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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 合作金庫商業銀行_新進人員甄試試題_共同科目:英文#119594
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1. The president wanted the company’s sales figures to reach the _____ of NT$50 million this year.
(A) guide
(B) quality
(C) service
(D) target


2. If you want to know how our hardware products are made, I can arrange a _____ tour.
(A) hostel
(B) buffet
(C) concert
(D) factory


3. The suspect claimed he was _____ because he wasn’t at the crime scene when the murder happened.
(A) selfish
(B) lonely
(C) innocent
(D) private


4. Many elderly people have shorter sleep at night, and would wake up before _____.
(A) dusk
(B) doubt
(C) dawn
(D) dirt


5. In almost every action adventure movie, the leading protagonist always _____ the mission in the end.
(A) accomplish
(B) approve
(C) activate
(D) analyze


6. For more information, please check out the _____ we distributed at the entrance.
(A) capsule
(B) brochure
(C) wardrobe
(D) atmosphere


7. Some wild mushrooms are not _____ and could lead to poisoning or even death if you eat them.
(A) regretful
(B) decisive
(C) tolerant
(D) edible


8. The foreign minister visited several allied countries in order to _____ the bond with them.
(A) digest
(B) cement
(C) resist
(D) prompt


9. In case of power outage, the garage door must be opened _____ by pulling the chain with hands.
(A) annually
(B) randomly
(C) manually
(D) casually


10. “The only constant is change” is a famous _____ adage.
(A) paradoxical
(B) euphemistic
(C) malignant
(D) judiciary


11. I haven’t had much of an _____ recently. I haven’t been in the mood to eat at all.
(A) absent
(B) appetite
(C) absolute
(D) alphabet


12. The school will _____ a parental meeting next week to discuss upcoming events.
(A) organize
(B) refuse
(C) impose
(D) replace


13. Taipei 101 is one of the important _____ in Taiwan. You can recommend it to your foreign friends.
(A) dormitories
(B) landmarks
(C) communities
(D) acquaintances


14. Please ensure that the employees have freedom to _____ their own judgment, to offer their suggestions, and to point out problems.
(A) excuse
(B) elevate
(C) expire
(D) exercise


15. Many talent shows and social media have brought fame to some ordinary but talented people, turning them into overnight _____.
(A) celebrities
(B) commodities
(C) fidelities
(D) priorities


16. In order to avoid casualties, many Americans voted _____ starting a war in the Middle East.
(A) to
(B) by
(C) for
(D) against


17. As her baby woke up calling for attention, Jenny stopped _____ with her neighbors.
(A) talk
(B) to talk
(C) talking
(D) to talking


18. A: You didn’t eat breakfast, right? B: _________
(A) Yes, I didn’t.
(B) No, I didn’t.
(C) No, I did.
(D) Yes, I eat.


19. It was very kind _____ you to walk the old lady through the intersection.
(A) of
(B) to
(C) for
(D) with


20. When _____ about how he became rich overnight, Richard showed uneasiness and shunned the topic.
(A) ask
(B) asked
(C) asking
(D) be asked


21. _____ in a rural village, the novel depicts the life of a poor but talented girl.
(A) Set
(B) To set
(C) To be setting
(D) Setting


22. His father insisted that he _____ his dream of being a pop singer.
(A) gave up
(B) give up
(C) gives up
(D) giving up


23. I avoid _____ downtown whenever I can. The traffic and parking can be quite challenging.
(A) drive
(B) drove
(C) drives
(D) driving


24. He is sweeping _____ leaves in the _____ rain.
(A) fallen, fallen
(B) fallen, falling
(C) falling, falling
(D) falling, fallen


25. He _____ the importance of planning. His presentation highlighted the benefits of strategic thinking.
(A) emphasized
(B) emphasized on
(C) emphasized that
(D) emphasized for


26. Liberty Bank, _____ shareholders were passionate about getting a new CEO, has been going through some turbulent changes recently.
(A) whatever
(B) who
(C) which
(D) whose


