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I do not know how to fix the car. Could you give me a _____?


But for your help, I ______ then.
(A) should fail  
(B) should have failed  
(C) failed  
(D) fail  


15 Mary: Do you want to try this on? I think it suits you. Jane: ________. Mary: The dressing room is over there.
(A) Sure, I like this color.
(B) Yes, please. I can use another cup.
(C) No, thank you. I’ve eaten already.
(D) No way. It is not a good idea.


43 A: Where are you going? B: I’m going to_______ . I want to cash a check.
(A) the bus stop
(B) the library
(C) the park
(D) the bank


My boyfriend doesn’t like it if I speak to other boys when we’re out. He gets really _______ .
(A) ambitious
(B) jealous
(C) religious
(D) obvious


14 Neither the teacher nor his students ____ in the classroom last night.
(B)have been
(D)will be


5 If you visit any fast food store in Taipei, it will invariably be ______ with customers, especially at lunchtimes.
(A) costly
(B) drafty
(C) vacant
(D) packed


9 Where did you have your hair__________ ?
(A) done
(B) do
(C) been done
(D) to do


        Have you ever noticed a woman who isn’t particularly beautiful either in face or figure, but still somehow appears very attractive, confident, and stylish? Don’t ever believe being  41  equals being beautiful. There are many thin women in the world who don’t know how to dress to make themselves  42  really good. Beauty is style, it’s confidence, and above all  43 , it’s a positive attitude. Being well-dressed has less to do  44  fashion trends. As many experts point out, a well-dressed woman wears clothes  45  are right for her body, fit her perfectly, and are appropriate for the occasion.


There is very little information about the great Master in the history of Chinese education, Confucius (551-479 BC), and his writings. He had many students, or disciples. Most of ______46______ scholars know today comes from the writings of the students who studied under Confucius. ______47______ his death, a few of his students began to record the teachings of Confucius. They also tried to ______48______ some of the history texts and poetry that Confucius edited. However, ______49______ all of the writings that have been attributed to Confucius, we are still not completely sure ______50______ parts were actually written by Confucius himself. Despite the uncertainty, future scholars will continue the task of keeping and exploring Confucius’s teachings.
(A) Until
(B) For
(C) Upon
(D) At


Saturday seems a long way off from Monday morning. Saturday itself, _____41_____ , leads into Saturday night, the most exciting night of the _____42_____ as far as I am concerned. But when Monday morning dawns, I _____43_____ believe Saturday will ever come round again. I try to wish the hours and days away. Monday…Tuesday…by Wednesday I’m living on hope. _____44_____ I can believe. Friday, the _____45_____ of Saturday. And then Saturday comes in all its glory.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
          Animals and plants can teach humans a lot about design and engineering. As a result, many engineers,scientists, and designers spend time studying them. When they have a problem, __41__ often has the answer. This science is called biomimetics. Bio means “living things” and mimetics means "copying." In other words,scientists—or biomimeticists—study animals and plants in order to copy their design. Velcro is probably the most famous example of biomimetics. Most people have some Velcro on an item of clothing. It was __42__ by the Swiss engineer George de Mestral in 1948. He was walking in the countryside when he pulled a burr off his pants. He noticed how well the burr __43__ his clothes so he studied its design. The result was Velcro, which became an __44__ alternative to the traditional zipper. In conclusion, biomimetics not only has helped to design our world but __45__ many more possibilities. Unfortunately, they might take a long time to develop. This isn't really surprising: It took nature millions of years to design its animals and plants.

(A) invited
(B) inserted
(C) invented
(D) increased



    The textile sector has been a major earner of foreign exchange for Taiwan for more than 30 years, in large part due to the ability of local enterprises to innovate and adapt. For example, according to the chief secretary of the Bureau of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), the value of Taiwan’s textile exports in 2013 was approximately US$11.7 billion, which represented about 77 percent of the total revenue earned by the sector that year. Moreover, around a quarter of the country’s US$33 billion trade surplus for 2013 was generated by the textile industry.

  Taiwan has been among the world’s top seven producers of fabrics, fibers and yarns for the past decade, according to Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF). Like many traditional industries in Taiwan, the textile sector faced major challenges in the 1980s due to rising production costs. In response to these shifting economic realities, a large number of downstream apparel manufacturers moved their factories overseas, notably to mainland China and Southeast Asia. However, many Taiwanese companies in the midstream and upstream sectors of the market, such as producers of fabrics, fibers and yarns, adopted strategies centered on improving their production processes. They managed to survive by constantly upgrading their automation and manufacturing technologies. In particular, Taiwanese firms have enhanced their global competitiveness by developing innovative and versatile fabrics. For instance, the functional fabrics exhibited by Taiwanese firms at a recent trade show featured some of the most advanced products on the market: an ultra-light fabric that weighs just 25 grams per square meter, light-emitting diode (LED) textiles, an ingenious combination of fabrics and LEDs that is both eye-catching and functional because it promotes safety by increasing the visibility of the wearer at night.



  According to TTF, Taiwan began to develop functional fabrics in the late 1990s. In 2000, TTF took a major step to upgrade the sector by developing a mechanism for certifying functional textiles. At present, this certification system is capable of evaluating 20 functional attributes of textiles, such as antibacterial, flame-resistant and waterproof properties. Over the years, Taiwan’s high-performance functional fabrics, and the certification label that TTF created to promote them, have increased in recognition worldwide. Today, approximately 70 percent of outdoor sportswear products sold around the globe are manufactured using functional fabrics made in Taiwan, adding that this figure reaches around 80 percent in the US market.

【題組】50 What is the percentage of functional fabrics made in Taiwan for outdoor sportswear products in the world?
(A)25 percent.
(B)70 percent.
(C)77 percent.
(D)80 percent.


All animals grow and change before they become adults. The way an animal grows and changes is  40  its life cycle. In fact, not all animals  41  their parents when they are very young. For example, before a butterfly  42  an adult, it goes through some very big changes. After each change, it starts a new stage, or part, of its life. There are four main stages in a butterfly’s life. They are egg, caterpillar, pupa (蛹), and adult. First, a female butterfly lays eggs. Then a caterpillar  43  from an egg. It begins to eat and grow. Later, the caterpillar gets rid of its skin and becomes a pupa. When the adult butterfly has formed, it is ready to come out. Some butterflies live for as long as eighteen months. But some live for only two weeks. During that time, most butterflies  44  their mates. The female butterflies will lay eggs, and the life cycle will begin again.
(C)is likely
(D)look like


第 41 題至第 45 題,請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者 
        Pushing a wheelchair is not really as easy as it looks. Before  41  out, you have to make sure that the rider is situated well in the seat of the wheelchair, so that the balance is kept steady during the ride. Also, her legs have to be firmly placed on the footrests so that her feet will not  42  on the ground. Then, before going forward, the brakes on the wheels have to be released. While en route, there are also many things to watch out for. You should never go too fast  43  bumps appear in your path. Maybe a teenager will suddenly stop in front of you to tie his tennis  44  laces or a young toddler will wander into your pathway, and you will have to come to a  45  stop. If you are careful enough, you and the rider will arrive at your destination without any mishaps.



