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科目:全民英檢◆初級◆閱讀(GEPT Reading)
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Questions 11-14
      Having a neighbor as a best friend is ___(11)___! Sarah and I do everything together. We play games like hopscotch and jump rope. In her treehouse, we pretend to be pirates and tell stories. Sarah's mom helps us bake yummy cookies ___(12)___ we share with friends. When it snows, we build snowmen and have fun snowball fights. Sarah helps me ___(13)___ math, and I teach her new games. We have sleepovers, watch movies, and laugh a lot. Having Sarah ___(14)___ makes every day full of adventures!

(A) that
(B) for
(C) which
(D) of


(A) curious
(B) perfect
(C) absent
(D) nearby


Questions 15-18
     One day, Tom took the wrong bus ___(15)___. He wanted to go to the library, but the bus went to the shopping mall instead. Tom noticed things didn't look ___(16)___ and got worried. He got off at the next stop and asked a kind lady for directions. She told him ___(17)___ bus to take back. When Tom finally reached the library, he was relieved. He learned to always check the bus number carefully. Even with the mix-up, ___(18)___

(A) by mistake
(B) on purpose
(C) by principle
(D) on contract


Questions 28-30
       Many people love different movie genres. Some enjoy action movies with heroes and adventures. Others like funny comedies that make them laugh. Some prefer magical fantasy movies with wizards and dragons. Romantic movies are loved by those who enjoy stories about love and relationships. Horror movies, with ghosts and monsters, thrill some viewers. Each genre brings its own excitement and feelings, making movies enjoyable for everyone. Action and fantasy movies often earn the most money at the box office, showing how popular they are.

【題組】28. What is the main point of this paragraph?
(A) To encourage readers to see more movies
(B) To recommend different types of movies
(C) To show how people like different types of movies
(D) To introduce readers different types of movies


3. I am wondering ______ my mother has gone out.
(A) if
(B) where
(C) of
(D) but


8. The student wants his writing desk to be ______.
(A) fixes
(B) fix
(C) fixing
(D) fixed


Questions 11-14
       One of my best times with my grandpa was when we ___(11)___ at the lake. He showed me how to throw the fishing rod into the water and waited with me ___(12)___. I was so excited when I pulled it out! We spent the whole day outside, enjoying the quiet and talking about his childhood. He told me stories and gave me ___(13)___ that I still think about. It was a day full of fun and learning. Being with my grandpa like that is something I'll always remember and be thankful ___(14)___.

(A) went fish
(B) went fishing
(C) go fish
(D) go fishing


Questions 25-27
     I visited a farm last weekend with my friend Sarah, and it was an exciting experience. The farm was big with many animals like cows, chickens, and even a friendly horse named Bella. Sarah helped feed the chickens and collect their eggs. The farmer showed us how to milk a cow, which was hard work but fun. There were also big fields where they grew vegetables like carrots and potatoes. We learned that farmers work very hard to grow food for us to eat. At the end of the day, we got to taste some fresh milk and ate a delicious apple picked right from the orchard. It was a day full of new things to learn and see on the farm.

【題組】25. What would be a good title for the story?
(A) The Life of Farm Animals
(B) My Friend and I
(C) An Unforgettable Trip
(D) The Benefits of Eating Natural Foods


Questions 28-30

29. What is NOT mentioned as something John has done in his life?
(A) Go to Kindergarten.
(B) Play sports.
(C) Work part-time.
(D) Do volunteer work.


近期錯題測驗-全民英檢◆初級◆閱讀(GEPT Reading)-阿摩線上測驗