27. The weather was warm and sunny, _____ a sudden rainstorm dampened our plans for a picnic in the park.
(A) if
(B) for
(C) nor
(D) but


28. You are invited to join us for supper _____ you don’t mind the kids getting a little rowdy.
(A) and
(B) so
(C) although
(D) if


29. _____ extensive research, the majority of the accessible material on the subject was conflicting and untrustworthy.
(A) Despite
(B) Despite that
(C) In spite
(D) Although


30. Had Mike studied harder for the exam, he _____ a higher grade.
(A) will have achieved
(B) would have achieved
(C) would achieve
(D) had achieved


            Social networking websites, like MySpace or Facebook, are supposed to be __31__ as users promise not to use the sites to promote products. In reality, though, users __32__ their favorite bands, their favorite books, etc. on these platforms. Brand developers have found ways to advertise without actually advertising. And they benefit from being __33__ websites that feel comfortable and personal to their users. Some people think those who promote products should be banned from the websites for __34__ , while some others believe that it is __35__ that advertising will leak onto these sites.

(A) dysfunctional
(B) unavailable
(C) noncommercial
(D) incomplete


(A) recommend
(B) exclude
(C) define
(D) launch


(A) studied by
(B) attached to
(C) removed from
(D) monitored within


(A) lying to the public
(B) fighting each other
(C) breaking the rules
(D) giving no discount


(A) imaginative
(B) courageous
(C) worthwhile
(D) unavoidable


           For many, there is a __36__ between maintaining a healthy state of mind and lapsing into mental illness. English writer Charles Dickens, for example, believed this to be true. Dickens himself had reportedly suffered from __37__ disorder. Friends said that he was at a low ebb every time he started working on a new novel, but that his mood would gradually __38__ as he wrote. As he neared completion of a novel, however, his behavior would again become increasingly __39__ . Therefore, he had deep __40__ for the mentally ill. Struggling to sleep at night, he would pass a local psychiatric hospital and reflect on how the patients were not much different from anyone else.

(A) common sense
(B) fine line
(C) huge gap
(D) golden rule


(A) sleep
(B) bipolar
(C) genetic
(D) civil


(A) bend over
(B) show off
(C) pick up
(D) figure out


(A) manic
(B) calm
(C) sane
(D) rational


(A) apathy
(B) telepathy
(C) antipathy
(D) sympathy


       Are you considering online dating but feeling nervous? Believe me, you’re not the only one. But the Internet is a great way to meet fun, eligible people. Here are some tips for staying safe and having a good time:
      Get specific in your online profile. Write about yourself in a way that paints a vivid picture of who you are. Don’t just say you love to travel but include a brief story about your journey to Africa. How is someone going to be interested if you just say you love dogs and movies?
      Never disclose too much personal information. No matter how charming your online pen pal is, no one deserves your phone number. That way, the person won’t be able to keep calling if you’ve decided later you’re not interested. And never give out a home address until after you’ve gone on a few dates.
      Give someone the chance to impress you. When communicating with someone for the first time, you may think this person isn’t attractive enough and quickly decide not to meet. But you could be depriving yourself of a fantastic opportunity if you don’t give this person a second chance. Don’t be rigid; first impressions aren’t always the whole story.
       Telling little white lies could backfire. Be honest online because it’s the right thing to do – and because you will have to live with the consequences of any fibs you tell. Most people would get angry when they find out their online date is 30 pounds heavier or 10 years older than he or she claimed to be. Don’t exaggerate and don’t set yourself up to be a disappointment. You want to exceed expectations.
       Refrain from doing all the talking. It’s so much fun to express yourself online that you might not realize your potential date has not been typing much back. Or you might feel so nervous when you talk on the phone that you monopolize the conversation. It’s important that you give the other person time to talk and that you listen attentively. Communication should be reciprocal.

【題組】41. What is the most appropriate title of this article?
(A) Pros and Cons of Internet Dating
(B) Computer Dating: Highs and Lows
(C) Cyber Dating Dos and Don’ts
(D) Ins and Outs about Tele-Romance


【題組】42. What is wrong with telling a potential date that you love dogs and movies?
(A) The other person might not be as interested in those things as you do.
(B) You could ruin a chance for a date by bringing up controversial topics.
(C) Those hobbies would give an impression that you are somewhat girly.
(D) It is too general to give a vivid picture of who you are.


