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       Reuben Garret Lucius Goldberg was born on July 4th 1883 in San Francisco. By the end of his lifetime in December 7th 1970, he was known as an inventor, sculptor, author, engineer and cartoonist. At a young age, he loved drawing, tracing and being creative, but this was discouraged by his parents. In 1904, he graduated with a degree in engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. He was then hired as an engineer by the city of San Francisco but eventually quit to become a sports cartoonist for the San Francisco Chronicle. In 1907 he moved to New York where he worked for several newspapers. He soon became famous as an artist.
       His cartoon strips were popular, but the work that gave him unforgettable lifelong fame was the character he created—Professor Lucifer Gorgonzola Butts. Using the character, he would illustrate inventions that later became known as the “Rube Goldberg Machine”. A “Rube Goldberg Machine” is an extremely complicated device that performs a very simple task in a complex, indirect way. This is now used as an expression to describe any system that's confusing or complicated and came from Goldbergʼs illustrations of ridiculous machines. The first illustration showing a “Rube Goldberg Machine” was an Automatic Weight Reducing Machine in 1914 using components such as a donut, bomb, wax, balloon and hot stove to trap an overweight person in a sound and food proof prison. The overweight person had to lose weight before freeing himself. He used many simple subjects and made them humorous yet very complicated. This included scratching insect bites, scrubbing your back in a bath, opening a window, collecting mail and finding a ball.
        Throughout his career, Goldberg was fascinated by the advancement of technology and thought it humorous that people either embraced the benefits technology brought or were unwilling to accept new technology as it seemingly increased dependency and laziness. He personally believed people preferred choosing a more difficult route instead of completing a goal simply and directly. As he said, “the machines are a symbol of manʼs capacity for making maximum effort to achieve minimal results”. His inventions were interesting because he did the complete opposite of what most machines do—instead of making difficult things easy, he made easy things difficult.

【題組】25. Why did Reuben Goldberg draw the interesting machines?
(A) To express his distrust of modern technology.
(B) To make fun of a certain professor in his university.
(C) To show how men often made simple things more complicated.
(D) To mirror his childhood life as an overweight boy.


