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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 臺灣警察專科學校_專科警員班第 41 期正期學生組新生入學考試:英文科#110144
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1. The use of ______, although a traditional part of the celebration, has over the years led to many injuries and deaths. There have been incidents every year of users being blinded, losing body parts, or suffering other injuries, especially during festivities such as Chinese New Year season.
(A) murmurs
(B) firecrackers
(C) sculptures
(D) manufacturers


2. It is a paradox that every dictator has climbed to power on the ladder of free speech; immediately on attaining power each dictator has ______ all free speech except his own.
(A) suppressed
(B) resumed
(C) acknowledged
(D) nominated


3. Identity theft, the ______ use of someone else’s personal information, is a criminal act and should be reported to the police.
(A) humorous
(B) desirable
(C) illegal
(D) reasonable


4. Emma took part in the beauty ______ and won the title of “Miss Tri-City of 1948.”
(A) contest
(B) kidney
(C) lobster
(D) shadow


5. An intelligent discussion can quickly ______ into a battle if the two parties allow it.
(A) contemplate
(B) innovate
(C) deteriorate
(D) fortify


6. The Greek national ______ has been played at every Olympics closing ceremony to honor Greece’s role as the birthplace of the Olympic Games.
(A) anthem
(B) resort
(C) tariff
(D) wreath


7. When the curtain ______ at the end of the play, the audience sat in stunned silence for at least three or four minutes.
(A) grumbled
(B) descended
(C) humiliated
(D) migrated


8. When Javier gets angry, he will sit down and ______ the feeling beneath the anger to help himself calm down.
(A) analyze
(B) embarrass
(C) horrify
(D) wrinkle


9. Mackenzie Narbonne is a _______ athlete who has excelled in softball, soccer, floor hockey, powerlifting, and athletics.
(A) trivial
(B) pathetic
(C) cowardly
(D) versatile


10. Benjamin Franklin once said, “Don’t ______ until tomorrow what you can do today.” We should not delay doing anything we can do today. It’s good advice for all of us.
(A) put off
(B) call off
(C) take off
(D) turn off


11. James asked his father to drive him to the airport early; he wanted to ______ two hours before the flight. He was afraid to miss the flight.
(A) give up
(B) get off
(C) burst out
(D) check in


12. University fees in many countries ______ and many people cannot afford them.
(A) nip in the bud
(B) make ends meet
(C) cost an arm and a leg
(D) rack their brains


13. Brian was depressed for a long time because he couldn’t find a job. When he finally received a job offer, he was ______.
(A) on cloud nine
(B) down in the dumps
(C) in a blue funk
(D) hot under the collar


14. Liam got a letter from his girlfriend and he knew she was not happy. She didn’t say anything but Liam could tell by ______ that something was upsetting her.
(A) hoping against hope
(B) getting on his nerves
(C) keeping his chin up
(D) reading between the lines


15. The hotel Oliver was talking about ______ but I couldn’t remember where I had read about it.
(A) got in shape
(B) rang a bell
(C) cried for the moon
(D) took a rain check


16. Hazel’s boyfriend bossed her around ______ she were his slave.
(A) since
(B) as if
(C) because
(D) for


17. Many people find ______ impossible to lose weight without the help of a professional.
(A) it
(B) them
(C) quite
(D) that


18. Charlotte ________ a shower when the power suddenly went out.
(A) takes
(B) has taken
(C) was taking
(D) has been taking


19. In 2014, Malala Yousafzai became the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner ever when _______ the award at age 17.
(A) to give
(B) to be given
(C) giving
(D) given


20. Hotel Plaza de Toros has a modern cafeteria ________ you can enjoy from the typical Andalusian breakfast to an English breakfast.
(A) which
(B) where
(C) that
(D) there


21. The latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says _____ is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of diseases and infections.
(A) you wash your hands
(B) by washing your hands
(C) washing your hands
(D) remember washing your hands


22. To live a better life, ______ is learn from our past mistakes.
(A) constantly
(B) the task
(C) what mattered
(D) all we have to do


23. ________ others will you learn how to help yourself.
(A) Just to help
(B) Only by helping
(C) Gradually helping
(D) Being able to help


24. _______, Alora remained seated during the whole parade.
(A) Owing to the previous injuries
(B) What she wore was uncomfortable
(C) That she was hurt badly in a car accident
(D) Apparently the sorrow caused by parade music


25. _______ the more money you spend on lunch dates, birthday parties and gifts.
(A) If the more friends you have,
(B) The more friends you have,
(C) It was you have more friends that
(D) When you having more friends,


