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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(321~340)
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        This summer when Mike went with his girlfriend, Vera, to a night market, he was happy to find a stand that sells jacket potatoes. Mike bought one with ham and pineapple for himself and asked if his girlfriend would also like to try one. Vera agreed and ordered one with fruit salad. As the one she ate tasted so good, Vera asked whether Mike knew how to make one. 
        Mike said he used to see how his host family made it when he stayed in America. And it was not difficult to make. First, preheat the oven. Then, choose a good potato and wash its skin until it’s clean. After drying the washed potato with a towel, put it into the heated oven and wait for twenty to thirty minutes. When the potato is ready, cut it open and put any food you like on top of it to make it taste even better. 
        After listening to what Mike told her, Vera understood why it is called a jacket potato -- it’s because one eats the potato with its skin on it.

【題組】47 What did Vera choose for her jacket potato?
(A) Fruit salad
(B) Ham
(C) Pineapple
(D) Butter


【題組】50 About how much time does one need to bake the jacket potato?
(A) An hour
(B) Two days
(C) Half an hour
(D) Twenty seconds


  The Old Man and the Sea is a novel by Ernest Hemingway. The book is about an old fisherman, Santiago, who fishes alone. Friendless except for a young boy named Manolin, Santiago has only one remaining purpose in life-to catch a big fish in order to prove to Manolin and to himself that he is still a good fisherman. After eighty-four days of unsuccessful fishing, on the eighty-fifth day Santiago goes far out into the sea, where he hooks a giant marlin. He struggles with the fish for two days and nights and finally kills it. Soon sharks appear and attack his fish. The old man fights them off with all his strength but fails to protect his catch. Only the bones of the great fish remain as proof of Santiago’s courage and strength when he returns with it to the harbor. (請依據上述文章,回答第 46~50 題)
【題組】47.Who is Manolin?
(A) An old man.
(B) The fisherman’s wife.
(C) A boy.
(D) A big fish.



【題組】44 Where might one get further information about the trip?
(A)from TV
(B)from beaches
(C)from airport
(D)from the Internet


40 I love this song a lot because it has a sweet ____ .
(A) noise
(B) melody
(C) flour
(D) waist


There is very little information about the great Master in the history of Chinese education, Confucius (551-479 BC), and his writings. He had many students, or disciples. Most of ______46______ scholars know today comes from the writings of the students who studied under Confucius. ______47______ his death, a few of his students began to record the teachings of Confucius. They also tried to ______48______ some of the history texts and poetry that Confucius edited. However, ______49______ all of the writings that have been attributed to Confucius, we are still not completely sure ______50______ parts were actually written by Confucius himself. Despite the uncertainty, future scholars will continue the task of keeping and exploring Confucius’s teachings.
(B) distress
(C) preserve
(D) shock


36 The sun was so bright that I could _____ see anything.


41 John: Who is Nancy standing next to? 
Bob: She is standing ______.
(A)on a chair
(B)next to May
(C)behind a table
(D)next to a chair


        In 1888, Vincent Van Gogh moved to Arles, a town in southern France. The artist Paul Gauguin moved there too, and they became good friends. The weather was beautiful, and they were both inspired by the colorful countryside. They painted daily and talked about art, but they didn’t have much money. Van Gogh often became sad and couldn’t paint. One day he became very angry and argued with Gauguin. Gauguin left Arles, and shortly after, Van Gogh cut off a piece of his own ear. 
        After a while, Van Gogh began to paint again. He sent some paintings to Paris but couldn’t sell them. Then, in 1890, early on a Sunday evening, Van Gogh went out to the countryside with his paints. He took out a gun and shot himself in the chest. His brother Theo traveled from Paris to be with him. Two days later, Van Gogh died. 
        In his short, sad life, Van Gogh painted 200 paintings. He sold only one of them. In 1990, one of his paintings was sold for 82.5 million U.S. dollars.

【題組】50. One of Van Gogh’s paintings was sold for 82.5 million U.S. dollars about _______years after his death.


39 A burglar _______ my house yesterday, and took all my jewelry. I still could not figure out how the thief unlocked the door.
(A) broke into
(B) fell off
(C) went after
(D) turned in


43 Simon wears the watch his wife gave him all the time. For him, it is the most _____ thing in the world.


50 Don’t put all the blame on me. _______I am a troubleshooter, not a troublemaker.
(A) Hopefully
(B) Likely
(C) Similarly
(D) Actually


39 Take a ____ at the time when your body most needs to sleep.
(A) nap
(B) lap
(C) cap
(D) pan


38 People are annoyed by advertisements that_______ on the YouTube all the time.
(A)start up
(B)stand up  
(C)save up
(D)show up


40 Peggy found a kitten on her way home. _____ kitten looked hungry, thirsty and lost.


8 No human being has ever seen a real, live dinosaur because the last of these incredible creatures died about 65 million years ago, long before the first humans_______ .
(A) appeared
(B) destroyed
(C) transported
(D) vanished


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
 Summer Camp Schedule 

 Watch a movie, play in the yard, play with blocks, color, or read. Just do something easy and relax.
 Visit a museum. Take a trip to the zoo. Walk to the park. Just go. 

 Cook something together. Let’s have fun in the kitchen. 

 Try a new fun craft idea. Make play-dough. Finger paint. The options are endless. 

 Do something fun!

【題組】46 Where can we most likely see this schedule?
(A) In a bakery.
(B) In a museum.
(C) In a kids' school.
(D) In a concert hall.


40 I really ___________ everything my parents have done to help me successfully get through my college education.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
        “Eat five meals a day, including lots of fruit and vegetables,” nutritionists say. It’s important to include different kinds of fruit and vegetables in each meal. Try to make your meals colorful. It’s easy. Red fruit and vegetables, like tomatoes and watermelon, protect you against some types of cancer. Some others, like strawberries and red grapes, help keep your heart healthy. A lot of oranges and yellow fruit and vegetables, like carrots, are rich in Vitamin A and help you have healthy eyes. They also protect you against some types of cancer and heart disease. Citrus fruit, like oranges, aren’t rich in Vitamin A, but they are rich in Vitamin C and a type of Vitamin B. They help keep your heart healthy. Green fruit and vegetables, like spinach, green peppers and green apples, help keep both your eyes and heart healthy, and protect you against some types of cancer. Blue and purple fruit and vegetables, like grapes and eggplants, keep you away from some types of cancer and heart disease. Blueberries also help you have a good memory.

【題組】48 If you forget things easily, what fruit/vegetables may help you improve your condition?
(C)Green peppers.
(D)Yellow tomatoes.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
Look at the following information and answer the questions.

Reservation Details61db833d814ee.jpg

【題組】48 What information does George not have to offer in order to book the ticket?
(A) Phone number.
(B) E-mail address.
(C) Identification number.
(D) Driver’s licence number.


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(321~340)-阿摩線上測驗
