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試卷測驗 - 99 年 - 義守學士後中醫 - 英文#24734
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1. Peanut allergy is not common, but it can be_____.
(A) dying
(B) dead
(C) fatal


2. A major factor in the growth of tumors is environmental carcinogens, which can lead to various _____conditions.
(A) malignant
(B) ravening
(C) impeccable


3. Although salmon may travel hundreds of miles from where they were spawned, they will _____ return there to lay eggs.
(A) intermittently
(B) eventually
(C) periodically
(D) spontaneously .


4. Although pure diamond is colorless and_____ ,when contaminatedwith other matenal it may appear in various colors.
(A) transient
(B) transitional
(C) transparent
(D) transitive


5. Our major energy sources today are coal, gas and pil, but we expeixlMrtiiese will run out next century and so it is vital that we develop_____sources.
(A) alternative
(B) inferential
(D) progressive


6. We didn’t enjoy that part of the tour because we had to constantly_____ the local vendors. They just wouldn’t leave us alone.
(A) spell out
(B) rev up
(C)take to
(D) fend off


7. On July 11,2010,Easter Island was suddenly _____ in darkness as the narrow path of a solar eclipse passed overhead.
(A) flamed
(C) cloaked
(D) incurred


8. The recent corporate accounting scandals have threatened an economy struggling to recover from_____.
(A) recession
(C) recalling
(D) resurgence


9. We’ll take good care and keep what you've told us strictly_____.
(A) conditional
(C) conventional
(D) continental


10. If you hear or learn something on the_____ you hear it or learn it in casual conversation with other people.
(A) ivy vine
(B) melon vine
(C) grapevine
(D) pumpkin vine

11( ).

11. If I had had time,I ____TV last night.
(A) watched
(B) will watch
(C) would watch
(D) would have watched .

12( ).

12. Knowing several______helpful if you work for an international corporation.
(A) languages are
(B) language is
(C) languages is
(D) language are

13( ).

13. With age,the mineral content of human bones decreases,_____them more fragile.
(A) make
(B) and to make
(C) thereby making
(D) which it makes

14( ).

14. “We had to go over the notes,_____?”
(A) shouldn’t we
(B) didn’t we
(C) don’t we
(D) Hadn't we

15( ).

15. My roommate can fall asleep under any conditions, but I can’t get to sleep_____ the light is off and the room is completely quiet.
(A) whether
(B) since
(C) although

16( ).

16. Only if you get to the concert early_____ a chance to get a ticket for tonight's show.
(A) you will have
(B) will you have
(C) you have
(D)you had

17( ).

17. A string of earthquakes shook the town, sending villagers tripping and falling as they ran from their homes and_____the evacuation of some 2,000 people.
(A) to force
(B) forced
(C) have forced

18( ).

18._____ are not leached out of soil,reclamation procedures are need to restore the land’s productivity.
(A) For concentrations of salt
(B) Salt concentrahons that
(C) If salt concentrations
(D)with concentrations of salt

19( ).

19. Not until Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave had been^completely explored in 1972 _____.
(A) when was its full extent realized
(B)was its full extent realized
(C) that its full extent was realized
(D)the realization of its full extent

20( ).

20. Plankton,_____, is the basic foodstuff for everything that lives in the ocean.
(A) comprise both minute marine animals and plants
(B) minute marine animals and plants collectively that
(C) is the name given to minute marine animals and plants
(D) the collective name for minute marine animals and plants

21( ).

Reading 1 One of the most breathtaking natural occurrences is the northern lights or aurora borealis. When it occurs.in the southern hemisphere, it is called the southern lights. The northern lights can be viewed by many more people,especially those who live close to the North Pole in Europe and Canada. This phenomenon, which is dazzling display of green, red and blue lights that shoot across the sky,is caused by atoms that emit light. These atoms are in the earth’s upper atmosphere. They get hit by subatomic particles that are emitted by the sun and the collisions cause light emissions. These particles travel though space and hit the earths magnetic field, where most of them are repelled. However, a few get through into the atmosphere, and cause the northern and southern lights. No one who has seen these lights forgets them, for they are bright, fast moving, unpredictable and thrilling. It's like watching a giant hand wave a paintbrush across the sky, erase its work, and swiftly paint again.
【題組】21. Which of the following places is best for viewing the northern lights?
(A) Iceland.
(B) Mexico.
(C) Taiwan,

22( ).