V. 閱讀測驗(第 26 題至第 30 題,共 10 分)
 Nonviolent communication, abbreviated NVC, is an approach to communication based on principles of nonviolence. It is not a technique to end disagreements, but rather a method designed to increase empathy and improve the quality of life of those who utilize the method and the people around them. NVC focuses on effective strategies for meeting fundamental needs for all parties in a conversation. The goal is interpersonal harmony and obtaining knowledge for future cooperation. Notable concepts include rejecting coercive forms of discourse, gathering facts through observing without evaluating, genuinely and concretely expressing feelings and needs, and formulating effective and empathetic requests.
NVC goes beyond mere words—it’s about communicating consciously and with good intentions. It’s not mechanistic, or aimed at changing others, and it only 
works if we want non-hierarchical relationships based on honesty and empathy. Be prepared to hear “no” when you make requests. NVC is not a manipulation strategy to win an argument. Of course, we’d like to hear the other person to say yes but only if it’s a genuine yes. 
Nonviolent Communication holds that most conflicts between individuals or groups arise from miscommunication about their human needs, due to coercive or manipulative language that aims to induce fear, guilt, shame, etc. These “violent” modes of communication, when they are used during a conflict, divert the attention of the participants away from clarifying their needs, their feelings, their perceptions, and their requests, thus perpetuating the conflict. The following are the four components, OFNR, to the NVC model.
 One fundamental component of NVC is separating observation from evaluation. Evaluative language is a form of moralistic judgment that can easily alienate others by reducing them to a label rather than making a human connection. Instead, a focus on observations specific to time and context is recommended. Reference specific behaviors you observe—like “John used two racial slurs in our conversation yesterday” rather than “John is a racist.” NVC is a process language that discourages static generalizations. People often disagree about evaluations because they value things differently, but directly observable facts provide a common ground for communication. Feelings
 After making an observation, the next step of NVC is to identify and express your feelings. Feelings refer to internal physical and emotional states, not judgments or interpretations of external events. Feelings are emotions or sensations, free of thought and story. These are to be distinguished from thoughts (e.g., “I feel I didn’t get a fair deal”) and from words that are colloquially used as feelings but that convey what we think we are (e.g., “inadequate”), how we think others are evaluating us (e.g., “unimportant”), or what we think others are doing to us (e.g., “misunderstood”, “ignored”). Feelings are said to reflect whether we are experiencing our needs as met or unmet. In general, feelings are not being clearly expressed when the word feel is followed by words such as that, like, as if. As a common rule, if the words “I think” can replace the words “I feel,” then whatever is being expressed isn’t really a feeling.

【題組】26. What is this passage mainly about?
(A) The history of nonviolent communication.
(B) The popularity of nonviolent communication.
(C) An introduction to nonviolent communication.
(D) The comments on nonviolent communication.


【題組】27. Which of the following are most likely to be the other two components to the NVC model?
(A) Empathy and Honesty.
(B) Needs and Requests.
(C) Nonviolence and Revenge.
(D) Negotiations and Judgements.


【題組】28. According to the passage, which of the following feelings is clearly expressed?
(A) I feel I was betrayed.
(B) When I saw that, I felt frustrated.
(C) You are not listening to me. I feel ignored.
(D) I feel unimportant to the people with whom I work.


【題組】29. According to the passage, which of the following will pave the way for nonviolent communication?
(A) Evaluative language.
(B) Moralistic judgment.
(C) Static generalizations.
(D) Observation without evaluation.


【題組】30. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) NVC uses moral force to compel a person to do something.
(B) Nonviolent Communication cannot guarantee a specific outcome.
(C) NVC is a technique not to end disagreement but to control people.
(D) NVC is designed to help people ignore the bad things in their lives and fully focus on the good things.


31. Mother Teresa ______ to helping the poorest of the poor all her life.
(A) decided
(B) determined
(C) was dedicated
(D) was devoted
(E) showed devotion


32. Four white women, three white men, three Hispanic women and one Asian man ______ the jury.
(A) consisted of
(B) made up
(C) including
(D) comprised
(E) constituted


33. Maximum weekly working hours for resident physicians should be reduced _____ improve their working environment.
(A) with an eye to
(B) with a view to
(C) in order to
(D) so as to
(E) for the purpose of


34. Latin, _______ used by ancient Romans, was spoken in the area around Rome over 2,000 years ago.
(A) what was
(B) which was
(C) the language
(D) that was
(E) it was the language


35. Albert Einstein is _____ as the father of modern physics.
(A) thought
(B) viewed
(C) regarded
(D) referred to
(E) looked on


36. 請選出正確的句子: Owen 一和 Luna 分手,就愛上了別的女孩。
(A) Owen broke up with Luna as soon as he fell in love with another girl.
(B) Hardly had Owen broken up with Luna when he fell in love with another girl.
(C) Owen had hardly fallen in love with another girl when he broke up with Luna.
(D) No sooner had Owen broken up with Luna than he fell in love with another girl.
(E) Owen had no sooner fallen in love with another girl than he broke up with Luna.


37. 請選出翻譯正確的句子: Ava 不僅花光了所有錢,還向她媽媽借了一些錢。
(A) Ava not only spent all her money but also borrowed some money from her mother.
(B) Ava not only spent all her money but also borrowing some money from her mother.
(C) Not only Ava spent all her money but did she also borrow some money from her mother.
(D) Not only did Ava spend all her money but she also borrowed some money from her mother.
(E) Not only did Ava spend all her money but did she also borrow some money from her mother.


38. 請選出翻譯正確的句子: 不可能知道什麼時候會發生緊急情況。
(A) There is no telling when an emergency will occur.
(B) When an emergency will occur is impossible to know.
(C) It is impossible to know when will an emergency occur.
(D) There is no way to know when will an emergency occur.
(E) We are not possible to know when an emergency will occur.


39. 請選出翻譯正確的句子: 比賽輸贏全憑運氣。
(A) Will you win or lose the game is a matter of luck.
(B) Either you win or lose the game is a matter of luck.
(C) Whether you win or lose the game is a matter of luck.
(D) It is a matter of luck whether you win or lose the game.
(E) No matter whether you win or lose the game is a matter of luck.


40. 請選出翻譯正確的句子:那些只看過去或現在的人肯定會錯過未來。
(A) Who looks only to the past or present is certain to miss the future.
(B) He who looks only to the past or present is certain to miss the future.
(C) Whoever looks only to the past or present is certain to miss the future.
(D) Those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.
(E) It is those look only to the past or present that are certain to miss the future.


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 臺灣警察專科學校_專科警員班第 41 期正期學生組新生入學考試:英文科#110144-阿摩線上測驗