【題組】43. Which of the following is suggested by the author for online dating?
(A) Sensitive personal information such as age and weight should never be revealed.
(B) Keep calling a potential date even if he or she decides not to meet you anymore.
(C) Go out with your date for several times before letting him or her know where you live.
(D) Trust your first impressions about a potential date, as they are mostly quite accurate.


【題組】44. What could “little white lies” lead to?
(A) You would get kicked out from the dating website.
(B) You would let your date down when you meet.
(C) You would be shot from behind by your date.
(D) You would also be lied to by your date afterwards.


【題組】45. Which of the following can best replace the word “reciprocal” (in the final paragraph)?
(A) mutual
(B) honest
(C) simple
(D) polite


          Archaeological discoveries and literary texts prove that dance has existed for thousands of years. Many ancient paintings show dancing figures involved in important religious functions. In Egypt, dancing was used to honor the gods and those who passed away. The Greeks later mimicked this Egyptian custom in spiritual contexts, such as temple ceremonies. Additionally, the Greek philosopher Aristotle ranked the art of dance as equal to poetry. Gifted dancers, he believed, could use rhythmic gestures to communicate everything from character traits to specific actions just as clearly as words could.
         Many of today’s formal dances, like the waltz, were developed in the royal courts during the European Renaissance. The love of dance among the upper class also led to the creation of ballet. Ballet began as a fluid interpretation of fencing and audiences, including commoners, were charmed by the dancers’ graceful movements. King Louis the XIV was so fascinated by the style that he brought many talented performers together and founded the first professional ballet company.
         During the 1920s, dancing for amusement started gaining wider acceptance, and the number of newly invented dances soared. In America, this obsession was the foundation of a novel competition: the dance marathon, where contestants showed off their dancing skills and physical endurance. During every hour, couples would dance for 45 minutes and then take a 15-minute break. It was not unusual for these marathons to last for weeks or even months! The longest one ended after 5,152 hours, and the winning pair got $2,000, about 1.5 times the average of American’s annual salary at the time!
        Dancing may not be inherently romantic, but occasions of love are often accompanied by special dances, especially marriages. In Morocco, belly dancers lead guests into the reception hall to kick off the party. Wedding goers in Mexico form the shape of a heart around the newlyweds while they share their first dance as a married couple. And in Italy, guests at a wedding party join together for the tarantella, a dance for good luck. Legend has it that this lively dance cured a woman bitten by a poisonous spider.

【題組】46. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a functional aspect of dancing?
(A) Recreation
(B) Combat
(C) Worship
(D) Celebration


【題組】47. How did Greek philosopher Aristotle think of dancing?
(A) Dancing and poetry have little in common.
(B) A writer should learn dancing for inspiration.
(C) Dancing can be as expressive as literary works.
(D) A good dancer is intriguingly also a good poet.


【題組】48. What is NOT true about ballet?
(A) It was well received only among the royals in Europe.
(B) The first professional ballet troupe was formed by a monarch.
(C) It was created because the nobles loved dancing very much.
(D) It was derived from the art of European swords dueling.


【題組】49. What is true about the dancing marathon in America?
(A) The hourly time ratio of dancing and rest was about 4 to 1.
(B) The all-time lengthiest one lasted for about seven months.
(C) The competition was once written into a story as a book.
(D) The prize money of the record-long contest was rather humble.


【題組】50. How do people in different countries dance in marital occasions?
(A) Mexican couples come down the aisle after wedding guests give the first dance.
(B) Italian newlyweds dance tarantella to cure wounds of insect bites.
(C) Moroccan wedding goers do a belly dance to start the party.
(D) Italian wedding attendees dance together for good luck.

試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 合作金庫商業銀行_新進人員甄試試題_共同科目:英文#119594-阿摩線上測驗