【題組】22. Where do the northern and southern lights occur?
(A) In outer space.
(B) In the earth’s magnetic field.
(C) Under the clouds.
(D) In the atmosphere.

23( ).

【題組】23. The northern lights is essentially
(A) a discharge of electromagnetism from charged particles.
(B) a discharge of protons and electrons from the sun.
(C) a discharge of light from atoms.
(D) a parting of the earth’s magnetic field.

24( ).

【題組】24. What happens to the sun’s subatomic particles when they approach
(A) They are absorbed into the atmosphere.
(B) They are mostly deflected by the magnetic field but some get into the atmosphere.
(C) They are all deflected by the magnetic field.
(D) They go straight through the atmosphere and hit the earth. .

25( ).

【題組】25. What does " repel "in line 7 mean?
(A) Fighting against or refusing to obey an authority.
(B) An electrical or magnetic force pushing two things apart.
(C) Refusing to accept or consider something
(D) Carefully examining or considering something

26( ).

Reading 2 Moths and butterflies are common insect that live in your garden. They don’t have skeletons inside their bodies as we have. Their ‘skeletons' are on the outside-they don't have backbones, knee-bones or toe-bones,but instead have a soft body on the inside with a type of hard protective shell. Butterflies can laste things through their feet. They often stomp up and down on a leaf,testing and tasting it to see if it is a good pIace to lay their eggs. Some butterflies lay their eggs all together, and others lay theirs in scattered bunches which keeps the eggs safer from enemies that might enjoy snacking on them. Butterflies and moths have a long hollow tube,just like a straw, that they use to suck up their food (flower nectar) The tube is called a proboscis and it can be curled away neatly when it is not being used. The longest proboscis belongs to Darwin’s hawkmoth. It is about 35 cm long and the moth ne^ds it to reach the nectar at the bottom of the deep flowers it feeds on. Butterflies and moths have been fluttering about the skies for 140 million years. Unfortunately, modem times have seen many beautiful species become extinct. They have died out because forests have been cut and their homes there have been lost.
【題組】26. Why do some butterflies lay their eggs in scattered bunches?

(A) They want to clearly mark where their eggs are.

(B) They try to make it easier to take care of their eggs.

(C) They want to protect eggs from enemies that might eat them.

(D) They try to make eggs beyond the reach of other butterflies.

27( ).

【題組】27. According to die passage, what are the bodies of moths and butterflies similar to?
(A) A shell.
(B) A tube.
(C) A leaf.
(D) A straw

28( ).

【題組】28. Why does Darwin,s hawkmoth need such a long proboscis?
(A) The flowers grow far away from where the moth lives.
(B) There is no need for the moth to fly when getting nectar.
(C) The places the moth can find nectar are very high to reach.
(D) The flowers from which the moth gets nectar are very deep.

29( ).

【題組】29. Why do butterflies sometimes stomp up and down on leaves?
(A) They look for the flower nectar they like.
(B) They try to find an ideal place to lay eggs.
(C) They are getting ready before they lay eggs.
(D) They want to know if the leaf tastes good or not.

30( ).

【題組】30. Why is cutting down the forests so bad for butterflies and moths?
(A) They will not be able to flutter about the sky.
(B) They can only lay their eggs in one big clump.
(C) They will lose their homes and become extinct.
(D) They may lose their ability to taste with their.feet.

31( ).

