gregg’s advice: travel light, be flexible, and be polite. The last advice comes from another smart traveler who once told Gregg, "Always remember that nobody wants to fight, cheat or rob a nice guy."

【題組】48. What does the underlined phrase “ancient ruins” refer to?
(A)The undiscovered treasures
(B) The expensive artifacts to be purchased
(C)The historic parts left and preserved
(D) The unraveling historic mysteries

20( ).

     When Emily Cooper headed off to first grade in Moody, Ala., last week, she was prepared with all the stuff on her elementary school’s must-bring list: two double rolls of paper towels, three packages of Clorox wipes, three boxes of baby wipes, two boxes of garbage bags, liquid soap, Kleenex and Ziplocs. 
    “The first time I saw it, my mouth hit the floor’’ Emily’s mother, Kristin Cooper, said of the list, which also included perennials like glue sticks, scissors and crayons. Schools across the country are beginning the new school year with shrinking budgets and outsize demands for basic supplies. And while many parents are wincing at picking up the bill, retailers are rushing to cash in by expanding the back-to-school category like never before.
    Now some back-to-school aisles are almost becoming j anitorial-supply destinations as multipacks of paper towels, cleaning spray and hand sanitizer are crammed alongside pens, notepads and backpacks. State and local school financing, which make up almost all of public schools’ money, is falling because of budget-balancing efforts and lower property- and sales-tax revenue. 
   For the retailers, back-to-school season is second only to the holidays, and parents’ longer school-supply lists are a bonus — especially at a time when shoppers are reluctant to spend. While the impact is not enormous, retailers are looking for anything to lift sales.

【題組】47. According to the passage, who benefited from the fact that many children had to bring many things to schools?
(A) Governments.
(B) Parents.
(C) Retailers.
(D) Teachers.

21( ).

4. Many runners aim to run like an ________.
(A) oasis
(B) ornament
(C) optimist
(D) ostrich

22( ).

14. __________ its bicentennial, or two hundredth anniversary.
(A) In 1976, America celebrated
(B) America, in l976, was celebrated
(C) That in 1976, America celebrated
(D) In l976 when America celebrated

23( ).

32 According to American officials and Arab diplomats, the United States is unlikely to _______ any military strikes against extremists in Iraq before a new government is formed.
(A) undertake
(B) offend
(C) analyse
(D) overhear

24( ).

35 The number of the endangered Lowland Gorillas has been dropping __________ due to habitat loss and illegal hunting.
(A) dramatically
(B) scarcely
(C) realistically
(D) smoothly

25( ).

36 When Ofisa Treviranus learned that he was selected to the Rugby World Cup squad, he felt that all the sacrifices he had made to play rugby had finally _________.
(A) came off
(B) put off
(C) taken off
(D) paid off


【精選】 - 公職◆英文難度:(1~25)-阿摩線上測驗