Reading3 The most popular event in the world is probably the World Cup, and it is certainly in first place among sports competitions. This soccer toumament features the top 32 teams in the world, and is held once every four years. The World Cup is uniquebecause soccer is unique. It is played everywhere. And this is the sport that inflames ethnic tension and sparks national pride more than any other docs. Soccer is an outlet for the feelings, tensions and desires of groups, whether they be tribal, regional or national. The battles beteen teams from different parts of one country-the northwest and south of England, for example-can be just as bitter and divisive as those between rival countries. However, an entire nation will put aside its intenal differences and cheer for its national team. All the energy produced by the public,passionate fans and casual viewers alike, causes the World Cup to be a singularly exciting event. Amazingly,715.1 million people watched the championship match in the last tournament in 2006, even though most of them didn’t come from the two countries playing in that final, Italy and France.
【題組】31. What does "inflame"in line 4 mean?
(A) To cause very strong feelings, especially anger or excitement, in a person or in a group of people.
(B) To burn with a bright flame.
(C) To make something less or smaller in size, quantity, price, etc.
(D) To have an influence on something.

32( ).

【題組】32. Why is soccer such a socially significant sport?
(A) Because it causes different groups of people to come together harmoniously.
(B) Because it brings out the conflicts between different groups as well as their passions.
(C) Because it is played in every country.
(D) Because it is watched by millions of people.

33( ).

【題組】33. How often is the World Cup held?
(A) Every year.
(B) Every three years.
(C) Every four years.
(D) Every six years.

34( ).

【題組】34. If a country is socially divided, what happens when its national team plays?
(A) The different social groups fight over access to the team's games.
(B) Everyone agrees to stop fighting for just one day until the game is over.
(C) Everyone agrees that it is impossible to cheer for the same team.
(D) Everyone comes together to support the national team.

35( ).

【題組】35. What was remarkable about the large audience for the World Cup final in 2006?
(A) It was made up of the 715.1 million people in Italy and France.
(B) It was mostly made up of non-French and non-Italians.
(C) It was the biggest audience to ever watch a television event.
(D) The audience members were all cheering for one team or the other.

36( ).

Reading 4 DNA technology, the science of identifying people from their genetic codes, has made a profound difference in the prosecution of crimes. In the past, a man could be found guilty of a violent crime like murder or attempted murder on the basis of eyewitness testimony. However it has been known for years that this is not a reliable form of evidence.For example, three different people who watch a car accident will often have three versions of what happened, none of which agree, James Bain of Florida understands this all too well. In 1974, he was sentenced to life in prison after a boy who was assaulted said that his attacker had large sideburns on his face and a mustache. This fitted Bain, who had been a student at the boy’s school. There was on clear evidence showing Bain was guilty. Now, a DNA test on the evidence at the trial has proven that Bain was not involved. After 35 years in jail and several previously unsuccessful appeals for DNA testing Bain was released in 2009.
【題組】36. What does “testimony” in line 3 refer to?
(A) Judgment.
(C) Opinion.
(D) Assumption.

37( ).

【題組】37. Why is DNA technology important criminal cases?
(A) It can provide fingerprints of people who committed crimes.
(B) It can identify who committed a crime by showing what they looked like.
(C) It can identify the genes of the people who were not present at a crime.
(D) It can. identify the genes of the people who were at the scene of a crime.

38( ).

【題組】38. Why is eyewitness testimony a highly questionable form of evidence?
(A) People have a tendency to imagine things that didn't really happen.
(B) People often have poor vision and cannot see events clearly enough.
(C) People do not all perceive the same event in the same way.
(D) People do not perceive what is important to criminal investigations.

39( ).

【題組】39. What was the deciding factor in James Bain's conviction?
(A) Bain’s facial hair was the most important piece of evidence.
(B) Bain went to the same school as the boy who was attacked.
(C) Bain’s DNA code was the reason for his release.
(D) Bain’s DNA code was the reason for his conviction.

40( ).

【題組】40. Finally, what happened to James Bain?
(A) He escaped.
(B) He was found guilty.
(C) He was freed.
(D) He was sentenced to life in prison


試卷測驗 - 99 年 - 義守學士後中醫 - 英文#24734-阿摩線上測驗
